
  • TF#3 - ENVOY

    . for me, dungeons will be interesting places to explore, we can find many treasures, meet various monsters and fighting bosses, find and learn hidden knowledges of Elysium. it will be more exciting and interesting to explore dungeons with guild members, friends,...
    . So what do you guys think ?


    I hope dungeons will not be just always soloable.
    These need to come in danger zones.

    "Solo Zone"
    "Duo Zone"
    "Group 5+ Zone"
    "Guild War Zone"

    So that we can have some real dungeons, not just places to grind.

  • TF#3 - ENVOY

    @greenfox I agree

  • TF#10 - CONSUL

    According to the livestream, dungeons will be soloable except for a few group bosses. Since they want the Knowledge System to be soloable, I think group dungeons would go against that philosophy pretty quickly. I agree that there should be PvE content for groups though, just like sieges and raids are group content for PvP players.

  • TF#10 - CONSUL

    No tank 'n spank bosses in dungeons plz. But bossfights that require some planning and teamplay.

  • Wiki Editor

    I'm hoping for subterranean "dungeons" where I'm walking along and spot this cave... oh, what's that? Go in, twists and turns... oh damn, now I'm lost. Have to fight my way out.

    Also some unique encounters on the asteroids. Maybe in my subterranean scenario there's a lost, secret portal that whisks me away to an asteroid with weird monsters and resources.

  • TF#10 - CONSUL

    @kellewic said in Dungeons:

    I'm hoping for subterranean "dungeons" where I'm walking along and spot this cave... oh, what's that? Go in, twists and turns... oh damn, now I'm lost. Have to fight my way out.

    Also some unique encounters on the asteroids. Maybe in my subterranean scenario there's a lost, secret portal that whisks me away to an asteroid with weird monsters and resources.

    Procedurally generated dungeons! 😄


    Will there be open or closed world dungeons, or perhaps both?


    Perhaps they could have dungeons like in Age of Conan.

    When you reach dungeon entrance you would be able to chose if you want to enter a "solo version" of a dungeon, or a "group version" of a dungeon.

    Group dungeon would, of course, be harder. All knowledge would be obtainable even from a solo version. Group version would be optional and provide a bit better loot to reward the effort.

  • Moderator

    @exelementz All dungeons will be open world. No instancing.


    @specter said in Dungeons:

    @exelementz All dungeons will be open world. No instancing.

    what about 'dungeons' on asteroids? this could make them simi-instanced but you could make them limited so someone/group couldn't stay in them all day. Raids could be similar to this also.

    it'd give a simi-private way to have a pve encounter, limit the number of astroid-dungeon per day and astroid-raid per week. these could be procedurally generated too!


    Hmm, no instancing means that bosses will re spawn fast, to accommodate larger number of players. So that would mean that one group can just stick around and repeatedly kill the same boss over and over not even moving away.

    Or, bosses will have longer re spawn, so with no instancing, and large number of players wanting the boss, it will be practically impossible to get a boss kill for your bestiary.



    yep, this is why i'm asking for astroid-dungeons/raids.


    @gothix said in Dungeons:

    Hmm, no instancing means that bosses will re spawn fast, to accommodate larger number of players. So that would mean that one group can just stick around and repeatedly kill the same boss over and over not even moving away.

    Or, bosses will have longer re spawn, so with no instancing, and large number of players wanting the boss, it will be practically impossible to get a boss kill for your bestiary.

    Maybe it could be set up so that once your group defeats a boss, it won't respawn for that same group until a different party enters the dungeon. Give it a 24 hour timer, so that a group can beat a dungeon once a day, and make it so that a group needs to contain at least one person who hasn't beaten the dungeon that day in order for the boss to spawn.

    Alternatively, there could be a simple check before each bossfight: "Are you the same group that killed the last boss?" if it returns true, give everyone in the party a huge penalty to damage. That way, it can theoretically be done, but the penalty should be severe enough to discourage all but the most dedicated of players.

  • TF#10 - CONSUL

    @nelchael can that work if all dungeons are open world dungeons?


    Yeah that seems like a bit difficult to implement. Specially with people being able to form parties mid combat.

    Kick a guy, invite far away guy, attack a boss, kick distant guy, re invite nearby guy. And that's just one of many examples. 🙂
    Also more parties can be fighting a boss in same time. Party with de buff attacks the boss, other party without a debuff also does damage. Party with de buff gets credit.

    It just doesn't work that way. 🙂


    Perhaps instead it can be done with managing loot rights, and per player.

    A player that killed boss X, now has a cool down on loot from boss X for some time. He can keep killing that boss when he re spawns, but it's worthless for him to do so until cool down period expires.

    Cool downs are saved per player for each boss. For example, a character screen could have a tab where player could see his own loot cool downs for each boss he killed, and a timer how long till each cool down expires.

  • TF#10 - CONSUL

    @gothix said in Dungeons:

    Perhaps instead it can be done with managing loot rights, and per player.

    A player that killed boss X, now has a cool down on loot from boss X for some time. He can keep killing that boss when he re spawns, but it's worthless for him to do so until cool down period expires.

    Cool downs are saved per player for each boss. For example, a character screen could have a tab where player could see his own loot cool downs for each boss he killed, and a timer how long till each cool down expires.

    I don't think bosses will drop loot in the traditional sense. Probably just resources like the rest of the dungeon. Tbh, judging by the way it's worded, dungeons and bosses are probably pretty much designed to be farmed repeatedly. I am getting Runescape vibes from it, not WoW vibes. 😛

  • @vengu said in Dungeons:

    I don't think bosses will drop loot in the traditional sense. Probably just resources like the rest of the dungeon.

    With crafting being such a huge part of the game, I imagine crafting recipes will also be loot drops.

  • TF#10 - CONSUL

    @target said in Dungeons:

    @vengu said in Dungeons:

    I don't think bosses will drop loot in the traditional sense. Probably just resources like the rest of the dungeon.

    With crafting being such a huge part of the game, I imagine crafting recipes will also be loot drops.

    Now I imagine a bear dropping a recipe teaching players how to cook his meat. ;(

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