Physical Immune enemies should be removed.

  • Content Creator

    Having to completely change a character's build and equipment to kill a single type of enemy is quite tedious.

    I have no seen magic immune enemies yet but I am sure there are plans for it.

    I don't really see this being a positive experience for any player.

    What do you guys think about it?


    For a moment there I read "Physics immune enemies".

    Because a physics immuned Bear just walked through the walls of my home and attacked me inside.

  • Content Creator

  • I believe it encourages multiplayer. Instead of changing my kit entirely (with terrible stats since I am a gladiator) I just ask if there is a mage who wants to hunt wisps. It encourages to get along which is even more important in this game. I hope there will be more enemies like that, and ones that are also physically immune.
    In my perfect scenario, you would have a wisp and a mob that ignores magic. So yeah, I do like the idea. It makes grinding and normal mobs unique and fun to fight, and as I mentioned, encourages to team up instead of pulling a lone wolf.


    I very much agree with @SakuTheMedic, that immunities add to the requirement playing this game in a group. Solo is sure viable but maybe not all content everywhere and that seems reasonable. I would not favor removing all immunities.

  • Content Creator

    And it gets worse. You NEED to do damage to the wisp to get knowledge or unlock skills.

    So you can't have a group ready to kill these guys for you. You need to be a caster to get credit.

    Horrible design.


    I agree with @Nekrage, what is the point of having to play with a party if the knowledge is not shared.
    As the game is still on alpha, I just think the party dynamics is not fully implemented yet. After all, there would be little sense for parties if experience/knowledge are not shared among the party members.

    It would be nice to have a clarification from the Devs. Perhaps @Prometheus? Salve, che ne dici?

  • TF#10 - CONSUL

    make them 99% resistant to physical instead or something, should still be simple to get credit


    I could be wrong here, but when you actually join a party through the social mechanics implemented (hotkey "s") all knowledge gain is shared within the group. I was doing wisps and elementals in a larger group (5 players or so) at the start of this test. All knowledge gain counted for me. Now, I was also a caster, so maybe there is a requirement to do damage in order to also get the party's knowledge gain.

    However, we did have a melee character with us and he did not complain about not getting any wisp knowledge. So I think it shares properly, but would have to test to be certain.

    If that's not the case, I would assume that's more of a bug or a mechanic to prevent lazy people that just needs to get refined.

  • Content Creator

    @Silynx So strangely enough I am currently testing this at this very moment and applying debuffs like bleeds from some melee abilities is giving credit even though it does no damage.

    You need to inflict damage or a debuff to get credit.


    @Nekrage That would explain it. I'm sure he did inflict bleedings/debuffs due to the starter skills. Sounds like an unintentional effect or bug rather.

  • TF#3 - ENVOY

    I think it's fine to have enemies like wisps that are immune to melee damage, but I think mage staves should do magic damage with their basic attack.


    If you have physical attack immune enemies.. then there should be magic immune enemies as well. Correct?

  • Wiki Editor

    I am going here with @SakuTheMedic and @Silynx, because one of the Game Design Ideas is, that you need to chose your Skillset depending on what you want to make. One of the results of this idea are the Wisps.
    Yeah, they are super annoying and very hard to get for a solo player, who has not the needed skills for. But quite easy, if you go with two friends with some before collected skills from other creatures.

    I like the idea, that you need to change your equip and skills to be able to do different things.
    How boring it would be, if you are running all the time with the same equip and skills and be able to kill all enemies with it?

  • Content Creator

    @Kralith Then we need to fix what triggers contribution to earn KP. Having to change your build from melee to caster for it is not balanced.

    @BlueGoblin said in Physical Immune enemies should be removed.:

    If you have physical attack immune enemies.. then there should be magic immune enemies as well. Correct?

    Right? There would have to be for balance.

  • Wiki Editor

    @Nekrage There is litterally no Balancing right now, since balancing skills and equip is something for the Beta.
    Obvisiously you can already suggest a balancing. 😉
    But for now the Devs will need to get all of the game features running/working, thats Phase 1 of a Developement.
    As soon they have the core features running, they need to work on making it right, means Phase 2. Balancing is one of the things in this Development phase.
    But as i said, that will be something for Beta.
    Especially your "Having to change your build from melee to caster for it is not balanced." is the best example.
    It is not neccessary to think about this yet, where skills in general have problems to work or fighting is at some points still bugged.

    Also to mention, the game will not be devided in Melee or Caster, once the Skill-Tree will be out, the cards gets reshuffled.

  • Content Creator

    @Kralith Discuss issues that are in the game currently. That's the goal. What the current state or focus of the game is doesn't matter to me. I want to get this information out there as something we need to address.

    Also...melee or caster will always be a thing considering there are spell restrictions based off equipped armor types.

  • Wiki Editor

    @Nekrage said in Physical Immune enemies should be removed.:

    Discuss issues that are in the game currently. That's the goal. What the current state or focus of the game is doesn't matter to me. I want to get this information out there as something we need to address.

    Thats all i said 😉

  • Content Creator

    @Kralith said in Physical Immune enemies should be removed.:

    @Nekrage said in Physical Immune enemies should be removed.:

    Discuss issues that are in the game currently. That's the goal. What the current state or focus of the game is doesn't matter to me. I want to get this information out there as something we need to address.

    Thats all i said 😉


    @Nekrage said in Physical Immune enemies should be removed.:

    @Kralith Then we need to fix what triggers contribution to earn KP. Having to change your build from melee to caster for it is not balanced.

    Sounds like you and Kralith fully agree then on how this should play out, since this is a bug and will be fixed?

    I guess I'm just confused how we can talk about balancing something that in it's core function is currently buggy and take the bug as an example for it's inbalance. Maybe I'm just not getting the essence of what you are trying to say.

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