Engame Changer - Objectives Preview
These changes are nice but I would rather see agile development into content zones. Build, release, circle-back and iterate later. Balance can be chased for a lifetime. Content is king and we need a few more options mid to late game.
Either way, looking forward to everything listed here! Furthermore, very excited about the future!
Cheers and Godspeed devs,
@Prometheus said in Engame Changer - Objectives Preview:
After Endgame Changer: drink potions and catch new mounts with revamped mounts stats (the best are very rare!). Each type has a unique ability, but they all must be replaced when they die of old age (RIP mount).
I'd rather have the existing mounts that never die, than shiny ones that decay like everything else.
If it's just going to vanish over time, I don't care about rare anything.
If they do make a dedicated button for consumables, I really hope they make it a 9th slot on the hotbar, @Miraluna. I hate how I have to avoid pressing that number on my mouse; it feels weird ignoring it.
Add a consumable slot for this please.
Yes, consumable slots would be amazing, thats a feature that we're all asking since a couple alpha tests and will be a good improvement. Even when consumables were usable from he inventory was a big plus, maybe making them usable from the inventory would be a quick a easy fix for that since theres no really OP consumables available in game that would cause a big issue or unbalance issues.
Game is gonna be sick after demon world and dungeons come in. Hopefully they decide to do unique drops, even if theyre cosmetics or fluff items. OSRS is a better game then Albion imo and one of the things it does right is unique drops. The game really motivates you to take challenging boss fights, even if those boss fights are in the wilderness.
@padreadamo It will be more clear when the details are released, but what is happening here isn't balancing.
What they are doing is improving the basic design of game mechanics based on the data gathered from these first weeks of real play.
@Bancheis said in Engame Changer - Objectives Preview:
@Prometheus To be honest, I really hate the idea of mounts dying from old age. I rather they be durability based like other equipment, even though that isn't a great solution either.
I wrote "old age" just to convey the idea - the system is durability-like indeed. Clearly the duration will be long enough for them to be worth catching
@Akarikari said in Engame Changer - Objectives Preview:
If nerfing normal content to push for groups to favor hunting legendaries becomes the regular, it's going to push smaller groups away from the game as they will struggle to get to the point where they can actually fight legendaries. Not to mention a lot of people just stand around those waiting for someone to summon only to run in and steal the drops. Those drops need to be locked to the party that summons the boss, (Yes, this is fair in pvp too as they can just pk them after and take the loot or die trying).
We are not nerfing any content in this patch
and we are aware there's something wrong with how loot rights are assigned for those bosses, because it's very easy to get them with minimal damage. We also need a system to split drops for different people/groups.
@Akarikari said in Engame Changer - Objectives Preview:
Other thing I really want to see is more added to towns.
Unique city bonuses are planned, but not for this patch
@rainbowmesa said in Engame Changer - Objectives Preview:
A big problem will still be there, it seems. You say unique rewards from legends, but all i hear is "keep farming ogres/whatever the new best coinmaker is and just buy whatever the reward is on the market for gold later". Gold is simply the be-all, end-all, and there is no reason to actually be out there doing the content.
You can't ignore the market value of drops when you evaluate how profitable a PvE activity is
People farm ogres because the combined value of their gold + other loot + divine rewards is higher than other activities, including more difficult ones, which is wrong. That being said, I agree we need more activities for players, as @Zeiram @MidniteArrow @padreadamo also pointed out. That is why I ended the post with "Do you think something important is missing - aside from having more end-game PvE events and have PvP events in general?"
@Bancheis said in Engame Changer - Objectives Preview:
My top tier gear currently loses like a good 5-10% of durability per hour of farming.
That's correct, T2 gear lasts for 16-20 hours of combat, aside from weapons which take half the time. We have adjustments planned for that.
I wrote "old age" just to convey the idea - the system is durability-like indeed. Clearly the duration will be long enough for them to be worth catching
If the length of time before they die is anywhere close to either the durability length of weapons or armor they simply wont be worth catching. Spending valuable game time getting something that dies in a couple days of playtime will ensure Ill do the same thing I do with weapons and armor. Craft crappy enough stuff to get buy cause I'm not wasting time for something that just deletes itself in 16ish hours.
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@Bancheis I disagree if the mounts are cool enough this will make it so people actually use the cool stuff. So often do people just horde the coolest things in the game and never use them b/c they are rare or valuable. If you have that timer you either will try and sell it fast or just go out and use it. Interesting system
I want a mount that projects "I'm better than you."
A few more thoughts:
- Rare mounts don't really need to confer more power to be valuable. A pure black horse can be rare, and yet command a premium when put up for sale. Something can be collectable and worth searching for without being any more powerful.
Regarding making PvP fights interesting, I wish you luck.
For a fight to be interesting each party needs to have a shot at winning, but this is unlikely for a couple of reasons:
- A red is likely to attack when you're already at half heath fighting mobs. This is a good tactic, but if I'm starting the fight at 50% health and nearly no mana how long will this last?
- A red is likely to be set up to fight other players, whereas the target is likely to be set up to fight a particular mob. Does the build to fight ice elementals look anything like the build to fight other players?
The balance issues when a red attacks a PvE player go far beyond just player skill. If the goal is to make those fights interesting, I wish you luck. One fix might be that all mobs in the area instantly aggro to the red - that would help.
@OracleMr said in Engame Changer - Objectives Preview:
Dear Jacopo, caro Jacopo....the true endgame changer will be to give us the tool to properly socialize and build the community, thats the most importanti thing of a sandbox game.
Give us:
-friends list
-looking for party
-whispering/private chat
-fun city events specific to each city/planet
-some guild activities- /ignore
Make it so we don't get penalized when grouping when it comes to KP
this is a MMORPG most games if not all have an incentive for grouping. In fractured when grouping KP value goes down. What's the incentive for groups when farming KP?
@yianni it's already like this.
Groups gain a lot more KP than single players, as long as the group does not go over certain numbers.