Can we transfer our alpha/beta progress to the final game?
Or what rewards are planned for those eho walk the path along with Fractured?
@gaiactic As i understand, the Release will be a total fresh start for all.
Your personal real Knowledge you will have with start of release, what makes your start surely way easier, when you still played Alpha or Beta. But it would be really unfair for new players with release, if Beta Players would get a direct advantage ingame.
Beside this, we don't know if there is something planned for Alpha&Beta Player to get for their participation.
But usually Devs will give out cosmetic stuff for special effort in the testing phases... something like Bughats
Most MMOs don't keep progress from the alpha / beta versions unless maybe further into development during an open beta (usually announced beforehand) so I'm guessing it's gonna be the case here as well.
I don't think there are gonna be any rewards for actually playing in the tests but keep in mind there's The Foundation ( with pretty cool rewards
@gaiactic The servers will be wiped at the end of each time-limited testing phase and before the release.
why do people assume this happens?
If you're new to gaming the only time servers won't be wiped is during open beta for most games.
Never will our progress be kept in full version, the idea of ​​providing alpha and beta versions and simply testing and experiment the game before its release, so that when the game is officially released, everyone can start equally.
It would be pretty unfair if some people can start head of others. Alpha and Beta are meant to be testing environments to allow Devs to gather datas and fix issues not a "pre released" version of the game.