Gameplay suggestion after seeing vid
First of all, I'm impressed!
How the characters already move around and fight. The teleport, dash and jump abilities look really smooth.
But there is something missing that especially showes when the two characters travel together without fighting. And that is the ability to sprint, and I would suggest to link the sprint ability to the endurance bar.
This will make the travelling on the map seem less static, and most of all, add a whole level of extra dynamics to the gameplay!
I'll leave it to you to balance it between heavy and light armor characters. But it will add alot to the way you experience the game. How you make flee or fight decisions. How ppl behave when they travel in groups. Now a group of 25 ppl will all move similar when travelling from point A to B. If you add print and link it to the endurance bar you'll see fast characters do all kinds of stuff while the slow tanks need to keep moving forward non stop. The game will look much more vibrant and alive.
I really hope you will add that to the game.
The ability to sprint sounds like a good addition to the game.
Also in terms of exploration, I think a top-down camera actually restricts immersion because it is a rather awkward angle to enjoy the view from. I would like to see the ability to zoom out further or rotate the camera vertically, but without changing the current movement mechanics to stay true to the ARPG genre.
We ar going to get 400 skills for sure wevget some that will provide some kind of move speed benefits. Or at list I hope
About the speed reduction based on the armor type could be nice but I'm also wondering if it can be balanced.
@soonhari although I can see what you mean, spatialOS mechanics means that you cant zoom out much like they mentioned in the video. Maybe vertically is possible though?
@finland said in Gameplay suggestion after seeing vid:
We ar going to get 400 skills for sure wevget some that will provide some kind of move speed benefits. Or at list I hope
About the speed reduction based on the armor type could be nice but I'm also wondering if it can be balanced.
No no no, don't get me wrong, speed benefits is just a small part of it and has little to do with what I am aiming for. When you link the ability to sprint, like pressing your space bar on your keyboard, and that burst of speed drains your endurance bar, you add a whole layer of tactical decisions to the combat ingame. For example: "Do I use my endurance to kite away further and you my long cast single dps ability, or do I stay at the same distance and keep hitting with my fast basic attack till my CC is of CD?" or another example: "Do I use my endurance as a gapcloser so I have more melee attacks at my desposal, or use my healing/defensive abilities till my dash/jump ability is of CD and close the gap for the melee attacks? Do you get what I mean with more dynamics and another layer of tactical decisions? All with the same abilities you saw in the video? It will make the combat much more about the players skill instead of just a skill rotation you see in so many games like this.
And also not "speed reduction based on armor type", but endurance spent per second on the ability to sprint. So sprint is the same for all, but some can do it more then other before running out of endurance. Big difference (and probably much easier to balance)
But I wasn't clear enough on it in the OP, sry.
After i saw the Gameplay I thought "Albion with good Graphics ?" - so i just can throw in the things i Dislike in Albion in hope for getting those things sort out in Fractured:
This would be:
- If you spend more Time in the game - you'll most likely have a hughe advantage (Grinding Weapon Skills etc) - in the "Super late endgame" this os not as drastic as between Tier 3-7 but nevertheless
- Premium is optional, but without Premium you are screwed in terms of harvesting, etc
- The Grind is huge in Albion
- Albion is pretty "static" in terms of maps, Dungeons, Drops - there is a bit of Exploration but still its kind of same-same (even Cirty Plots, etc...)
- PvP is mostly : The more you are, the more likely you'll win (aka Zerg mode)
- Albion calls itself Sandbox - this might be true to a certain degree but in the End for me it is just a "Box" but without Sand - so there is no individual degree of Creativity. You can place Houses etc. but the'll look the same, sit on the same place, as on other islands. The Terrain will look the Same no matter what. etc.
- On really Big Issue was additionally that big guilds win. There where some Russian Guilds that where so big that the claimed like most of the "good" Areas. As a small "casual" guild you where just victims. No chance to claim a important area, no ability todefend an area more than some days (with luck), no chance to win bigger battles. You could argue that you could join an alliance, but even alliances where kind of picky when choosing member guilds and requesting big contributions.
just my 2 cents
I think the zoom level is too close, and people will tend to use 3rd party softwares (which should be bannable) to gain an advantage while ganking in open world, etc. The field of view should be increased or at least should be adjustable by a bit.
