Best Guess Summer Alpha?
Hey guys. I know a lot of you have been here a long time and been through several test phases.
Any good guesses on when this summer alpha hits? And will there be a wipe for when it starts?
Thanks for any info. Great game so far with so much potential.
Wipe for sure, but exact date is not known yet.
Wipes are after every test phase, Alpha and Beta, devs assured us of that, and it is standard at least in Alpha.
Exact date won't be known until it actually launches, but the devs should be giving us a "End of _______" or "in ________" message soon that will tell us around when to expect it. Generally there will end up being a delay enough that it will most likely be the end of the month listed or the beginning of the next even if they plan otherwise. (not their fault, they want us to test the best produce we can and unforeseen delays happen right before a new Alpha all the time)
Anyway, expect a roadmap soon, as that's the next thing they promised us, and the new anticipated window of when the next Alpha will start should be included in the Roadmap.
@GamerSeuss Good write up! Thank you! I'm excited for this next launch.
heya @BitterLoD
My experience is that the announced alpha starts are largely aspirational.
Personally, I'm expecting the 'Summer' alpha to start in early September (it's Summer until the 20th!)
....or so .... barring major unexpected, impossible to predict obstacles (COVID resurge caused by a brand new ugly variant? Nasty ransomware attack that brings down all the UNITY servers? WWIII? After murder hornets & insurrection I really am impossible to shock)
@GamerSeuss is right to point us toward the promised Roadmap. Those are always fun and it's so exciting to see what they've been working on. Veteran forum denizens mostly agree that faster isn't necessarily better and whenever the devs surface to give us an update it's cause for celebration
As the developers also will have some form of holiday to power up. I expect it to be rather late in the summer (end of august, start of september) then anytime soon.
doesn't most of Europe get August off?
Prometheus apologized on Discord for taking that much time to post the new roadmap and review of the last test, but the reason is a good one, namely a serious increase in team size due to new investments. So, just keep a bit more patient and there's going to be some announcements
did i miss the KS update on this? or was KS update just completely ignored like 99% of other major updates?
@Jetah He only explained on Discord, not via Kickstarter or the News tab on the website.
Sometimes it is quicker and more efficient just to shoot off a quick statement on discord than it is to compose a release for the News and/or Kickstarter update alerts, and if your like me, you'd rather they spend their time on the game than constantly stop to do such 'quick' updates in 3 or 4 places.
they should be a person setup so they can get important news out to the backers. after posting that last comment i checked to see if i missed any new KS updates.. and no, the last one was in Oct 9 2020. so over 9 months ago.
i dont see any communication happening even after the game is released. if they can share something exciting as "hey we have more money!!! more to come in a few (weeks,days, hour,whatever) then why did we back them?
They haven't wasted any of their money on such a communications officer so far.
They have given us several updates in different places as they have gone along, including making a major announcement about getting more money right before the last Alpha started. The do communicate with us, but it is mostly in direct forum feedback and discord posts. I don't really like Discord, so I don't follow those posts, but they repost the important ones to my discord so I still get to see them. Like you, I wait for Kickstarter and News Tab updates to be posted for most of my info, plus I'm Highly active on the forums, where I think I get most of my own personal feedback from the devs.
Maybe they 'should' have such a communications person, but they didn't prioritize that position when they needed more coders more than that. I applaud that overall choice, much as I'd love the updates, I'd love to see the game worked on more.
@Jetah Thanks to the large amount of funding the devs have secured they'll be able to improve communication as well.