Win a key based on your creative writing skills! (Done)
Really enjoying the entries atm! hoping to see more!!
just a reminder, deadline is in about 9-10 days! Quite enjoyed what i've read so far!
Can I write in Portuguese?
@Rizzardi hmm
Seeing as i can't read/speak Portuguese, it wouldn't be fair to ask you to compete with a disadvantage
I mean, I can try to google translate it but the meaning would be lost in translation.
That's Okay Zori, I fully understand ^^
My English skills are good to read and listen but not to write a good history.
By the way, If possible, I'd like to help translate the wiki to Portuguese but I don't know how (I'm sure other Brazilians would help too)
Sounds interesting, I'll sign up! I'm a bit sad that I didn't see this earlier, but I'll do my best to write something decent! I already have an adept key, but I'd be willing to give it a shot for the ultimate prize anyway :D.
@Veigar easy
About 5 more days until deadline. I'm itching to give out rewards. Would be cool if the deadline coincides with the next alpha test or something.
Far from a creative writing expert but I'll throw my hat in to the ring so to speak. of Babilis and the overall story so far of that god being evil was a bit too generic. Thought I'd focus briefly on the story from perhaps a demons perspective.
2? more days-ish
The tale of the Fracture
*Cambion is the demon word for children
Old Demon - “Gather round Cambions, today you shall learn our history .”
Cambion - They all sigh “ Do we have too it's nearly time for the hunt *
Old Demon - “Ahh alrighty then it seems none of you want to be strong enough to become the next tyrant.”
At this moment all the children's ears had perked up eventually all of them gathered and sat around the older demo
Old Demon - “ Now that's better, hmmm where do I start … ah ok, long ago there was a time when all three races lived on the same planet. We all shared one large world, Elysium, a world filled with magical plants that could bring a demon back from the dead, mythical beasts that flew above into the heavens, and many more mystical sights. Anything and Everything you could ever imagine”
One of the little Cambions of the Infernal sub-race stands up
Infernal Cambion “ Old man we know this already, tell me how to become stronger than the tyrant”
Old demon -“ little Cambion If you interrupt me again while I'm talking. I will RIP YOUR DAMN ARMS OFF NOW SIT DOWN AND ENJOY THE DAMN STORY YOU LITTLE SHIT!!!”
- the old demon takes a breath, While the Cambion sits down fairly quickly*
Old Demon- Oh yes back to where I was… umm, everything you ever could imagine. This was a paradise. The three main races lived together in relative harmony, a war here maybe one there but nothing too serious” It was all going fine until the humans started to dig too much into what made this world perfect.
Old Demon -They started to ask questions that were never supposed to be answered. Humans are never content with what they have they always aim for higher and that is what has doomed us too this DAMNED PLANET...( * He catches his breath*). The humans caused the fracture. They tried to contain magic far too powerful and broke our planet…The world shook at first then it was as if the world was angry it started to crack big ones running along its surface caving in building, toppling grand statues, and killing thousands.
An older woman approaches
Old woman - Baldur Stop boring the little ones with stories of the past let them hunt
Baldur - R’felia you know as well as I do that the past is our way to the future. I will not let these kids suffer the way we have. We must learn them something new.
R’felia - I understand why you are doing but-
Baldur - But nothing, if you understand then leave me be and let me finish telling them
R’felia - hmph as you wish * she whispers* “ you better hope I don't remember to poison your dinner tonight”
R’felia disappears as if she was never there
Baldur- Ahh damn she may kill me later, Welp. Back to the story AGAIN… The world was slowly corroding itself and we had no idea why until we asked our great and glorious god BABILIS he showed us who did this the damned human scum. We took up arms and marched to their kingdoms. We waged war against them, our world was ending and it was because they did it. The beastman though usually peaceful decided to help the humans in their war against us. We all grew furious at this betrayal. They are most connected to the land yet they join the ones who destroyed it heretics is what they were. As we were fighting to kill every single last one of these heretics the other gods started to push us back. We had The great and mighty Babilis, but he alone was not powerful enough to stop 5 other gods.
Baldur - Eventually we were pushed back to the deserts and desolate parts of the world as the beastman humans worked together. To save themselves the other gods split the world and broke it into pieces. Our god the great and mighty Babilis was able to save our race by splitting us off and making what we live on today Tartaros. The other gods though so prideful in themselves banned us from going there worlds trapping us, forcing us to stay on this hot desolate planet. Letting only those who renounce our great savior throw away his name and take up theirs go to their planet. We call this blight the angels. The other gods gave them wings so they could escape, fly away from this planet and join them fighting us back.
All the kids stand up and look at Baldur one speaks up
Random Nightmare Cambion -“Why do we even have to learn about this “
Baldur - “ kid that was a dumb ass question I expect that from an infernal but a damn nightmare. “Demons like you give us a bad name” But to answer your dumbass question we must never forget where we come from, and how we got here. They locked us in this place to keep us weak but we have overcome it. We have grown thicker skin for the cold harsh winters and the death fire summers. We have become stronger to fight all of the towering beasts that threaten us. We will not stay on this dustbowl of a damn planet. You are the next generation. You must carry the hope of every demon on your shoulder past present and future to rise above and take back what's rightfully ours. We will not be treated as pet raptors from the humans or beastmen anymore. Do any of you think it's fair? They get more resources, they get more land, more water, they get to have it easier even though they caused the fracture.
(* Cambion all yell in unison*)
Cambion- “HELL NOO”Baldur- good than. Go to your hunt train so you can rip the spleen out of the human scum
(* R’felia appears again slightly farther away from Baldur*)
Baldur - Well hello there you know I could s-
R’felia - Shutup how dare you preach to me about telling them the history of where they came from when you didn't even tell them the full story
Baldur so I left out a few things here and there may have even fibbed on somethings but that doesn't matter. As long as they get the general point of the story. The other races are bad. The next Eclipse is coming soon and they'll be next too. We must get them angry enough to shrug off all the painR’felia - We would not be on this desolate planet if we would have just listened too what she had said
Baldur - It doesn't matter we are here now they have learned what they needed to learn. The humans still caused the damn fracture… No matter if I tell them the true course of events or not.
I would also like to note that the story that I told is not supposed too make sense its just an old man speaking too children they are supposed to believe everything that they have heard
I also assumed they grew faster than humans lol
Hopefully my submission isn't too late!
Woken up on the beach, waves splashing my face, warm summer wind and smell of the ocean...
What happened... where am I... who am I... in my mind a void.
I can't live live this... without knowledge, without purpose, empty...
I slash my wrists and return to login screen. This character was a fail, lets try a new one...
The competition has officially ended as of this moment. Will read and announce the winner(s?) around (29-30th) of June maybe before that.
@Gothix said in Win a key based on your creative writing skills!:
Soundz like you have either been paying NeverWinter, Divinity Sin 2 or Baldur's Gate III
@Zori Thanks for making this contest!
Best of luck to all the writers!
The pieces aren't really a long read but i'd definitely prefer to wait when i'm not as busy to ensure that i have a clear mindset and not feel rushed before announcing it lol.
I had fun reading everyones
Goodluck writers