⁹Rescent Nerf to mages.
I know there are multiple topics, but i scrolled through like 100 rescent posts and couldn't find any.
I feel the nerf was completely unneccissary though... and I have never played a mage. I have fought along side a few and even done some PvP with one.
I honestly think acid damage is alot more dangerous right now than ice or magic damage was. People were only complaining about magic missiles and ice spikes in particular, because almost every mage seemed to have it... My question is... if it was such a problem... why the hell did noone decide to protect themselves against them?
In my duel with a mage, they took down my hp real fast with a couple of skills, before finally using magic missile. I had warg armour on, so it did little damage to me. The mage supposedly didn't expect me to survive that final barrage and just stood there for a couple of seconds, I can only assume in shock. My gear wasn't even enchanted for extra magic defence. It was just the basic material bonuses.
If people stop treating this as a vertical progression game, and even 1/4 as a horizontal progression game (which is about all it is at this point, despite the devs saying it was going to be fully horizontal progression at the beginning)... then players actual knowledge and experience would reflect and they would hopefully adapt and evolve instead of complaining and brining in toxicity as they have lately.
1 set of equipment is NOT supposed to be used for everything.
If unarmed naked mages were the main issue... why not make the spells only usable with the assistance of a staff instead? why not have a damage algorithm like;
Damage = (1/10)Staff DmgInt stat?Instead of ONLY being based off Int?
You can argue that isn't horizontal progression... But if it was truely horizontal, no1 would even get the chance to choose base stats. Their gear would reflect any and all stat changes.
I bring this up, partially because of Black Widow Spiders. Before they felt like a bit of a threat, just like big black spiders... Now, even without ANY magic resist... In fact I have negative Magic resist due to 6 base Int stats, they still aren't a damn threat They are COMPLETE pushovers. Completely useless mobs. Giant Spiders seem to have been buffed and now have stupid amounts of poison damage. WTF? How can this be called Balancing?
Giant spiders poison has always been extremely powerful (12%hp per tick). Didn't notice a difference before and after the changes.
@Xzait said in ⁹Rescent Nerf to mages.:
If unarmed naked mages were the main issue... why not make the spells only usable with the assistance of a staff instead?
Well, the problem with naked mages was that they are not wearing armor, not that they were not wearing staffs. Although with staffs not being able to be enchanted, not giving any bonus dependent on material before the latest changes and the auto attacks being rather hard to hit in PvP I can see them not wearing staffs either
I don't really think naked mage gankers were a problem... They were basically weak mages without any enchants. For someone PvP experienced with gear, it would have been easy to kill them. If they wanted to do something against the fact that mages can run around naked, they should have changed Mage Armor, which is the only reason this is happening (well and probably Ice Spikes).
If a group of meele without gear, except for a weapon, is ganking a single player, the ganked doesn't have a chance to win either. That is not really a problem exclusive for mages...
Ice Spikes was a problem, as you could one hit a lot of people who did not know the game yet, but I don't really know why they nerfed everything else as well. And even this you could work around by getting Ice Resistance, since mages were very predictable to use this skill as their main dps. People who did a decent amount of PvP even got good at avoiding it. Although I can see that not being possible when 5 players perma stun you (which meeles and archers can do as well
If you take Ice Spikes away from mages, they already become a lot weaker in PvP. In a geared environment, mages already were not the strongest in PvP, even with Ice Spikes, but I do still think that Ice Spikes and Mage Armor should have been nerfed.
I also find it unreasonable to expect mages to be able to get to 150% Spell Damage. Apperently it is not even possibly by a decent margin right now, and even if you build a mage as glass cannon as that, you are gonna get 1 - 3 hit by any Archer / Meele / probably other mages as well.
But what do I know, I don't even know why I still participate in this Forum with my opinions.
And then there still is the complete brokenness of the Word of Power series...
@Xzait said in ⁹Rescent Nerf to mages.:
I honestly think acid damage is alot more dangerous right now than ice or magic damage was. People were only complaining about magic missiles and ice spikes in particular, because almost every mage seemed to have it... My question is... if it was such a problem... why the hell did noone decide to protect themselves against them?
@Eurav said in ⁹Rescent Nerf to mages.:
I don't really think naked mage gankers were a problem... They were basically weak mages without any enchants. For someone PvP experienced with gear, it would have been easy to kill them.
Every experienced player could have protected themselves, and they largely did. That's never been the point. We nerfed that build because it was devastating against unprepared players, and widely abused for PKing without risk.
We changed the scaling of mage spells because in general we wanted the power scaling curve of mages to be on par with that of warriors - same need to have good gear to be competitive.
Mage Armor had and has nothing to do with the need to use armor or not, since the armor of mages is cloth, which gives almost 0 physical resistance and is used for its other bonuses. The missing need to use good cloth armor stemmed for the missing need to have good modifiers.
That being said, mages undoubtedly have issues building an effective gear set like what warriors can build because they lack of good materials for cloth armor. The best cloths in the game right now are tier 3 and they're kind of bad even for a tier 3, plus there's only a couple. They pale in comparison to metals. Same goes for wood vs metal. Moreover, there's an overall lack of mage spells that prevent you from building a real "fire mage", "ice mage", etc.
That's not something we can address in this test, but please bear with us, we'll talk about our plans in the upcoming roadmap
@Xzait said in ⁹Rescent Nerf to mages.:
I bring this up, partially because of Black Widow Spiders. Before they felt like a bit of a threat, just like big black spiders... Now, even without ANY magic resist... In fact I have negative Magic resist due to 6 base Int stats, they still aren't a damn threat They are COMPLETE pushovers. Completely useless mobs. Giant Spiders seem to have been buffed and now have stupid amounts of poison damage. WTF? How can this be called Balancing?
Giant spiders haven't been touched in ages, but you're right that the nerf to the base power of mage spells has made some spellcasting mobs less threatening. We didn't have time to go through each one and raise their Spell Damage modifier accordingly, since it wasn't a big priority - we'll do that in the next patch
Mages require mana to play -unlike melee- so just have mana be connected to armor instead of being calculated off of int... or make int a multiplier for mana given by armor. either way if mana is tied to having equipment then a naked mage would be totally impotent -unless they had any of the many melee skills which require 0 mana to use- cough
Warriors need mana too. Managing mana as a warrior is one of the hardest parts of the build.
I never said that melee did not need mana, I just said that they had abilities that cost no mana.
@OlivePit for light weapons, you have assasinate and it is really expensive, 400 mana. Shadow dance drains mana all time... I cant talk about warrior abilities but for others gamestyles you need mana
Yes I am certain that you can try to twist what I said to fit your agenda and ignore my point entirely.