Haven't pledged? Want to upgrade, but not sure yet? Tell us why!


    Really think they need to move some of the rewards such as pets mounts armours down some lvls to start at lowest tier and work up, and build more into the higher tiers. Why purchase a low tier now when you dont know much about the game, for the cool per armour etc you can get for it.


    @axan22 I agree.
    I would have tried to make my lower tiers more attractive in revealing all or some stretch goals what lower tiers would have reached as well, for example.
    Unfortunately, they decided to reveal stretch goals one by one and only if it had been reached already.
    So right now it looks like we don't even get a chance to find out what stretch goals there had been, at least not on Kickstarter...

    PS: and they did not include our suggestions yet, even though they confirmed to do so... And I wonder why? 🤔

  • You need for sure to put all your energies in make this KS be successful, will be a bad image if it's going to fail.. To capture more people to pledge:
    Probably you need to work these days on one\ or more like daily, short and scenic videos that can create some hype in the people. I know that is almost a subdule move that every Korean team is doing for their shitty p2w mmo but is working.. and you need a good weapon at this point to end the maraton well. So try to put some almost working\fake bosses, a more or less dungeon hunt, treasure hunt, rare material gather, a bit of tavern\town roleplay and.. make people feel like they have a diamond in their hands even if it isnt real for now, thats the only way to end this maraton in a good way.. Even if half of the videos are a bit cgied or fake scenic is ok, you have time to work on things but you need to show more than you have in your hands at this point.. After maybe a lore video with some barely animated concept arts can work too.
    For me roots must be really strong, you need to show some green of Arboreus, some particular places like a bit of Jungle, Temple Ruins or Infernal Gate\ creepy succubs on tartarus. Show some class differences like the gif you show of some class spells, but is important to create a lore. I watched again the ks video and it seems not enought deep to bring the rigths attentions, you dont have Richard Garriot on your side but isnt hard to try to peculiarize fractured gameplay and locations a bit more. A human templar in a temple, a thief in town that steal a sword of a guard, a demon sect\cult in the undergrounds opposite to another cult.. do some shorts video like 30sec\1min on a daily or 3 day based to capture more attentions. Someone want to be the aristocratic, someone the thief, the brigand, the druid, the blood demon.. tell some little story to them of what they can be or what role the can take in this game, but video and audio are way more powerful than words for making a resonance in the emotions.
    Last edit: if is possible to zoom on characters do it on some here and there, because with this isometric view details seems being vanishing and is more looking like a moba than a Uo, like zoom to show the tail of a tiger or a wolf, the armor of the human ecc.. this 5 seconds capture me more than all your other gameplay footage for exemple: https://assets.fracturedmmo.com/images/Assassination.gif is a classic stealth+backstab but is working way more than the duo pve you did some time ago.. or the gif you put in the KS is pretty generic and that green heathbar on the head is not helping for feeling immersed in the world, for me is playing a big part in your future, is better to hide it for now..
    My two bad spelled cents.. but is time to take out the Claws!


    @axan22 said in Haven't pledged? Want to upgrade, but not sure yet? Tell us why!:

    Really think they need to move some of the rewards such as pets mounts armours down some lvls to start at lowest tier and work up, and build more into the higher tiers. Why purchase a low tier now when you dont know much about the game, for the cool per armour etc you can get for it.

    usually the lower tiers are just getting access to the game cheaper than waiting for release.

    @Prometheus One thing I noticed about the KS campaign is you didn't mention much about the planets. You didn't mention that each planet would offer a specific play style. It seemed more implied but not really stated. IE: HUMANS - TOTAL FREE WILL could have mentioned that Syndesia is the PvX planet where both PvE and PvP take place. You didn't mention the other 2 either. I didn't see the invasions mentioned on the Demon section.

  • TF#5 - LEGATE

    I haven't pledged yet. The timing of the kickstarter is one issue for me, very early. Another is why I would bother to contribute to the kickstarter if there isn't an advantage in doing so now as opposed to when the kickstarter is finished. It sounds like you can just get it on the website later. Or buy the base and upgrade later. I'm really looking for something that sells this game to me. Other than it looking kind of like a game i might like, maybe.


    Remember folks, you reap a benefit from backing but the main point is to fund the game. Even at its lowest cost package you are helping and being rewarded. At the $20 early backer point you are getting a $50 value to include beta access.... that is pretty fricking amazing and its disturbing to see so many asking for more. Then again the internet is disturbing most of the time so I am not entirely surprised. The kickstarter reaching its goal is both a boon for promotions and a solid way to get that foot in the door. More people will feel comfortable supporting a game that has already completed a kickstarter. It also shows other investors that there is a market for the game. I urge people to support the kickstarter, its a solid path to getting this game made.

  • TF#5 - LEGATE

    I've pledged Early Bird Founder. The only barrier between the next tiers for me was my wallet (or lack thereof)!