Also I have played Albion for a long time, and frankly I am not sure how the game will handle big player zergs/ zvz's, etc. on the screen with so little FoV.
@coolburn That was addressed in the video. The render distance of Spatial OS is only slightly outside the field of view. If someone tries to zoom hack, they won't really see more than anyone else.
@target Sorry i did not catch it, but nonetheless the FoV is still very small and looks like its zoomed it way too much.
@pogo Fractured is going to be different from Albion
I'm discussing here by 3 months to see a game different from AO. Here you don't have a char level or gear level to grind so you will have an issue less than AO. Here you have to do tasks to discover all 400 spells/abilities. The maps should not be instanced but open world as far I know. PvP is limited somehow you have 3 planets with 3 different ruleset and playstyle but that force you on race selection cause there are restrincions (check out the last spotlight for more info). About the grind we have to test the game. About the vip I hope to not see something like that too. Vip in albio is a "pay to boost" players were forced somehow to get it. I prefer solution like a sub P2P "pay to play" more tha an "optional" vip pass that rarely is optional. The game is going to be B2P as far as I know with a cosmetic shop.
I have to agree. Sprinting indeed sounds like a worthwhile addition.
@Pogo and @Finland they also mentioned, that Fratctured will not be a grind game.
That was one of the first things i noticed, when i joined the community, that most of us are tired about excessive need of grind.
Don't get me wrong, i like grind that not feel like grind, because i like to collect things, but if you are forced to do same thing over and over for hours and hours, i terrible get bored.
And thats a thing the Devs still mentioned, Fractured will not force people to grind for their goals.
@finland said in Gameplay suggestion after seeing vid:
About the grind we have to test the game.
That's true. Ony real, live gaming will show how the mechanics will spin - either of fight, crafting, trade or economics.
@kralith said in Gameplay suggestion after seeing vid:
@Pogo and @Finland they also mentioned, that Fratctured will not be a grind game.
It is quite clear that there won't be any skill or weapon grind, which is good. I'm still a bit worried about grind of gathering crafting resources. There was no info as of yet how gathering and crafting will be solved.
True @Dybuk thats one of the things we have to wait for more informations.
But i'm quite sure, that they will not push grind through the backdoor, when they mentioned not to want to have a grindgame.
We all know, if you want to build things, then you will have a kind of grind, because otherwise it will be boring as hell, if you just can build all things and you are finish without any effort.
But grind is not equal grind.
I hope there will be skill possibilities that gives us advantage for gathering ressources without taking us the possibility to "do it by ourself" - hope i described it in a right way.
Would be nice, if gathering will be so complex, that you don't feel to do stupid tasks over and over, but you will be busy with things and you will like to be busy with these things.
@benseine Since endurance acts here very similar to a hit points in other games, this will be very difficult to balance. On one hand, you will want high endurance regen after sprinting (which is quite similar to how it is IRL), and on the other hand you will want very low endurance regen to punish getting hit.
Sprint boost connected to endurance would indeed be interesting to see. Risk vs reward.
Use it a bit, you may get an advantage. Use it too much, You're done.
@darian the blue bar instead of the green endurance bar might be a better option then. Dunno if blue bar stands for energy or mana tbh, but that can also be changed ofc.
@benseine Different races have different movement speeds, so you will certainly see a difference when multiple races are playing together.
Besides that, there are various mounts and movement skills that will set players further apart.
- Fractured is not as gear-based as Albion, and progression is largely horizontal. A veteran player will have more options, but won't necessarily be stronger than a new player.
- Fractured is B2P with a cosmetic cash shop.
- The developers have said they don't want Fractured to be grindy. In the end it largely boils down to player perception though. For some people, completing the knowledge system might be seen as a grind.
- The Fractured world will be quite lively. One example is the aging of wildlife Prometheus talked about in the gameplay video. Players can also interact with the environment through various ways.
- I think zerging is pretty hard to avoid, but with all the options the knowledge system provides, you will have various ways to deal with it. For example, as mentioned on the website, players can freeze a river and then melt it once an enemy tries to walk across. Such tactic would probably be very effective against a zerg.
- Fractured will have a lot of content to offer beyond building and exploration, like dungeons and events.
@specter Different movement speeds between races and different mounts is the bare minimum a game should have. I'm suggesting a way to make character movement in a game like this "complete"