Suggestion about hunger/thirst


    Would people be ok with needing to eat each gaming secession? I was going to say once per game day but that's every 2 hours and that seems excessive to me.

    What about a fasting mode?


    I just want to reassert that I despise death directly from the food system and would prefer a starving "status effect" that made your character weak in combat but didn't directly kill you.

    Of course, you should be able to forage for base food ingredients in most game areas too. Obviously if you're going through frosty mountains like the Donner party you won't have as many options other than maybe hunting.


    I have seen games use food as a buff system, special food has added effects and such but then it just becomes part of the meta, you always have to have the best food. I like the idea of food just being racial. Eat the right stuff and suffer no ill effects, wolfs living off of carrots should suffer some slowdowns as would a well salad fed demon, and the deer eating nothing but dried meat would suffer similar effects. Fluid should be required of all creatures, even fire creatures, just not all requiring water. Demons might need blood and such. I would rather see food and fluid being a debuff rather than a buff system as it just becomes meta anyway. Have high quality food last longer in storage or fill you up longer, same with fluid.


    any interesting point could be demons not having hunger while on thie own world

  • Wiki Editor

    Hunger and thirst can be exist in a system where you get a bonus or malus, depending on the food you take. No drinking in a hot area makes you slow, warm food in a snowarea gives you warming effect, too much alcohol gives you a miss multiplicator and so on and so on.
    An usual buffsystem like we know it by many other mmos would be terrible boring for me.


    @kralith i agree with the principles, though i disagree with the "warm food gives warmth statement". That's very much false. it gives a very small boost in body temperature as you eat it, then it quickly cools off meaning, your body will actually loose more heat. The process of quickly loosing heat is what you feel as chills and also behind most diseases specific to frosty environments. Eskimos eat cold food, and bathe in cold water. And it's vital to their survival. I know it not important in regards to the game, just felt like mentioning it. Who knows, maybe it'll save a life or so... :)))

  • Wiki Editor

    Okay okay, if you see it from this view you are absolutely right.
    But it still can be a small boost. Because some meal just taste way better if it is warmed 😉


    Most buffs from food in video games are based on how enjoyable the food is rather than how nutritious. It's a morale / placebo system.


    @fibs Well tasty food makes me happy. Happy me, STRONG me. Ready to go stompy stompy! 😄

  • Wiki Editor

    Haha, @Darian i imagine a happy guy laying in a corner of a tavern with a part of grilled chicken still in his edge of the mouth, snorring and smiling and sleeping!!! 😄


    What if meals were randomly set (per character) to have an affect.

    • If you drink you find out what buff, if any, the drink has. You see a scale that relates how much you enjoy it.
      • This scale can change, slowly, over time but may or may not progress far from it's starting point.
    • Food acts the same way.
    • Meals (food and drink) when combined may grant a bigger bonus or different buff.
    • A character may like X drink but hate Y food but when put together as a meal they enjoy it. or they can hate it.
    • For any like or dislike I posted assume an opposite version as well, I really don't want to type all possibilities out.

    It allows for discovery of what your character's taste is. There could be some alchemy drinks or solids (think like sugar) that can make some disliked food and drink enjoyable.
    example: Your human doesn't really enjoy coffee but if they add sugar and milk they do enjoy it. Coffee might grant a faster energy regen, where as adding sugar and milk makes the regen faster but the buff doesn't last a long (or maybe the same duration or longer, that's the RNG part).

  • Wiki Editor

    Wahhhh coffee need to be black.
    Who the hell adds sugar and milk to it? 😉



    some people do!
    I'd hard code your characters to need sugar and cream/milk!


    Black coffee is like eating macaroni without any sauce or cheese


    @jetah said in Suggestion about hunger/thirst:

    What if meals were randomly set (per character) to have an affect.

    That's a neat interesting idea! I like it! Maybe with an offset to the random generator depending on race?


    well, well... Let the coffee wars begin! Tartaros will likely gain independence. Then proceed forth to dominate the worlds of Elysium by bombing the hospitals, schools and other civilian assets of anyone that dares say nay!


    @fibs said in Suggestion about hunger/thirst:

    Black coffee is like eating macaroni without any sauce or cheese

    this is possibly the worst analogy of all time. if the gods meant for coffee to taste like milk and sugar that would be the flavor of the almighty roasted bean. if you don't drink coffee black its because you don't like coffee 🙂

  • Wiki Editor

    @Fibs analogy is very bad, it's like comparing apples with pears.

    Drinking a good roasted black coffee is like drinking a good pure Whiskey.
    Noone who really appreciate a good brand would put water in it or even waste it mixed with a softdrink.

  • TF#10 - CONSUL

    You can go without water for 3 days in RL? Ingame that is 6 hours. Sounds fair.

    You can go without food for a week in RL?
    Ingame that is 12-14 hours.

    Don't add food and drinks to the game to add all kinds of buffs, so it becomes part of meta. Have food and drinks to get ridd of debuffs that are part of the survival elements ingame. That would be awesome and unique compared to all other mmorpg's out there!

    Waiting for a dev blog about survival elements...


    @gibbx said in Suggestion about hunger/thirst:

    this is possibly the worst analogy of all time.

    @kralith said in Suggestion about hunger/thirst:

    @Fibs analogy is very bad, it's like comparing apples with pears.

    Only because you don't like the analogy. Black coffee is simply not finished. You're weird, like people who put ketchup on a plate and eat it straight.

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