Doubts on Hide and Leather Armor


    I'm a little confused on the different levels of non-metallic armors, the way they're obtained and the cost/benefit of crafting them.

    You kill an animal and take its hide, ok.
    Then you use it on the impaling pole to get processed hide, with which you can craft Hide Armor, which seems to be the top of medium armor you can get, unless I've missed something else in more advanced crafting stations.

    Then you have the bathtub thingy to put your hides in and wait 16 hours to have leather, and you can finally craft Leather Armor, which falls under light class and is way worse in armor stats than the medium one, of course, medium armor should have higher stats than light one.

    But at this point my confusion kicks in, why should you work 16 hours more to obtain an armor with lower stats?
    The only answer I can give is: Leather Armor is an improvement for characters in need for a light armor class, compared to the simple one you can craft from fibers.
    So yes, you're taking the raw material used for medium class and converting it to light class, it's the only reason I can find out, unless of course there is more in the medium armor class branch that you can obtain with processed leather.
    So again, if you are interested in medium armor just don't waste time bathing your hides in the tub, just craft the Hide Armor right away and be done with it, am I right?


    Correct, the bath tub leather is only the better casting armor, or for the other light armor classes like daggers and so on.

  • Content Creator

    The Tanning tubs main benefit comes from processing special light leathers, like Ghoul Skin and Troll. Also, Casters can cast in Light, but not Medium armor, generally the armor stats are about the same between the Hide and the Leather version, but the Leather is lighter and thus caster-friendly.


    Medium armours have been ignored by the devs. Dagger skills and Sneak/Stealth skills were even nerfed heavily from medium to light armours. I wouldn't be surprised if hide armour didn't exist soon enough and all we had was light and heavy armour.


    @Xzait more probable they will be revamped in a later patch, the trinity of light-medium-heavy is too cool to be removed, because it gives a lot more build and role difference potential.
    So I expect that there will be an higher tier of medium class armor someday, maybe not today.
    As of today, I crafted a Leather version (light) of an armor that I already had in Hide (medium) and its stats are really inferior, so medium class still has its spot if you don't intend to cast but want to be flexible enough with some escape skills that cannot be used in heavy.


    @GreatValdus alot of the escape skills were nerfed to light only though, including the stealth ones, which used to be medium only. This is why I believe the devs are going to remove medium eventually. Coz they completely nerfed the assassin type players out of it to light class.

  • Content Creator

    Medium serves another purpose. It is the Combat class starter armor before the Characters can start getting metal armor (Tanks) or custom light armors (Assassins/Archers)

    Gladiator Archetype characters don't want to be running around in Scholar's Gear afterall.


    @GamerSeuss Very good point!! I really hope they will look at medium armour soon. It kinda sucks having no progression to look at with armour, as an archer 😕


    @Xzait I see, so escape will be light anyway in the end.
    Since I don't have played much yet I don't know where some skills will be, so it's harder for me to tell, so thanks for the insight on that. 🙂

    @GamerSeuss yes, medium is the warrior starting point, but has it an evolution as medium in high tiers or will you be forced to specialize in either light or heavy?

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