Looting? Pickpocketing? Or Lock picking & Burglary


    Just wondering if anybody has heard anything about whether we can loot enemy bodies after killing them in PVP? Whether we can pickpocket other players or NPC’s? Or whether it will be possible to lockpick houses and steal items?

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  • TF#3 - ENVOY

    Yes, it'll be a full loot game. Death leaves items on your corpse that's able to be looted by others.


    @Manaia That is both exciting & terrifying😂

  • Wiki Editor

    @Peter No, it's not that terrifying really. The ability to loot makes the economy much more complex and interesting: this implies that moving the goods from one city to another has a risk factor involved which means that there wouldn't be a global price tag for most items, this allows for much more indepth political experience for the guilds and another way to make some quick cash for the individual player. If implemented correctly in such a game this mechanic can really spice things up and lighten up the social aspect of the mmo.


    @humerus said in Looting? Pickpocketing? Or Lock picking & Burglary:

    @Peter No, it's not that terrifying really. The ability to loot makes the economy much more complex and interesting: this implies that moving the goods from one city to another has a risk factor involved which means that there wouldn't be a global price tag for most items, this allows for much more indepth political experience for the guilds and another way to make some quick cash for the individual player. If implemented correctly in such a game this mechanic can really spice things up and lighten up the social aspect of the mmo.

    Although that is true, it also makes it far less desirable to optimize (expensive) gear, what is bad for those interested in crafting etc, as the market for that kind of items will be small due to the fact that you can easily lose it to some pack of gankers. I have never been a fan of full loot PvP. As you can lose a lot of your game time gathering. But it is how the game is designed, so I will deal with it/work around it.

  • Wiki Editor

    @Yitra This really depends on how you look at it. This probably means that hi en gear will be both very expensive and hard to get as it will be sought after by a lot of people looking to PK a bank item. This makes it worthwhile for both PvMers gathering the drops and skillers processing them. Yes, you have a point: a solo player in their right mind will never risk top tier gear but the large guilds can afford both the items themselves and the sufficient manpower to protect them, which, again, makes the politics and strategy dynamics more complex and interesting.


    @humerus Although I love the idea I cannot help to assume that you will get groups of enemies in PVP with the sole mission of hiding out waiting to gank every person that walks past to take all there gear purely for coin, which would start to get timeous If happening regularly.

  • TF#3 - ENVOY

    @Peter luckily PVPing will be severely restricted on some planets so ganking players has its upsides and downsides.

    And to get the materials for high-end gear you will have to be thoroughly prepared and with a large group so the materials will be protected as well.


    @Yitra said in Looting? Pickpocketing? Or Lock picking & Burglary:

    (...)I will deal with it/work around it.

    Since you can decide to opt out/in on PvP by simply playing as Beastman, that shouldn't be all too tricky really. And that also means you likely would be in a large group when traveling to another planet as well, so 'ganking' you would be very, very tricky, as we have been told cross planet travel requires some considerable effort and hence is likely not done solo.

  • Wiki Editor

    @Peter Well you can just think of them as brigands: of course it would suck if you were to get stomped by a party of PKers, but considering the cons of regularly partaking in such activities I doubt that you'd get constantly harassed if you don't look like a local pimp 😄


    Full loot system can easily feel terryfying and be punishing for individual players. However, when people play in guilds (especially in big ones) full loot system loses somewhat its meaning and a death feels more like a whatever, especially if a guild provides most of the gear for its members. Of course we have some middle ground there as well but if we look those two extremes it is not a surprise if people experiences death penalties different ways.

  • Wiki Editor

    @Tuoni I'm not saying that youre wrong, but the solo player experience regarding full loot system largely depends on how the consequenses of PKing will work on release: right now our knowledge is incomplete and all we can do is theorize and fantasize but, again, I feel like going all over the place killing bambies would really cost the PKers' a fair bit of trouble not going over just for a couple of twigs and a mushroom 😉


    @humerus How people feel about full loot in Fractured and especially in Syndesia of course depends how much PvP there will actually happen. Still there are players who dislikes full loot regardless how small is the chance to get killed. Then we have Tartaros where we know there are no consequenses so it is easy to predict how things are going there.

