Cross-Race Guilds
I would honestly love to see cross-race guilds. I know that in the "Hero and Guild Creation" blog (on the NEWS pannel) it mentions that guilds are race-restricted. I do see some of the reasoning behind that, like:
- Traveling between worlds is supposed it be difficult.
- The races and their cultures vary drastically, so it's logical that they wouldn't necessarily get along.
... and so on and so forth, but I sort of feel like that risks isolating the worlds too much. It absolutely makes sense for there to be guilds restricted to a single race, but more in a role-playing capacity than a game-play capacity. At least, so it seems to me. I suppose I imagine complex guilds like:
- A human-beastmen guild created for the sole purpose of defending Syndesia from Tartarus during the eclipse.
- A demon-human guild filled largely with the corrupt and the corrupted.
Or even little things, like a beastmen who ventures to Syndesia as often as he/she can and is fond of the humans or a particular set of them. I can easily see a living "universe" in which a guild hall is a home away from home for members of all the races. Where they can meet up and exchange stories, or plan to tackle a difficult adventure with their combined skill-set. If there can be cross-race friends, it seems a little strange to not have cross-race guilds.
I do realize that the race-restriction is not set in stone for the guilds, I just figured I'd put my two cents in the jar. Does anyone have arguments for why it wouldn't be a good idea? Or something to add? I'd honestly love to hear it.
EDIT: I'd also like to add that, at least for those towns/homesteads who are supported by/lead by a guild, it would give access to a larger array of materials and trading. It could help the towns be more competitive and those towns with access to more materials would be able to craft a wider range of items. That would, in turn, place that town in higher "demand".
There is no particulare reason, but i can see the reason of this choice from the developers.
Maybe a thing that could works, is not to have cross-race guild, but a "Runaway" quest chain that allowd a player to change the planet to live, and doing so allowd him to enter a guild from that planet.
So we would have planet-locked guild. That mean at creation of a Guild it's bounded to a planet, if u belong to that planet u are allowed to join the guild.
So a Human who changes the planet he belongs to Tartarus, may joina formerly Demon Guild.
@wolfsquill I absolutely agree, it would be pretty neat to, for example, have a guild made almost entirely of humans with a single angel member. Whenever something bad happens they summon him for assistance.
@Putio I love this idea, though I feel it would need to be something very intensive to prevent everyone from doing it.
Guilds are not race-restricted! That is outdated information from an earlier game design plan.
When creating a guild, you may (must) set it as either race-restricted or alignment-restricted.
@putio That would be one way to alter it, I suppose. It's a good idea. The only trouble I could see coming from that is that the racial bonus are often tagged to the planets themselves.
@fibs oh, that's good news! I hadn't heard it had been updated. Thanks for letting me know!
@fibs Actually, guilds are planet-restricted these days. If you can live permanently on a planet, you can join a guild belonging to that planet. In the case of Syndesia, Humans, Beastmen and Angels can all join Syndesia guilds.
@specter said in Cross-Race Guilds:
@fibs Actually, guilds are planet-restricted these days. If you can live permanently on a planet, you can join a guild belonging to that planet. In the case of Syndesia, Humans, Beastmen and Angels can all join Syndesia guilds.
I figured it was something like that now, it seems like the simplest approach. I'll remember this for the future
@fibs So, you mentioned that you must select the restriction for the guild, but a friend of mine (who is the one creating the guild) can't alter the restriction at all. It's just tied to whatever race he is. It doesn't seem like the mechanic to alter the restriction has been implemented yet.
@wolfsquill The guild profiles on the website have nothing to do with the ingame guilds. It's just a way for people to organize in advance.
Dude i would love to see that guild UI has some kind of restriction tab that can be set by guild master. Like restricting races that can join or not and kinda stuff..
I would love to see that "Missioner" guilds that does their missioner jobs and things to order of Good or Evil aligness. For example Beastman and Devils can also create guild if they are good aligned in their mission or bad aligned. It depends on their way of life. I am just bringing some imagination here..
maybe you can even create an akatsuki haha
that collect masterpieces inside the game that has some kind of value lol
I'm personally in favor of guild membership not being restricted in any way, since Fractured plans to be sandbox focused and dynamic game.
For now, if i understood correctly, the plan is for guilds to be alignment based, but I would like that there are no restrictions at all, and let players decide who they wish to play with, and how to play it.
@specter said in Cross-Race Guilds:
@fibs Actually, guilds are planet-restricted these days. If you can live permanently on a planet, you can join a guild belonging to that planet. In the case of Syndesia, Humans, Beastmen and Angels can all join Syndesia guilds.
Nice to hear about that! I think it's the best way to manage guild system, allowing player with the same allignment and purpose to play together even if they start their journey as differnet races