[POLL] Guild tag beginning or end of the name?
@Nekrage I guess I need to clarify why the "beginning" option is vastly superior.
It has nothing to do with the norm and having one's guild tag before their name in such a social game where being a part of / related to a guild will play a huge role in how your random encounter with another player will go down.
With that said we can agree that in most cases guild tag is one of the first things a player has to react to upon uncountering another player in the wilderness. And having an additional variable that is the name length (and in some cases complexity, when the nickname is so cluttered that quickly identifying the guild tag might be difficult) creates an uneven playing field in such a place that shouldn't generally be something that would be considered skill-based. This is just a low quality of life detail.
I guess the poll lacks some options... Therefore, I vote under like in this picture. If the player name, guild name and perhaps even alliance tag are all row it will become a way too long line. The most important information of other characters are their names why it should be highlighted or at central position. Guilds and alliances are only secondary information. However, perhaps the guild name should come before alliance tag because character represents first his or her guild and after that the alliance.
@Tuoni I don't understand what I am looking at.
The entire guild name is showing?
I agree with the under like most mmos IF there isnt the militia name, some games have 3 or 4 layers of name, guild, title, other. that is a mess. Front is better than End, Bottom full name is best
@Nekrage said in [POLL] Guild tag beginning or end of the name?:
@Tuoni I don't understand what I am looking at.
The entire guild name is showing?
Yes, the guild's name is Immortals and the alliance tag is RO. (*)
EDIT: (*) or KO
@Szai This 100%
I want the ENTIRE guild name showing but since that doesn't seem to be an option....
@Szai said in [POLL] Guild tag beginning or end of the name?:
I agree with the under like most mmos IF there isnt the militia name, some games have 3 or 4 layers of name, guild, title, other. that is a mess. Front is better than End, Bottom full name is best
It is true that having a lot of information can be a mess especially in situation where several players are on the screen at the same time. However, if players can adjust the amount of information what they want on their screen from the settings then this is not a problem at all.
Albion solves this by having little shields of different colours corresponding to the faction you joined next to the name. For example, if you look at this random image from the internet https://i.ytimg.com/vi/Xc7Ky3BooM0/maxresdefault.jpg , the top information is: name, reputation icon, faction icon.Honestly, I prefer to have the name on top and under just the guild + alliance without additional icons. If a player is hostile towards me (regardless of faction or other reasons), their name should be red. Otherwise it should have a colour that indicates either they are neutral or in the same party / guild / alliance. Simple and intuitive.
I like it under the name.
When Im in town, i like to be able to find players by name quickly when I need to find person who wants to do a trade with me or similar.
Also i like to be able to quickly recognize known griefers out in the wilderness.
Character name being above and guild name below is nice tidy way of displaying players info, its why most MMOs adapted to that.
Don't change what works.
@Gothix said in [POLL] Guild tag beginning or end of the name?:
in town, i like to be able to find players by name quickly when I need to find person who
Ditto. I like Tuoni's setup better also. My vote would be for unda' without the cheese please.
We'll likely move the guild name (full name) it under the character name, yes
We'll see what to do with the Militia. Perhaps just an icon next to the name if possible.
Icon sounds nice!
@Prometheus said in [POLL] Guild tag beginning or end of the name?:
We'll likely move the guild name (full name) it under the character name, yes
We'll see what to do with the Militia. Perhaps just an icon next to the name if possible.
This is good idea. Militias are tie to cities right, therefore, IF every city will have its own original banner from where it is identifiable on the spot, perhaps this same banner can be shown on the map next to the city as well but in addition in these militia icons (which can be e.g. shields). That way people can easily link a militia icon to a specific city when they see one.