KP for City Skills
I don't make a lot of suggestions about new features, but I would like to suggest that it would enhance joy and be very realistic if players got KP (and possibly creatively designed skills) for doing the work of keeping a city running.
I'm hopeful that slaughtering deer, stags, and bunnies will EVENTUALLY result in some CHA skills, so that will help give some point to killing them other than KP and meat.
But even an aggro pvp-meister like @Nekrage will want a couple of folks in town who are good at doing upkeep stuff. And to keep our cities running happily, there ought to be a serotonin kick for the player who just smelted his first alloy, or bagged his 20th grain bag.
Not gonna make this a novel but I can imagine some sweet 'skills' to learn wrt farming and smithing.
Perhaps when the profession system comes in we can see one for hunting or herbing? If you choose to specialize in it maybe you can get more loot and rare drops?
@Nekrage said in KP for City Skills:
Perhaps when the profession system comes in we can see one for hunting or herbing? If you choose to specialize in it maybe you can get more loot and rare drops?
Ooooh! Shiny!
And hopefully when some players do "upkeepstuff" for the city, other citisens actually have use of gather materials for example (Others can use the meat that upkeepers gathered), and not just those upkeep materials getting "consumed by NPC" and vanishing.
talking about upkeep.. I think it would be nice if any citizen could "deposit" the upkeep, and only VG and above could "remove" instead of only VGs and above being able to do anything with the upkeep.
@Ostaff - again +1 to opening up permissions for citizens to contribute upkeep!
One workaround I had suggested that my guild is planning to do is building a chest close to the packaging station so citizens can put the odds and ends of meat and crop yields in it for combining into bag size lots.
@PeachMcD said in KP for City Skills:
I don't make a lot of suggestions about new features, but I would like to suggest that it would enhance joy and be very realistic if players got KP (and possibly creatively designed skills) for doing the work of keeping a city running.
That'd be very hard to fit into our system I'm afraid. KP is not a currency you can spend - everything is calculated so that what you can gain from mobs, legends, and exploration allows you to learn all skills and unlock all talents with no points left.
What we can and will add instead is harvesting and crafting proficiencies
Not sure that's going to be in the Winter Alpha but it will come eventually!
@Ostaff said in KP for City Skills:
talking about upkeep.. I think it would be nice if any citizen could "deposit" the upkeep, and only VG and above could "remove" instead of only VGs and above being able to do anything with the upkeep.
It should be working like that already, regular citizens can add sacks to the upkeep. If not we have a bug. Are you talking about adding gold to the treasury perhaps?
@Prometheus said in KP for City Skills:
Are you talking about adding gold to the treasury perhaps?
Please yes, give every citizen the possibilitiy to deposit gold to the town bank.
It is quite hard to manage that just as a governor.
And you don't have any log about, who payed what at the moment.
People need to meet each other at the moment and trade the gold with chest and the Governors have to be there at this moment, otherwise every citizen just can grab that money from the chest without knowing who took it.
I think it is essential for working upkeep.Maybe even a Citizen Tax would be an idea, to make it fair for every citizen to pay the town upkeep.
But there should be some way to suspend that for a single citizen, because of excused absence (like vacation).
@Prometheus said in
That'd be very hard to fit into our system I'm afraid. KP is not a currency you can spend - everything is calculated so that what you can gain from mobs, legends, and exploration allows you to learn all skills and unlock all talents with no points left.
first, thanks so much for responding! I get why this would mess up the plan. Can you talk more about what 'proficiencies' are planned to be? Wiki search didn't turn up much except the plan for professions like bow making, cooking, etc
@PeachMcD said in KP for City Skills:
much for responding! I get why this would mess up the plan. Can you talk more about what 'proficiencies' are planned to be? Wiki search didn't
Maybe there could be two KP pools? One for non-mob related stuff and one for the mob-ability stuff. So... city KP would only be spendable on "city" related abilities and stuff
@Kralith said in KP for City Skills:
But there should be some way to suspend that for a single citizen, because of excused absence (like vacation).
Not sure if such micromanagement would grow tedious on city leader later on in retail, if city will become heavily populated.
(and city leader had to micromanage this for every single citizen)
Perhaps instead, every citizen could on it's own, get ability to freeze his citizenship on his own (if hes going on vacation or similar) where his city benefits would freeze, but also his taxes.