hint for logout
It isn't going to take 10s to die. Read my post on TTK when I ask
on the live Q&A video.
@jetah evan if its not 10s to kill, if you hit someone that disconnecting the timer stop, so it still doesn't matter...
@jetah said in hint for logout:
If you must go then you don't care what happens because real life is more important. If you know you have 15 minutes before you leave then you don't start a travel to another town. If you log out in a safe area the 15m doesn't apply.
As I said they could add an afk status if someone tries to exploit it by doing alt+f4 and similar situations aka connection lost or black out. That way the system will keep the char in the game for few mins as afk till auto-logout.
This is what I'm asking for! This is exactly what it is!
successfull logout should remove the character frome the game. Exploting not.
@jetah said in hint for logout:
how is it less immersive? You're already out of the game or in character select. Actually immersive would be your character never leaves the game world and could be killed while 'sleeping'.
This has my vote.
No timer for logout, just 100% immersive.
i think whatever the main dude said is a good idea
@pepix said in hint for logout:
Not possibile 15m is long time, 30 second si the beasth time, no possibile gammin in the work
You should not play in work.
If you play in work, that's your own problem, not mine.
@gothix many play from work, many play and suddenly must disconnect from the game, if you're not involved in duels in game because you have to wait 15 minutes? in this way only those who are looking for player afk for killed
I am hoping they aren't making this game only for kids with planty of time to look for safe spot to log out. What if someone have only 1h play time in work days? Should he just ignore Fractured then? Because half of his game time has to be reserved for log out. That's just plain stupid.
Timers are good method to deal with exploits. 10 to 15 secs and if you're hit it resets. If you die your body should just stay there. That way even if you have to go right away the game will let you log out and if someone attacks you he can loot you.
@tulukaruk If you succesfully (not exploit) channel the log out thee is no point to let the char stay in the game. Asking a system to kill char afk it's kiddish
@finland I'm not sure if you're agreeing with me or disagreeing
I didn't write anything about afk chars.
To be clear - I think there should be a timer and when you successfully log out you should disappear from the game. If you turn off the game without logging out or the game discovers you lost connection it should start log out timer automatically.
Okay, this is how I'm gonna exploit if your character doesn't stay 15 minutes ingame after you log out:
Me and my gaming buddies are all evil demons in Fractured. We will port to Aboreus. All beastman will flee if they see the portal appear. We rush to a dungeon and quickly log out there. We continue to play on our 2nd accounts for the rest of the day. The next day I start on my 2nd account and log my beastman alt to check out the dungeon where we logged of our demons. We see all is quit and a group/guild is gathering at the dungeon entrance to start their pve. I notify my friends on TS, we all log on our demons. We kill (or try to kill) the beastman and laugh and corpse jump them before we rush back and log of again till there is a portal back to Tartaros.
Enjoy your quick logout times everyone!
Invasions to Arboreus will time out after 30 minutes. So you may log out but you'll log in on Tartaros.
@jetah said in hint for logout:
Invasions to Arboreus will time out after 30 minutes. So you may log out but you'll log in on Tartaros.
Even if that is so, his post is still valid for same planet killing.
People can very easily exploit logout feature (if it's too short time for character to vanish) to escape the danger, and that is the fact.
The point of full loot MMO game is not to allow that kind of escapes.
And I would love to emphasize again that if you play as beast man on Arboreus safe zones, even if your character stays online for 15 more minutes after you leave, you are in NO DANGER of being killed by other players, because you simply can not be killed there. So PvE players that will play like that, need not worry. (Of course, do not log off near the bear, pull up on main road, and log off).
And if you are roaming around Syndesia or Tartaros then, it is on you to plan your return to safe area before you log off.
And one more thing, this game isn't designed around people that would like to play it on work. You wish to play it on work? Sure, but deal with the fact that you might die if your boss comes and you have to shut the game down. This is your own problem.
If you suggest 15 mins then I'll just go and suggest instant log off even mid combat and teleport to town. I even think that it's more reasonable then that crazy idea with 15 mins.
@tulukaruk said in hint for logout:
If you suggest 15 mins then I'll just go and suggest instant log off even mid combat and teleport to town. I even think that it's more reasonable then that crazy idea with 15 mins.
You do not need to wait in front of your monitor for 15 minutes.
You log off INSTANT, and go to windows, but YOUR CHARACTER remains in game world for 15 more minutes, and ONLY IF YOU LOGGED OFF IN UNSAFE ZONE.
If you made effort to return to city (or any safe zone, your house etc.) then your character vanishes from game world INSTANTLY when you log off.
There need to be consequences for people logging off in unsafe zones, in attempt to escape danger and save their lives in this lame way.
@gothix log of should be no intant but if you succesfully log off there is no point to let the char stay in the game. alt+f4 or connection loss should let stay the cahr in game like AFK status.
@Finland I would not let people be able to log out in unsafe zones at all. I would just let their characters permanently in game if players leave the game in unsafe zones.
15 minutes is already a big compromise from my perspective.
People should just not be logging off in unsafe zones, and expect to be safe. End of story.
If you cba to travel back to safety that should be your own problem.15 min is the best you should get. I'd put it even longer, or totally disable logoff in unsafe zones. (You can close the client, but your character stays).
@jetah ah ok, but it would still work within 30 mins.
Demons can still do that on Tartaros in dungeons at boss locations or in enemy settlements at the end of a siege and log back in later.
Above is same for humans on Syndesia.
@gothix said in hint for logout:
People should just not be logging off in unsafe zones, and expect to be safe. End of story.
Why? As I said before that's just straight punishing people with short playing time. Besides there is no safe zone in Tartaros and Syndesia. So if you don't build a house which my guess is doesn't happen in first few hours of playing you are just left for dead every time you log off? And later if you build one you still cannot wonder off too far because you won't be able to return in time?
And besides logging off is perfectly reasonable way to escape from lame people that want to kill PvE players.
@tulukaruk said in hint for logout:
@gothix said in hint for logout:
People should just not be logging off in unsafe zones, and expect to be safe. End of story.
Why? As I said before that's just straight punishing people with short playing time. Besides there is no safe zone in Tartaros and Syndesia. So if you don't build a house which my guess is doesn't happen in first few hours of playing you are just left for dead every time you log off? And later if you build one you still cannot wonder off too far because you won't be able to return in time?
this argue is pointless, the timer shouldn't be more then 1 min, but we can let @Prometheus or @Specter to answer.