I had an idea that maybe someone already covered, I'm sorry if that's so. I just did not go to the forum for a long time.
So, let's begin.
The first idea - I always croaked that there is not enough creativity in creating the guild icons. Add more opportunities to create the perfect banner.
The second idea is to allow players to use the banner of their guild to inspire the allies (bet out a good buff if there is a bannerman in the radius of one screen).
The third idea is, as I understand it, there will be wagons for trade or transportation of players, let the banner of the guild hang on them, that the players know who goes (if it's a large and famous guild).
BUT for balance I propose to make not too cheap craft of the banner, but at death and loss it can be changed to another guild.
Well, great idea. It may be available someday...
Some good ideas, banners could be used in a game of this nature quite well. I have seen a few games use banners quite well, this could definitely be another,
Максимка, я конечно рад, что у тебя появилась новая идея для игры и она достаточно не плохо впишется, но я хотел бы знать когда перевод? ^^
А теперь рассмотрим твою идею :- Разрабам или их работникам придётся лично проверять каждый созданный баннер, чтобы они не оскорбляли чьи-то чувства, религию, идеологию и тд
- Сможем ли мы на них сами что-то рисовать или лепить какие-то наклейки как в Диабло 3
- Если ты захочешь делать из них бафф тотем, то это будет гильдийским расходником с несколькими уровнями силы, которые в свою очередь придётся покупать в магазине ги при их наличии.
- Очень геморрно будет создавать детализированные баннеры, иначе это будет как работа в фш на пикселях
- Если идея понравится разрабам, то можно ли будет грузить какие-то фото из инета как шаблон для их произведения и тд
На этом пожалуй закончу, тк можно привести десятки тонкостей, если все же идея выйдет в свет
Я бы предложил концепцию создания банера из For Honor там были уже предоставленные шаблоны(их было очень много, по этому креативности хватало на всех), которые можно было изменять по размеру, цвету, и положению на листе.
С не пристойными банерами можно бороться с помощью самих игроков (ведь не каждый хочет видить не пристойности когда расслабляется (ввести систему жалоб на форуме, кидаешь скрин и людям предупреждение выписывают))
I had an idea that maybe someone already covered, I'm sorry if that's so. I just did not go to the forum for a long time.
So, let's begin.
The first idea - I always croaked that there is not enough creativity in creating the guild icons. Add more opportunities to create the perfect banner.Take a look here:
Suggestion | Site | Custom Guild symbol type
The second idea is to allow players to use the banner of their guild to inspire the allies (bet out a good buff if there is a bannerman in the radius of one screen).
The third idea is, as I understand it, there will be wagons for trade or transportation of players, let the banner of the guild hang on them, that the players know who goes (if it's a large and famous guild).I like both
Should the banner man be able to fight while carrying the banner?
In RL old time wars, banner men could not fight due to banners being large and they needed both hands to carry them.
But in game, I guess carrying the banner wouldn't be much fun for a player that would just carry it and couldn't do anything else, so we can't go in too much realism from this aspect.
Perhaps, limit the ability to carry banner to support role players?
Banners do sound cool. Although I agree the bannerman/woman really shouldn't be able to fight as effectively. Well unless the banner is also a spear and they specialize in spears....Then I suppose it would look more like flag dancing
@esoba that should be just a craftable item (Maybe a consumable with 1 charge?) to place on the ground and buff guildies.
@finland oh I like the sound of that much better.
I'm watching an anime where the lords have a mark for their people. This mark can protect, enrage or boost other attributes. In the anime, the mark glows which can also help identify enemies.
The protagonist mark starts by weaving a cloth shaped like a flag. the icon on the flag is transferred to his allies and they are protected. One of the enemies summons some 'dark magic' where it grants a berserk style bonus to their allies which rest on the forehead.
What would be an interesting idea is that each guild master (and some officers) have access to this system and can use it on the troops before a fight.
I'd say person should carry banner. It would be both more entertaining, and make more sense, due to most of the fights being mobile and not sticking around the same spot (unless in sieges, but even then the bulk of action moves around).
I'd also say that anyone should be able to carry a banner, but the effect of banner bonus should depend on CHARISMA of character carrying it.
So groups should chose a player with higher charisma to carry it for them to get better bonus.
Elder Scrolls Online allows all guilds to design a tabard for their members to wear.
Be wary that the more options in the design, the more haha i made a peepee guilds and the more work for moderators.
@gothix I would suggest making it possible to use abilities that are not dependent on weapons or that use both hands
@Finland Making a banner is not a good idea, but you can make it possible to put a banner on the ground and then transfer it (it is important to make a big recharge and a long cast which can be knocked down)
but you can make it possible to put a banner on the ground and then transfer it
That's what I said. Anyway everything must be crafted in the game. If you wanna make the banner attackable it's fine I will not argue. For sure it's better to have an objet on the ground boosting up allies rather than haveing a player holding a banner just to buff allies. This is what I think.
Anything that inspires creativity and further cooperation is warmly welcomed.
Nice idea really
why couldn't the banner be placed on the back of the group leader? War Flags weren't placed in the ground during a conflict. It was carried by someone. When we have mounts, it could be displayed there.
with the game it could have different area of effects and/or power limitations.