Soloing Housing needs more amenities!

  • I have been putting in some time into this alpha as its my first time playing it. I think there should be some more features for people that want to craft and farm give at least one field to grow crops. Also I don't know if its just me or the way its suppose to be that way but the only work station I can build is an enchanting table , Fleshing beam , ,milling stone , and charcoal pile (which seems to be broken at the moment) I think we should be able to have everything at least at a basic level as city housing has . Also I think some kind of trade vendor would also be great as well , Just my opinion because I would rather have my own plot then be in a city as I have seen after time things can go bad alls it takes is a governor to be having some issues with you or and they can undo all the hard work and time you put in .

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    I agree. My hope is that since this is a test, things are this way just for data for the test. Ultimately there shouldn't be any limitation on what individuals can build themselves, and on their own plot. Wanna build a metalshop in the middle of nowhere (out of a city). Go ahead. You won't have any access to your own ore, but that's what trade is for. Who knows, maybe you'll become a gifted hobo crafter who people seek out, and through buying tons of ore from the 3 cities closest to you, there ends up being a pretty active trade route there. Then maybe another person will build up the homestead closest to you with a tavern that services those traders. That is a nice way to encourage play between players without artificially created restrictions.


    Meziljin TF#2 - MESSENGER
    true, i noticed yesterday cities full of farm inside, that's weird. City can farm while i cannot have even a little garden in my house lol

    boogisboogis CONTENT CREATOR
    @Meziljin agree. it should be opposite. farmlands outside of city should support the city with food. private houses should have a choice what they want to do, maybe they want it to be a farm or a smelter or bakory or little alchemy shop or taloring or skinning shop. and it will be like a little buisness. traders and merchants will be traveling to you with wagons and buy off you all your goods and deliver them to the city. its important that you cannot make like both bakery and farm cos this way you dont need a city, right? cos you will be selling them already ready bread, but that what city supposed to do. But from another hand is impoertant to give single players to have their own little buisness and trade with guilds/cities.

    thats how i see it.


    @KingofKings i agree! cities have to much emphasis, and solo players are left behind.


    Nicely worded and I agree. +1


    @KingofKings said in Soloing Housing needs more amenities!:

    ...I think there should be some more features for people that want to craft and farm give at least one field to grow crops... Also...the only work station I can build is an enchanting table , Fleshing beam , ,milling stone , and charcoal pile... I think we should be able to have everything at least at a basic level as city housing has . Also I think some kind of trade vendor would also be great as well..."

    I always play solo, group when needed, but generally solo. Agree 100% wilderness housing needs something more. As it is, It takes forever to travel across the map. A road side vendor would be great. But what good would a road side vendor be if he couldn't make anything due to the limitations on wilderness housing?

    @Esoba said in Soloing Housing needs more amenities!:

    "...My hope is that since this is a test, things are this way just for data for the test. Ultimately there shouldn't be any limitation on what individuals can build themselves, and on their own plot. Wanna build a metalshop in the middle of nowhere (out of a city). Go ahead. You won't have any access to your own ore, but that's what trade is for...

    Agree, hopefully with the Alpha tests, they are looking at the actual functionality of their concepts. I dig the whole "cooperation" piece, but there needs to be some balance.

    I used to have a neighbor who made swords in his backyard, we lived 30 minutes away from the city. He made some killer swords and sold them to some shop in the mall. The idea of a metalshop in the middle of nowhere is not that far fetched or much to ask.

    free resource nodes, open crafting to wilderness folk, and vendors. Hoping for some balance. If you can pay a carpenter, why cant you pay a vendor?


    I've mentioned this before on the last test as well.

    With the direction of the game, it's almost a must to join a guild or a city, almost every single amenity is unavailable for "solo" players.

    While I agree that no solo-player should be able to do things that a group of players should be able to do, they shouldn't be barred at the gates either.
    Solo players can't even get an access to a tanning tub iirc, let alone basic things. Essentially what's the point of owning your own city plot?

    Here is what I posted last time...

