Estara en español el juego?
Solo queria saber si estaria en español esta pre alfa porque me interesa bastante el juego
@ruben028 Welcome. Here is all the information you may need
- How to use tags
- What is the reputation of the account
- Jobs Fund
- Common features
- All we know about the game
Review sections, what's what:
News & Announcements - this information on the forum about the news, they can also be viewed on the official website in the "news" section"
Development Updates - short reviews of game development, not advertised on the official website
Welcome to Fractured - here greet new arrivals
General Discussions - here we publish the ideas of the players (you can get a reward in the form of points Fund).
It is desirable to create topics in the section with discussions in two languages-in English and in your native language, so you will be able to understand more people
Questions & Answers - in principle, questions are asked, which try to answer as quickly as possible
Guild Recruitment - information about existing guilds and about willing to join in them
Non-English Discussions - appeal of users to their language community
Off Topic - there is information about opportunities forum, theme with daily task and many
Also, if you posted a topic in the wrong section, you can write a moder with a request that it be rescheduled. In addition, you can ask him to remove your deleted post ( to make it disappear from the public, as there are comments and the link to the post).
Free alpha key will give the top 100-1000, or participants kickstarter
Kickstarter June 1st!
Fractured is still in development. Pre-alpha and alpha version of the game will be available in 4Q 2018
The game at the time of release will cost somewhere around $20 - $30 and is B2P
The game will not be on Android and ISO
Localization of the game will be on Spanish, (Brazilian) Portuguese, French, German, Russian, Polish and other languages
FAQ, I have in profile there is interesting information
@ruben028 bienvenido a bordo de un nuevo amigo
@ruben028 said in Estara en español el juego?:
Solo queria saber si estaria en español esta pre alfa porque me interesa bastante el juego
ya que nadie te contestó tu pregunta y fue puro y mero spam, hasta en ingles xD te respondo que no, por ahora su contenido estará en ingles. quien sabe a futuro, depende como se desarrollen las cosas y que tan grande sea nuestra comunidad.. suerte ^^
Seguramente en paralelo se hara un trabajo de traduccion voluntaria. Probablemye entre todos seremos encargados de traducirlo
@mtj6 said in Estara en español el juego?:
Seguramente en paralelo se hara un trabajo de traduccion voluntaria. Probablemye entre todos seremos encargados de traducirlo
claro que si, de apoco, por ahora en el foro fijate aqui te traigo el link de un tema donde nos piden ayuda con traducciones, nos gratifican con puntos en la comunidad.. y ayudamos a darle vida al juego en nuestro idioma poco a poco
@parca es que con la actividad que tiene este juego, incluso antes de que salga la primera alpha, es muy probable que lo traduzcamos en un par de semanas jaja
jajaja ojala ^^
Nel pastel manito
@ruben028 Segun dicen las preguntas frecuentes que el video juego tendra los idiomas mas hablados o mas importantes asi que posiblemente si este en español todo depende de nosotros como comunidad como apoyemos al proyecto.
@Ruben028 Buena pelao, seria bueeno que lanzen en spanish igual.!!!!
su traduccion al Chilensis.! xdddd
También me gustaría saberlo , eso y en qué plataformas va a estar
@ruben028 espero que en algún momento tengamos la suerte que salga en español
@ruben028 Si saldrá en español
no creo que este en español, capaz en un futuro
estaria bien que hicieran la traducción pero si no pues a jugar en ingles xD
Tienen que sacarlo en español, si no no juego. Jajaja no me lo creo ni yo xdxdxdxd
@xjoserra Hello, and I'm not a bot, I'm SUPER BOT !
Here is all the information you may need
- How to use tags + (RUS)
- What is the reputation of the account + (RUS)
- Jobs Fund + (RUS)
- How to create surveys+ (RUS) and Common features
- All we know about the game + (RUS)
News & Announcements - this information on the forum about the news, they can also be viewed on the official website in the "news" section
Development Updates - short reviews of game development, not advertised on the official website
Welcome to Fractured - here greet new arrivals
Dear new users, please do not start spamming in your own greetings in order to complete the task in 10 comments on the forum. You'd better do it in the Welcome to Fractured section for other people, as you can be banned for spam.
General Discussions - here we publish the ideas of the players (you can get a reward in the form of points Fund )
It is desirable to create topics in the section with discussions in two languages-in English and in your native language, so you will be able to understand more people
Questions & Answers - in principle, questions are asked, which try to answer as quickly as possible
Guild Recruitment - information about existing guilds and about willing to join in them
Non-English Forums - appeal of users to their language community
Off Topic - there is information about opportunities forum, theme with daily task and many
Also, if you have placed a topic in the wrong section, you can write a moder asking it to be moved or deleted.
-Free pre-alpha key will give the top 100-1000
-People who invested in kickstarter can buy the entrance to the alpha or beta test
-Kickstarter June 1st!
-Fractured is still in development. Pre-alpha and alpha version of the game will be available in 4Q 2018
-The game at the time of release will cost 25€ and is B2P
-Who will make kickstarter more than €25 (€20 early bird) will receive a copy of the game
-Fractured is not going to be on Steam anytime soon. The devs want to make sure the game is really polished before putting it there
-The game will not be on Android and ISO (№5)
-Localization of the game will be on Spanish, (Brazilian) Portuguese, French, German, Russian, Polish and other languages
-The servers will be located in North America, possibly in Europe
FAQ+(RUS, ITA, FRA, DE), I have some interesting things in my profile
Espero que en un futuro próximo...