Any word on what the musician/bard will be like?
Interested to see how it actually plays out and will impact group play.
Nothing more that I recall except what is in Spotlight #4.
@some1justntime there can be two ways i think. first is like in ultima when u play insrtument to tame animals second he just will be a buffer. but i really interested how it will be
Also really interested in how it works.
Played a lot of Bard in FFXI and then again in AA.
FFXI was way better.
A p2w game i played the bard has to play notes to heal, buff/debuff or damage.
In Allods Online when bards were introduced as a new class, they were OP as hell.
They just activated a passively played song (some songs would heal, some would disrupt incoming CC, some would do aoe damage, some would increased party move speed, etc.) and depending on build they were able to activate more songs, or they would have less songs, but would do better single target DPS, or CC or heal.
People that built bards with maxed out songs, were able to just leave bards AFK on mobs spawn spots, and bards would just play songs passively, aoe damage song, healing song, etc. and mobs would slowly die, while bards HP remained full.
Easy AFK grinding, people left their bards online and left to work, lol. Came back home, bags were full.
I hope bards in Fractured do not end up like that, because that was just silly.
It would interesting if they had control over animals, like a Pied Piper situation.