Important things in last month?
PricelessShingle54 TF#12 - PEOPLE'S HERALD Oct 23, 2018, 12:31 PM last edited by PricelessShingle54 Oct 23, 2018, 12:32 PM
Hi all !
i was actually busy in the last 30/40 days so i actually havent followed fractured for this period of timeβ¦
So my question is mainly to SPECTOR ,Muker or someone who knows if there is any important stuff happened?
and also someone can tell me if they fixed a date for the Pre-Alpha/Alpha 1?
Well, we reached the funding stretchgoal for Lich Transformation and that's probably the biggest thing that has happened within a month
Latest news about pre-alpha I've heard is that it has been moved to November
@pricelessshingle54 Not much news, sorry. The pre-alpha was moved to November, but no exact date was given.
They also reserve the rights to move it to December.
Patience, young padawan, have, you must.
@gothix It's also important to mention that Fractured has only been in development since August 2017. That means there will only be a bit more than a year between the start of development and the release of the pre-alpha, which is very fast considering how long it takes to develop an MMO. Even if the pre-alpha gets postponed further, it's still coming much earlier than the alphas of other MMOs.
Most important thing, we need to give them time to finish the game state to be able to start an Pre-Alpha access.
Iβm quite sure, they wonβt give us first steps in a non working environment.
Also they need to introduce us (who will be chosed for Pre) whats important to figure out in this closed phase of the game. Preparing this will need time.
If we are too unpatient at all points, we will get maybe not what we expect. And to make us disapointing can not be the goal of DS.
Whenever it is finish to show us, they will start. Even it will be in December, January or later.
I can just speak for myself, but i think they should take the time they need and i will not demand an too early start, just because i am hyped.
Hey some bugs might be fun.
Like for example, everyone always respawning in the same exact spot... on Tartaros.
I am quite sure we will getsuch kind of funny bugs, about that we can tell others when it will be a part of big history of Fractured.
Tales from the past are always the ones we can tell all our kids at the cozy campfire and they will listening in awe.
Actually, we did have one other development - skills got changed a bit. Before, the first example of the difference between a lv 1 skill and a lv 3 skill was the lv 3 did more damage. It was pointed out that this made no sense in a horizontal progression game. much harumphing and argument ensued. Devs decided that, instead of "more damage" they'd go with alternative modes.
So, now, maybe Fireball 1 is a nice damage+small AoE attacks spell that fires out in a line and blows up when it strikes something, but Fireball 2 gives up some damage in return for a moderate seeking attribute, and Fireball 3 is linear like lv 1, and a tiny bit slower, but it's AoE is a cone of the same volume as the lv 1's boom - for when you absolutely need to shotgun blast someone's squad with cosmic fire.
Point being, now we have 3 times the skills, which we can pick and choose from for maximum advantage to our playing style, instead of having the Veterans have an advantage over the newbs as a function of time played and skills in-game Master'd (as opposed to out-of-game Mastered, in that we fully understand the mechanics and have developed a style that maximizes the skills potential, which we want/like, in theory XD)
@kralith said in Important things in last month?:
(...)I can just speak for myself, but i think they should take the time they need and i will not demand an too early start, just because i am hyped.
I think there is a common misconception there. While a good deal of people is undoubtedly going to ask out of impatience, there is a very valid concern with trying to nail milestone scheduling and not going too far off the trail. In a perfect world, time would be the only requirement, but most unfortunately, it really is money and that is far from unlimited. The very opposite is true, investors are willing to gamble with a high risk, but require a decent interest rate to validate that investment. And we do not have a lot of kickstarter funding to keep that running.
Theres a lot of talk of the alpha coming up. Will someone please stream their gameplay?
@zidroc Players can stream alpha 1 if they like, but the pre-alpha will be under an NDA.
Thanks all for the reply
Glad to see Fractured shaping up nicely. Cannot wait to play it/cover it. Been itching for an experience like this
@sermedieval me 2 bro! Cant wait to play it