    One thing I might suggest, can you change the first stretch goal to a lower more obtainable level? $150k does seem like end goal now more than a starting point. I would say $110k to start with each 10 or 15K being a level.... unless a steam roll happens, but I would rather see the first one still start quite a bit lower.

  • Wiki Editor

    I wish i could pledge higher, but i bought 4 years ago a house and i need to save my money for the contract.
    But will there be just a small cap last days, i will push it a bit higher i think.


    considering pledging 300eur but i will be playing from east asia so i'm not sure how much latency will affect gameplay (especially pvp) experience. if there will be no US west servers then it would be a deal breaker for me.


    US but i don't remember which side. they're trying for a 1 server similar to Eve Online.


    I was very excited for this game, and was planning to pledge 300€ for the immortal pack, but after reading that there is a high chance for this game to not have a EU server, I lost interest. I played a similar game called Albion online, and I really enjoyed it, but it had the same problem: no EU server. EU guys always had a massive disadvantage especially in PvP, but also when competing for a same resource node. I feel like in this game the ping disadvantage is even larger, because of the combat system (ARPG vs tab-targetting). Until it is 100% confirmed that there will be a EU server, I will refuse letting myself spend money on this game and then feeling like shit when I get fucked over in PvP because of the ping.

  • Moderator

    @damox If ping is an issue, the devs will open a EU server as well. It will depend on the performance during playtesting.


    @jetah if 1 server only then it's probably going to be east/central US, otherwise europeans would experience very high latency. guess it's a no go for me.


    @konstanz said in Haven't pledged? Want to upgrade, but not sure yet? Tell us why!:

    @jetah if 1 server only then it's probably going to be east/central US, otherwise europeans would experience very high latency. guess it's a no go for me.

    I've never seen a central server. it's either west or east.

    honestly we dont know what the latency will be like for this type of game.


    There's no less than 50 games in development I find to be interesting and want to play. This is one of many games I want to try out, but am unwilling to pay to try out. I have no problem beta testing, but I see it as labor for the game in return for playing the game early. I've been doing betas since beta tests actually used to request or even require feedback from playtesters, but I feel like paying to pay a beta test is like paying to go to work.


    I haven't pledged and I would pin it to three factors, time frame, price point and risk.
    The biggest one is time frame putting money behind a project that is three, maybe four years from completion is hard. Like do I still want to play this kind of game in three years? I can't say with enough certainty so I'm not ready to invest in this.
    The second reason is price point alpha and beta keys are cool and something I want but the price point for them is too high.
    Lastly risk, the project is huge and you are right it will take years. But that's so long and so big. Like what if it simply exceeds budget or your studio is bought and the project is scrapped or put out half finished? There are so many what-ifs.
    That said the foundation is cool, this is the most exciting project I've seen in a long time and it seems to be managed realistically and smartly to boot, at least from the outside.

  • Wiki Editor

    Forget what i said last week, i upgraded my pack today.

    Simply, because i think it is worth to support Dynamight more than just with an early bird pledging.
    And i did not just upgrade to the next i more than doubled my support to them.
    Because the studio deserves our commitment in reason of their open words and their vision they have.


    @logain said in Haven't pledged? Want to upgrade, but not sure yet? Tell us why!:

    You want to avoid refunds like the plague as a video game company. Not only does it cost you more to refund then you got from the customer (actually it can get worse then the 30% @Jetah mentioned), but your payment provider could decide to grant you worse conditions or even terminate your contract. Ad if that wouldn't be bad enough yet, the person asking the refund likely leaves a bad review and hence deters potential customers from a purchase.

    Your concerns would be more justified if you were talking about chargebacks.

    Simple refunds won't be anything to worry about unless there is some mass concerted effort to spam the game with refunds and bad reviews, and if that's the case there really isn't anything you could ever do about that.


    Haven't pledged? Want to upgrade, but not sure yet? Tell us why!

    i am afraid that playerbase become too small/niche and thus cause faction imbalance , but in this faction imbalance i mean for example if we said playerbase is 1k right now and 800 players is beastmen because they are casual players and is majority in video games and hardcore is only 200 demons so it will be pretty small fight or hard to find people , let alone people go online and offline which means game will become only playable as demon when primetime only if i want to gank other demons/humans , another thing is what i notice from 80% of kickstarter games they launch with two major things , bugs and most importantly barebones/lack of content and thus make the game get pretty fast boring and people quit after that , another thing is how will pvp progression work ? do i get stronger when i kill people ? how long this progression keep me playing and be fun and not boring after 1 month ? is it too asian grindy ? is it too easy to access and thus make people early quit ? too much questions to worry about in term of pvp since from what i see so far majority of mmo's/RPG games like diablo/path of exlie don't really have pvp at all or broken , and lost ark 70% chance will be p2w when it come here in west

    PS: sorry english not my main language

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