Has VR support been looked into?
Honestly with recent trends if it was even mentioned that it was being looked into or planned would bring a huge market.
@cpomendez Fractured is an isometric MMO. VR wouldn't make much sense.
movies are 2d but they still offer a "3d" experience. If the VR just gave better depth and change the UI a little. but i doubt the resources for that would work out.
@specter What I was picturing was 1st person and possibly VR as an option in the future. I love my Iso's, but I thought it'd be fun.
This type of games are not compatible with virtual reality, it will still take years or decades to be able to make such games for vr.
@cpomendez no bro.
sure it can be a possibility in the future but that will be determined by how popular VR becomes, how successful Fractured is and if the community really wants it.
I could see VR as a paid for add on but as we've said, the game is an isometric game so there won't be much it could offer. I'd think of it more like 3D movies are.
Fractured's gameplay will definitely not be compatible with VR. There's a good reason VR games usually don't have you move around much - because when they do, everybody who plays them vomits.
If Fractured ever had a VR mode it would be a silly alternate gameplay mode where you could spectate recorded gameplay with a free camera. As in, the server would remember inputs and you could replay them in the game with a VR free cam. That's about it.
Will there be VR gaming capabilities for this title?
@morgalathan -The game will not be on Android and ISO (β5)
I doubt it. And who did for MMO VR?
And with this isometry it makes no sense to do VR
@muker said in Has VR support been looked into?:
@morgalathan -The game will not be on Android and ISO (β5)
I doubt it. And who did for MMO VR?
And with this isometry it makes no sense to do VRfirst the platform wasn't asked.
second if they wanted to do VR they could but it wouldn't be a stand up and move around version.
@morgalathan isometric comera not suited for VR. VR is for 1st person games.
no it isn't. MOVIES are offered in 3d! it can be done it's a question IF the developers WANT to do it.
@jetah I doubt you have played with VR. I have tryed out nearly everything with oculus rift and VR is made for 1st person camera. Something else should not exists for VR.
Movies.. Dunno if you knows but aren't games
VR makes a lot of players very sick very fast, especially when it isn't 1st person, and it isn't a good idea for the game I don't think.
movies are watched in a 2d screen but we do have 3d options for them.
for VR DS could put the UI in the 3d space as well as trees, towers and anything clipping through the camera to give it a feeling of walking through the world.
@specter said in Has VR support been looked into?:
@cpomendez Fractured is an isometric MMO. VR wouldn't make much sense.
This. VR is for first person games.
I just saw this thread and wanted to say I have no clue how you think this game planned for a VR support. Did you actually read what this game is about? lol. At this day and age, yes VR is a new trend, but it is far too new and VR games are shallow, clunky, inefficient, etc. We still need months or even years before a well made VRMMORPG is even revealed to the public. Fractured already stated that it is an isometric game, not some half baked VR game that doesn't even run well these days.
@jetah I hope not. There is no point. It would steal time for developing other things. VR sucks it's something I hope will vanish.
i remember those same type of crap games for console back in the 90's. it'll take a while for them to mature.
you know it's possible to simultaneously develop right?