Bit worried where the Kickstarter is
@althalus said in Bit worried where the Kickstarter is:
@benseine just because some games had income without KS and this game will MIGHT do better in other avenues other than KS doesn't mean they should do nothing and let KS fail... if thats the attitude the devs have then why did they bother with the KS at all? IF the goal for starting a KS was not money but to get free promotion and hype out of it, newsflash a failed KS doesnt bring in good promotion or hype it brings in bad publicity...
I disagree. I'd prefer to see an attempt and fail than to see a success then fail.
KS still bring publicity which you can't really get elsewhere.
Checking in after taking some time off and things are probably even worse off that I thought.
Some might think I made this thread, two weeks ago, a bit prematurely. I can understand why they'd think that, but without knowing my ability to "read" how a crowd-fund is going, they wouldn't have really been able to see what I was seeing.
And here we are... 13 days to go... 548 backers... that's way, way, way too few people willing to put money on the table.
And money wise, we've only just crossed the halfway point.
If the funds can climb a little more, I think the devs would be crazy not to drop some of their own funds (or investor funds) to pay off the rest of the crowd-fund and unlock the full amount of money. But the number of interested people still worries me a lot.
@canterbury you were right to make this thread! 13 days to go and we've had two armour skin reveals so far... they should have had more information to reveal and get people excited... @Jetah how about they just dont fail at all? how about instead of white knighting game developers we actually ask them to step up and deliver? you talk about publicity, not all publicity is good publicity... when a MMORPG asks for $150,000 and they arent even able fund that much from KS that is negative publicity that people remember and would cause alot of people to lose faith... so how about instead of pandering and saying it's okay to fail you give them constructive feedback so they DONT fail?
Failing isn't bad! This isn't grade school. DS can learn from this and come back stronger the next time or skip KS and do everything from their own page or both. I have given feedback. I've posted pre-KS about KS. I don't see, if this fails, as a bad thing at all. I've never used a fail KS campaign as a reason to not be interested in something.
@jetah said in Bit worried where the Kickstarter is:
I don't see, if this fails, as a bad thing at all.
In the gaming community, once something has "failed" it gets a stigma attached to it. Rightly or wrongly. Perception is reality for people and if they perceive something bombed once, ie: couldn't even hit a TINY Kickstarter target when other niche games have pulled in a million, or multiple millions on Kickstarter, it sticks in people's minds.
@canterbury said in Bit worried where the Kickstarter is:
@jetah said in Bit worried where the Kickstarter is:
I don't see, if this fails, as a bad thing at all.
In the gaming community, once something has "failed" it gets a stigma attached to it. Rightly or wrongly. Perception is reality for people and if they perceive something bombed once, ie: couldn't even hit a TINY Kickstarter target when other niche games have pulled in a million, or multiple millions on Kickstarter, it sticks in people's minds.
and those other niche games had huge names behind them.
@jetah said in Bit worried where the Kickstarter is:
@canterbury said in Bit worried where the Kickstarter is:
@jetah said in Bit worried where the Kickstarter is:
I don't see, if this fails, as a bad thing at all.
In the gaming community, once something has "failed" it gets a stigma attached to it. Rightly or wrongly. Perception is reality for people and if they perceive something bombed once, ie: couldn't even hit a TINY Kickstarter target when other niche games have pulled in a million, or multiple millions on Kickstarter, it sticks in people's minds.
and those other niche games had huge names behind them.
It doesn't matter WHY or HOW they got the money; simply that they did. Again, perception = reality for people.
@jetah You're right this ISNT grade school this is real world and as much as you'd like to pretend failure doesnt affect or impact peoples perception it does as @Canterbury has mentioned... unlike grade school in real world people dont hand out participation medals to people just for trying. You say that niche games have had huge names behind them, newsflash, the FACT that this game DOESNT have huge name behind them is more reason why the KS should not fail... having new developers AND failing KS doesnt reflect well doesnt matter how YOU try to spin it... not even sure why we are arguing about this... doesnt matter how you try to spin this the FACT that they haven't released any new information in a week in a 4 week campaign and the fact that they havent even hit 1k backers in 16 something days doesnt look well...