    However, this was not exactly my point. I will use myself as an example and my personal experience from Albion Online. I have played that game in a hardcore guild, a semi-hardcore guild and as a solo player. When I play solo I do not like much to do open world PvP activities because in most cases those do not end up well. In addition, I have acknowledge how much I care of my stuff and how bad it feels when I get killed, even I drop something less valueable. When I played in semi-hardcore guild I always had my guild's support even most of stuff was acquired personally. Open world PvP was much enjoyable with small group and even I did drop something now and then I still managed to kill other players as well and get loot. That is why full loot rules felt less penalizing when compared to solo play. When I played in hardcore guild, most of the time was used for the guild which also provided most of the weapons, armors and tools I needed. I remember how I did not need to care at all am I going to get killed and drop my stuff because I could always get easily new gear when I needed. At that point full loot rules lost a huge portion of meaning, it was a totally what ever for me. Although, this offers a huge advantage because I noticed that I play much better when I do not need to care of my stuff. The fear of death leads much easier to make mistakes, especially if you have something really valueable with you, and then you easily start to panic and freeze.

    This is not just myself and I have talked about this with my former guildies, and people had kind of similar thoughs and feelings. I know people are different and there is different kind of communities but I believe these three examples are quite good, two extremes and one from the middle. Those who have always played in larger guilds does not necessarily understand how penalizing the fulI loot system can be for individuals and especially solo oriented players. Those who you play with will have a significant influence to you and how you feel about the full loot rules. There is also solo players who does a lot of PvP but I have always thought those are a very talanted players because they manage to survive even they face zergs.

    I hope I could open up a little bit more what I meant with my first post. 😉

  • Wiki Editor

    @Tuoni Absolutely! I can relate to that: I've been a solo player for the majority of my experience with Albion and in the beginning the gear fear restricted me in a lot of ways: the constant zerg threat and just generally valuing perhaps a bit too much can severely change, possibly even damage the player experience, but I can't help but feel like the greatest memories and moment's I've had in such games have to do with the risk vs reward philosophy of the full loot system. And on top of that such mechanics provide a much needed item/money sink and, again, just generally shape the economy in a rather interesting maner.
    But still we can't really come to a definitive conclusion without getting more info on how the game will actually work: from what I understand PKing randomly might have very undesireble consequenses. 😄

  • Wiki Editor

    Also don't forget that PKing in a mid+ sized group has it's one cons: the supply cost of getting a single kill might just be not worth the husstle. 😛

  • @Tuoni
    Add the fact that being in a huge alliance in Albion and playing inside your territory is basically safer than being guildless in RZ. That's the effect of monopoly and it will also happen here, but unlike Albion where you could go with an expensive set for weeks, here items get destroyed with durability and you'll still have to change quite often.

    @humerus said in Looting? Pickpocketing? Or Lock picking & Burglary:

    Also don't forget that PKing in a mid+ sized group has it's one cons: the supply cost of getting a single kill might just be not worth the husstle. 😛

    When you gank you rely on numbers, high mobility and (often) inexpensive gear raported to the area. Most of the groups won't fight back, and when they do and have a good chance of winning, you almost always have better mobility than them. We pretty much ganked every offseason and it always was profitable.


    @humerus said in Looting? Pickpocketing? Or Lock picking & Burglary:

    Also don't forget that PKing in a mid+ sized group has it's one cons: the supply cost of getting a single kill might just be not worth the husstle. 😛

    From my experience (from both sides) PK groups does not care much of the consequences and they kill everyone who crosses their path. I guess that could happen and people starts to calculate consequences but I bet those situations are kind of minor. Those who desicides to take the criminal path usually goes all the way long and I am not sure what would actually stop them. However, I guess the lawful PvP rules can prevent people attacking others in random encounters (on a whim).

    In Syndesia, flagged as a murderer for 48h does not sound that bad tbh but of course NPCs in cities could have special interest towards evil and negative karma players. Perhaps this means that city guards may attack criminals, prices are higher or some functions are not simply available for them. I guess governors has the power to set certain rules towards different type of players (through NPC behavior) but this also means we are going to see cities which accepts criminals. I would actually like if there will be "pirate towns" which offers shelter for thiefs and murderers.


    In short:

    Tartaros - full loot and no consequences
    Syndesia - full loot with consequences
    Arboreus (safe zone) - iirc no looting

    Arboreus edge areas (not safe) - not sure if there is looting

  • Wiki Editor

    @Tuoni Oh I'm sure we'll have our own Caerleon somewhere on the server haha


    @humerus said in Looting? Pickpocketing? Or Lock picking & Burglary:

    @Tuoni Oh I'm sure we'll have our own Caerleon somewhere on the server haha

    True. I do not say there have to be one, I just hope there is this possibility to create a such city if players, guilds or governor want to.

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