Body building
What do you think about give the option to choose between skinny, slim, normal or fat body building of your character?
If you are interesting point which one you will choose.
this requires development time to make sure all armor and weapons don't clip. it also means animations have to change based on body width.
I agree with @Jetah - it's unlikely there will be that level of character customisation in this game.
Only if we will also have fast food restaurants in towns.
@gothix said in Body building:
Only if we will also have fast food restaurants in towns.
I was thinking they should add something in like san andreas but like depending on your build changes how effective you are in different combat roles and farming roles but dont change the actual size of the character just definition
why does it say slim and skinny lol
Skinny - imagine the nerdy kid in school that doesn't do much physical exercise.
slim - imagine bruce lee. Strong but small, great strength to weight ratio.
@jetah said in Body building:
slim - imagine bruce lee. Strong but small, great strength to weight ratio.
I'd rather call that "fit", but I guess "slim" can work too.
And the order in that voting list would be different, skinny - normal - fit - fat, cus first you are skinny, then you eat a bit and become normal, then you work on yourself and turn some into a muscle mass, then you are fit, if you stop working out and eat more, you are fat.
we can call The Mountain "fit" too.
you can be strong without being large. Asians martial artist are that way.
there should be an option between normal and fat
how about your abilities used determine how your body looks?
you start with magic, so you're probably thin, you decide to use a 1h sword so your body starts to shape up and become defined. you continue to use that sword but also use a 2h so you become stronger.
@jetah said in Body building:
how about your abilities used determine how your body looks?
you start with magic, so you're probably thin, you decide to use a 1h sword so your body starts to shape up and become defined. you continue to use that sword but also use a 2h so you become stronger.
Then you start using all the heavy plate and become a dwarf.
Althalus TF#12 - PEOPLE'S HERALD Jun 16, 2018, 2:43 PM last edited by Althalus Jun 16, 2018, 2:45 PM
@jetah I LOVE that idea!!! I think that would be amazing!!!
@Gothix I dont think thats how dwarfs are made
@jetah I really like this idea. It gives the choosing of inadjustable attributes some flavour, as you can actually see that the skinny guy has to use magic, as there is no muscle on him to properly wield a sword, whereas the strong warrior with plate armour should look more muscular in comparison and the dextrous fighter slimmer, but still not too skinny.
@severinus said in Body building:
@jetah I really like this idea. It gives the choosing of inadjustable attributes some flavour, as you can actually see that the skinny guy has to use magic, as there is no muscle on him to properly wield a sword, whereas the strong warrior with plate armour should look more muscular in comparison and the dextrous fighter slimmer, but still not too skinny.
I watched an anime where physical build was a base to magic. Stronger body, meant stronger magic (to a point I assume).
Unlikely they'll have this, but I think you were missing jacked.
I would want this to be a feature
I can see body customization being added as a patch post game release but I seriously doubt they will do it for launch and I wouldn't want them to put the precious time into if. The launch of an MMO can make or break it if not done correctly.
@generalimmortus I 100% agree with this, I'm happy to wait for customisation, or not even get it at all. But I don't want the devs to waste time making something that could turn out bad or lacklustre.
@althalus said in Body building:
there should be an option between normal and fat
I agree with you (if there will ever be a choice between body types)...maybe a stocky build