More than 8 abilities if beastkin, still truth?
Just noticed one can have more abilities if beastkin race is picked (from wiki):
For primal form you get button outside your standard 8 Abilities which allows you to transform without consuming one slot for it.
Imo it´s fair, demons have their racial passives that don´t occupy any slot. But is it still valid, or was it changed in some of the update ?
Also will shapeshift give you some kind of immunity like in mobas (dota for example - Lone druid gets short window of invulnerablity while shifting form)...probably not, right
And will the cooldown be rather short or "once during fight" long?
@asspirin said in More than 8 abilities if beastkin, still truth?:
ns have their passives that don´t occupy any slot. But is it still valid, or was it changed in some of the
inspiring minds want to know!!!
@asspirin If you're asking whether beastmen will be able to hotbar over 8 conventional abilities (transformation excluded), then no, I don't believe that would be so.
I am also fairly certain that we're yet to hear any updates regarding that so 8 + 1 that is!
@humerus Thank you for answer, no matter then, as long as there will be some kind of button specifically for Shifting abilities, everything should be fine.
... and hopefully inventory will NOT be accessible during fight for same balance reasons.
"Short" invulnerability window instantly reminds me of Black Desert, the witch class, whos gameplay was to blink all the time to stay immune to damage.
Just meh...
If there are any "invulnerabilities" they should be tied to general spells that are available to every race, and ofc. have a decent CD tied to them.
I could already see druids shapeshift like mad to remain immune lol.
I don't know if it was stated somewhere else, but I wonder if abominations will still retain a transformation ability.
I could already see druids shapeshift like mad to remain immune lol.
yep, I know. The shapeshift ability could be on big CD and invulnerability window would be short so very skill dependant, but was just asking (I still compare Fractured to MOBAs as both should share sim,ilar gameplay
Shapeshift should imo be on little longer CD so one cannot abuse such thing (like escaping abilities of deer kin - no matter what it will be in final version of the game, it´s basically free teleport or frenzy not taking ability slot). Will shapeshifting be chanelled ability? Hope one will not switch into beats mode in blink of the eye.
The way I understand it, shapeshifting = basically a free mount. In that regard, it should have the same restrictions as mounting and dismounting, because otherwise they are ungankable.
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@Razvan Devs stated each form will have different move speed in beast form. My bet is Cat + Deer will run like a wind (sprinters, Cat will even have highest DEX from whole game which increases move speed and deer is said to have "faster move speed" as ability), Wolf will be slower (his tactic is to exhaust his prey, not outrun it) and I wouldn´t be surprised to see a Bear run even slower that human (big bad mean, but fatso)
EDIT: Well, Mr. Meiki was faster
It still doesn't change the fact that only one race gets access to these transformations, which isn't fair in a game with ganking. Imagine this:
scenario #1: 4 furries on human planet ganking a neutral human -> the human can't escape them because he doesn't have the speed buff
scenario #2: 4 humans ganking a furry on human planet -> after finally dismounting him, the beast uses his transformation and runs away. Humans now can't catch up because they have the mounting restrictions.In the end, it has the same advantages as a free mount and it should have the same rules as mounting.
@Razvan Agreed, but only if speed buff is significant. CD will surely also play role. But "good" furry will probably not gank (at least not good guys). Bad furries (Abominations) will have their shapeshift abilities changed, so probably only passive speed change will remain. However good point
Anyway pve guy would still not have a chance against PvP guy in PvP equip and PvP ability setup. Imo if ganker wants to gank, he will gank.
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Beastmen on Syndesia lose the powers they are granted on Arboreus. Other than that, they can stay on the Human planet as long as they like, finding shelter at any town that allows them in.Souce:
It had been stated that beastmen are still meant to use mounts so transformation won't be faster than mount. Beastmen will be able to shapeshift quite often. Transformation is meant for fighting.
Source: wiki
@Meiki Shapeshifting disabled outside of Arboreus? Doesn´t seem correct to me.
I do know "Beastmen on Syndesia lose the powers they are granted on Arboreus", but those "powers" are buffs granted by planet, right? Is shapeshifting really counted among them? Then demons would be stronger than furries.
Demons retain their powers on Syndesia only during Eclipse
Source: You are right about Beastmen. My bad
Human technology needs to work on other planets, because it's not there only to pair demon / beastkin racials, but also to make up for loss of stat afinities that demons / beastkin get through character customisation, imho.
Since humans don't get powerful racials, and don't get stat boosts in character creation, then without tech, they would just suck.
@Gothix said in More than 8 abilities if beastkin, still truth?:
and don't get stat boosts in character creation
What do you mean by that, Beastkin and Demons can have higher points in some stats than 18 (and lower in some others), but on the other hand, they can only distribute 100 points, where humans have 120 points to spend. It's not that they have a free boost, it comes with a price.
@Yitra said in More than 8 abilities if beastkin, still truth?:
What do you mean by that, Beastkin and Demons can have higher points in some stats than 18 (and lower in some others), but on the other hand, they can only distribute 100 points, where humans have 120 points to spend. It's not that they have a free boost, it comes with a price.
Beastkin and demon can minmax a lot better, because of affinities, they gain bonus points. That outweights an extra 20 points, that don't come with bonus, imho.