*Kenobi voice* Hello There!
I'll do bit of a proper introduction. Im LonelyCookie, one of the many MMO-deprived people. Originally, I completely ignored Fractured as I felt like its not my type of a game at all, but the lack of MMOs is painfully real so I decided to give a chance (that doesnt mean Im convinced, on the contrary, very sceptical
). I'll try to get more people from my community to atleast take a look at Fractured, hopefully wont be hard to attract atleast a couple of eyes out of over 600ppl.
Something about me from real life, Im in my early 20s, university student of air traffic/transport (Yes, I know, current situation really promises me a "great" future Q_Q ), eh, theres actually not much to say. As for my gaming life, earliest gaming memory I have is playing some adventure with Winnie the Pooh, Serious Sam and Stronghold (great combo of games, I know) when I was around 5-6years old, been MMOs for last 12ish years which got me into various guild managing, which leads to my best accomplishment I'm most proud of, and thats leading and building a community I love to play with that I mentioned before.
See you all ingame...one day (I hope).
General Kenobi.
To explain my scepticism a bit... I recently got burned by Chronicles of Elyria (~350€) so even if I end up liking Fractured, It my take a while before (and If) I commit
EDIT: Didnt notice I can edit the original post till now, oops, too late,
@LonelyCookie Well with Fractured there's at least a way to track and verify the progression of the development. I'd say if Dynamight keep it up with both the development and improving the community management we're looking at a pretty promising future for the project!
and have fun!
Heeeeey Cookie, glad to see you here. Hopefully we get to do a little gaming together during upcoming Alpha!
Hello and welcome @LonelyCookie
Hello LonelyCookie!
@Darhk Hopefully
If i dont forget abou it, which would suck quite a bit (yes happens a lot to me, i missed quite a few tests in various games)
Thanks for the welcome, all of you
@LonelyCookie Hello and welcome aboard
@LonelyCookie Some of our community players gave Chronicles a try. I refused to play since it was definitely pay to win. I wondered how it faired.
@LonelyCookie Like many of us here that are looking forward to Fractured, I can say that I have been missing a good MMO. I think that you will love the game and the concept that it brings to the table. It might only be in Alpha phase at the moment, but it is showing promising results!
Hi and welcome!