    @Zori said in What is the point of having your own plot of land?:

    On the last test we were allowed to build tubs, weaver, crafting table, etc. on our plot of land but now it seems that having your own plot of land is just a place to have your own personal storage.

    I have slept at fireplaces in other places more so than my own and the only reason why i'd come back to my own house is just storage.

    If NPCs are going to be 'town only', and that reason is one of the key defining features of choosing a city house vs an out of city house, whats the point of not allowing players to have tubs and other crafting furniture in their own home?

    @Zori said in What is the point of having your own plot of land?:

    On second thought, there is practically no need for people to have their own plot of land if you're a member of a city.

    Need storage? the bank is now private, and one person can just build a house and have shared storages in it then that's it.

    I find it more useful to have a house outside of a city lot that i can just relocate to whenever i find it necessary. In theory, cities are great but the implementation atm definitely needs a lot of fine tuning.

    This entire 'Tub' series of 'stolen leathers' is another issue, if players have the ability to have their own processing furniture in their home, then I can see the need to have your own house and would definitely eliminate a lot of the unnecessary problems.

    Cities/Towns would have NPCs after all that out-of-towners wouldnt have, that's distinct enough for a city life vs wilderness life.

    From my perspective, players having the option to have all of these furniture in their home might actually entice people to visit cities more so than just using it as a way point for their travels.

    dont get me wrong, cities have definitely made travelling a bit more bearable this time around, but after it's built? theres nothing left to it other than a way point. The 'complex' social structure that it would supposedly bring didn't actually provided anything other than group of players building up a city then going off to travel.

    I understand that this is an alpha state and not all features are implemented but right now, this is my feedback on what i've experienced on the state of cities/towns.

    tldr; make homes more useful other than just a 'very far away storage area'.

    With the way that this game is going, where you're forced to join a group/guild/city just so you can have the very basic necessities of the game, i really don't see much of a future for it.

    Cause people will join the game and only experience a small portion of the game and go "That's it? what else can I do? i guess i'll get a refund." cause let's face it, there are many games where you're barred at the gates and the only way for you to even know what you're missing out on is to join a guild/group of people when NOT EVERY PLAYER IS INCLINED TO JOIN ONE STRAIGHT AWAY.

    with the way things are going, i really don't see much point for me to be trying out this game, and just come back when it's fully released to see if theres actually any hope for it.


    @Zori said in Soloing Housing needs more amenities!:

    tldr; make homes more useful other than just a 'very far away storage area'.

    With the way that this game is going, where you're forced to join a group/guild/city just so you can have the very basic necessities of the game, i really don't see much of a future for it.

    Cause people will join the game and only experience a small portion of the game and go "That's it? what else can I do? i guess i'll get a refund." cause let's face it, there are many games where you're barred at the gates and the only way for you to even know what you're missing out on is to join a guild/group of people when NOT EVERY PLAYER IS INCLINED TO JOIN ONE STRAIGHT AWAY.

    with the way things are going, i really don't see much point for me to be trying out this game, and just come back when it's fully released to see if theres actually any hope for it.

    ------------------------------------------------------------THIS IS ALPHA--------------------------------------------------------------------
    I keep saying that in hopes....

    Private housing definitely needs to be relooked at. I mean wtf is the point of being able to make charcoal, but not any other blacksmith stuff?

    I know it is early, economy is still growing. But it is extremely annoying that it is virtually impossible right now to have anything 'metal' (forget about obtaining 'special' metal) unless you are in a guild/city or combo of both. Very few people are selling the raw material, and even if a solo player obtains some, what do they do with it? I guess pay more for someone to craft it with your materials?

    I still have hopes for this game, still have dreams. I will continue and give it a college boy try. But, college boys tend to give up if things don't put out, if ya get me.


    The only real problem atm is that we can't set permissions in the city for tanning tubs and crafting stations and we don't have a real marketplace beside the ressources one. If that is fixed we'll get many cities that will open the crafting stations for everyone and solo players can buy the materials which they aren't able to craft (i.e. leather, metals)

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