Will we have a kill count in pvp?
Will we have a kill count in pvp? Kills/Deaths like linkrealms
Honestly, this doesn't feel quite needed especially cause the game isn't centered only on PVP. Plus, personally I always found this number to be trash as trash can be. Most people who want to boast just kill afkers or farm noobs rather than fighting the strongest. Plenty of little shits running around thinking they're good with their inflated ego just makes trash talk material.
I agree with chrightt, why whould you need kill count? you will have knolage system that feeds out of doing action. If you are a main pvp player who focus on fighting other player like the demon race, you will just have a lot of knolage point from fighting. You can use your knolage point count as a way to show off the amount of kill you earned.
that I'm aware of there are no levels here. so there will be no level 100 vs level 40.
I wouldn't mind a counter for odd stuff. WoW has this and it's interesting to know how many of things I've done. I wouldn't mind knowing which beast i've killed the most, which beastkin i've killed, how much i've mined, gathered, etc and how many humans i've killed.
@stardust said in Will we have a kill count in pvp?:
Will we have a kill count in pvp? Kills/Deaths like linkrealms
I can't tell if Fractured will have a kill count, but I can tell you that more metrics the better. People like to know what they have done.
So, I am in favor of player kill counts, of pve kill counts (e.g. you killed 100 boars), time spent, gold made and gold spent and everything and anything else.
Now, regarding player kill counts, I'd like sub-categories as well. How many beastmen, how many demons and how many humans have I killed. How may beastmen have I killed at their planet (during my/our invasion) and how many beastmen have I killed who were fools and thought that they could invade the demon planet. Respectively, for humans. Then you can categorize according to alignment and so on. I also would like to know how good those that I killed were. Had the game had classical levels I'd like categories like 1-20, 21-40, 41-49, 50 (endgame/hard cap). So I killed a level 20, move that kill to the respective category. Did I kill a level 50, move that to the respective category. Although Fractured won't have traditional levels, I suppose there can be a similar categorization.
To be more specific;
At Fractured you become more knowledgeable by acquiring knowledge points, which then you exchange for Talent points which you allocate to your talent tree. The more knowledgeable the stronger you are. So you can categorize kills by knowledge points. I don't know if there will be a cap at knowledge points, but for the sake of argument let's assume that there will be, in order to keep things simpler. Assuming that knowledge points cap at 100, in that case we can have categories every 10 knowledge points. So we will have 1-10, 11-20, [...], 91-100. If I kill more people in the 1-10 category than in the 91-100 I will be less good than the person who has more kills at the 91-100 category.
Then we can put that categorizations into another perspective, a public perspective; leaderboards!
Who has killed more boars? Who has killed more dragons? Who has made more wheat? Who has killed more players? Who has killed more 91-100 players?
And then we can imagine gameplay emerging from that;
We are a demon horde and we invade the beast planet. Whose farm are we gonna raid? Of course the person's who has made more wheat!!
I am a demon ganker that ganks at beasties with few knowledge points. The beasties can easily find this out and put my name at the bounty board (assuming that there will be one).
In general, when you suggest to have metrics at a game, I will almost certainly will be in favor.
A personal summary is no bad at all to track everything you are doing in game. What have you killed, what killed you, total damage done, healing done, shielding, damage taken, gold earned, resources and so on. For sure is a feature that does not need to be implemented in game. You can easly have a profile summary on your hero page
@phaethonas said in Will we have a kill count in pvp?:
(...)I can tell you that more metrics the better (...) I am in favor of player kill counts, of pve kill counts (e.g. you killed 100 boars), time spent, gold made and gold spent and everything and anything else.
I'm torn there. I like statistics, I love when games provide an API to grab and process data, but for RPGs, I prefer when you don't have 'hard data', but rather 'soft data', simply because that usually allows for better interaction. Every bow contest (Robin Hood anybody?) happened because one can not tell 'I have 95 markmanship and you only 85.
What I'd prefer instead is a title, or reward of sort. A demon that manages to rampage on the beastman planet should certainly gain some influence with his kind!
I know ppl got kicked from my guild in Age of Conan for not fighting in sieges where you died alot. It where ppl with nice k/d ratios.
I know ppl will make 2nd account and kill it by botting.
But I loved it that my k/d was 10.000/5.000 and the whole server knew I fought against all odds as long as I got 1 kill. I loved it that my guild was the first worldwide that got a million kills.
KDA is nosense for an rpg game! But statistics like how many players i killed so far? How many of those were humans/beast/demons? How much damage i have done so far? What s my highest single output damage? Whats my highest crit damage? And so on... you can really make a good diary.
Prometheus has said before he likes metrics, so I wouldn't be surprised if we get a whole bunch of them.
If there is a kill count it would be nice if it compared knowledge as well
You killed 1 player around your strength.
You killed 100 players much weaker then you.
You were killer 100 times by players weaker then you.
@tulukaruk said in Will we have a kill count in pvp?:
If there is a kill count it would be nice if it compared knowledge as well
You killed 1 player around your strength.
You killed 100 players much weaker then you.
You were killer 100 times by players weaker then you.no sense! in this game does not exisist that (people can't be weaker than others)! it's just personal skill. making a good build it's a personal skill. If you die is because you suck otherwise if you win it's because you play well.
@tulukaruk that would be a good deal
@finland knowledge system shows in a way your progress in game. It is some way to show the power of the player. While it doesn't reflect their battle strength it doesn't have to. Battle power isn't the only way to protect yourself.
@tulukaruk knowledge system will provide/unlock you spells. the only way to consider someone stronger or weaker is a level difference! we don't have it ;).
@finland the only way I know of for now to get knowledge points is to play the game. The player will more knowledge points will usually play more then a player with low knowledge. Player with more knowledge will have more options open and will PROBABLY better know how to use them. That's all I'm saying.
@tulukaruk yeah that's right but how can you say if someone is weaker? I may be able to use a build better than you so I could look stronger but it's just a personal skill tho. The system can't recognize it except if you don't implement an MMR system but it's a mmo so I hope to not see something like that ;). I think this game is going to be really a skill base like a moba.
Abilities have 3 levels, that's the only leveling there will be. You can't judge experience by the number of unlocks in the knowledge system because not everyone will bother to complete it. Some will want to collect em all, others will stop once their build is complete.
@jetah But there are definitely people that are geared and experienced (and more knowledge tree benefits -> which is an indirect level).
@chrightt noobs are weeker but you can't develop a system to recognize them ;).