@canterbury it certainly matters how and why as you cannot pull it off without similar conditions.
@Althalus it all depends what will they do after failure with KS. If they'll learn from it and improve then it's not so bad - if they don't then it's bad. And of course success in KS would be much better. I think I know two games that failed at first KS regrouped, restarted campaign later and succeeded.
the people that see a failed KS and look no further aren't the types of people DS want.
@jetah LMAO!!! I dont think thats your call to make... People who blindly support without offering constructive criticism probably arent the kind of people they need...
@althalus said in Bit worried where the Kickstarter is:
@jetah LMAO!!! I dont think thats your call to make... People who blindly support without offering constructive criticism probably arent the kind of people they need...
if they supported the project then they're happy with the current offerings.
@tulukaruk said in Bit worried where the Kickstarter is:
@canterbury it certainly matters how and why as you cannot pull it off without similar conditions.
Then you've totally misunderstood my whole point as to why I was even using those terms.
Guys, devs don't care what type of players will support the game, as long as they support it. Cash is cash. And it's not like the players are dictating how the game will look like, so who cares what type of player someone is.
And it's not like lower income on KS will stop game from being developed, it may only delay it.
And the fact that they will continue selling packages on their own website after KS ends, may end up countering lower income that was gained on KS and boost things up again, and quicken the release date.
So really, the discussion about this topic is pointless. Just sit back, support the game as much as you can (I don't mean only by cash here, but just by being here, keeping community active, and spreading the word about the game) and enjoy the trip.
until they do a reversal on their credit card which hurts them. you want quality enough that they don't ask for a refund of any type.
@gothix said in Bit worried where the Kickstarter is:
Just sit back, support the game as much as you can (I don't mean only by cash here, but just by being here, keeping community active, and spreading the word about the game) and enjoy the trip.
It is difficult to spread the words. People ask me questions I cannot answer because I or they rely on more information (crafting, housing, sieges - it is all possible, but how are the mechanics etc. etc.).
We depend on devs to spread the word. And some people I hyped at the beginning lost their interest already, because in their opinion devs do too little in terms of promoting their own game and informing about the important stuff and topics (people are not interested in skins yet). In other words, an ambitious idea is, at this stage, not enough to be convincing (anymore).So actually, yeah... I can only JUST sit back and enjoy the trip as much as possible...
@tulukaruk crossing my demon horns
@canterbury said in Bit worried where the Kickstarter is:
@jetah said in Bit worried where the Kickstarter is:
I don't see, if this fails, as a bad thing at all.
In the gaming community, once something has "failed" it gets a stigma attached to it. Rightly or wrongly. Perception is reality for people and if they perceive something bombed once, ie: couldn't even hit a TINY Kickstarter target when other niche games have pulled in a million, or multiple millions on Kickstarter, it sticks in people's minds.
in response to this I give you Bless Online. Game failed 3 (or 4?) previous releases yet had huge hype and went on to have a big (and disastrous) release. Failure didn't prevent people from perceiving that it would fail again (which unfortunately it did). To quote Mythbusters "Failure is always an option". Like irl pick yourself up dust yourself off, learn from your mistakes and get it done.
This KS campaign is well behind the curve true enough and for reasons are multifactorial. you were correct about the success of it, but as to whether you were right to start this thread is another matter. since it hasn't done much to promote success and has really only added negativity I don't believe you were right to start this thread even though you were correct in what you said.
Fortunately the game is funded whether KS is successful or not. its a little strange when I find myself agreeing with Jetahbut sit back and enjoy the ride.
@cronykil it's going to be very very close
I hope they make it, but barring a massive last day push, it won't quite get there. Let's see if the devs can make that happen!