Skill change name -
Hey all ,
I noticed below
Hunting (formerly: Marksmanship)
RicochetHunting is typically a life skill like cooking. As where Marksmanship is a Skill like melee. Just wondering
What's the question exactly?
If you imply that marksmanship and hunting cannot be two different skill trees, I think they can. Marksmanship can be the general tree related to bows, while hunting can gives buffs and passives against creatures that can be skinned (so only pve; it can even have a bit economical side if it improves the gathering yield for skinning).
Hunting is more the Verb where Marksmanship is the Proper noun. Its more a context then anything. Hunting would be something done with either weapons in game. As where Marksmanship is referring to ranged.
Alright, but I still don't see what's the problem.
@Razvan said in Skill change name -:
Alright, but I still don't see what's the problem.
it's a skill name change. i assume they were referring to a skill not a group of skills.
if i saw hunter as the name of the skill i wouldn't have an idea of what it did.
But it's the name of a school of fighting (so group of skills), as you can see here -> "Abilities & creatures" section. My take is that ranged weapons will be under the "Marksmenship" tree and they gonna make a hunting tree, which will be related to killing animals and gathering leather.
Imo statement "Hunting (formerly: Marksmanship)" means just change of name (so we no longer have Marksmanship, just Hunting).
But does it matter ? In WoW we had Hunters and they mostly used bows anyway. But they had also skills with melee too - all for hunting purposes. In Fractured "agile melee" is covered by Assassination ability school, so I wonder if they would add abilities which will basically do the same (only change I´d expect would be necessity to use "hunting melee weapon" which would sure be spear). So even if Hunting would mostly depend on bow (which would mean it´s Marksmanship), it´s still just name change
hunting tree, which will be related to killing animals and gathering leather
looks more like crafting to me
@asspirin said in Skill change name -:
Imo statement "Hunting (formerly: Marksmanship)" means just change of name (so we no longer have Marksmanship, just Hunting). :
Ah damn, I don't know how I missed that and thought otherwise. Ok, I agree, it's kind of a weird name change.
looks more like crafting to me
Yes, but we will probably also have gathering trees (mining, tree chopping, farming, hunting - or whatever it'll be called).
abilities, to me, are the skills used. otherwise it say 'ability group'. unless Marksmanship was a group of skills in the last test.oh, seems your comment after might have cleared something up.
Honestly in my head it just seemed odd. Here is why see below i pulled this from the
a suffix of nouns formed from verbs, expressing the action of the verb or its result, product, material, etc. (the art of building; a new building; cotton wadding). It is also used to form nouns from words other than verbs (offing; shirting). Verbal nouns ending in -ing are often used attributively (the printing trade) and in forming compounds (drinking song). In some compounds (sewing machine), the first element might reasonably be regarded as the participial adjective, -ing2, the compound thus meaning “a machine that sews,” but it is commonly taken as a verbal noun, the compound being explained as “a machine for sewing.”As if you look at the schools they are more along the lines of a Noun. see below
Grammar. a noun that is used to denote a particular person, place, or thing, as Lincoln, Sarah, Pittsburgh, and Carnegie Hall.So this is why it feels odd is all. Not a Grammar Nazi by any means i promise.
the question is if the word is the name of a skill or a group of skills.
"Hunting (formerly: Marksmanship)"
so totally ability group (School of fighting); hasn´t any alpha player met a mob using bow to confirm ?
@asspirin Yes in the Veil of Shadows
@Oxfurd Yep, just watching Your twitch good sir, but at work atm, so skipping much content
Found any bow ability?
@asspirin bow and stealth abilities are in vale of shadows
@asspirin O yeah ! they are Epic abilities , gonna run bow to test them today i think.
@Shivashanti Thanks for info, I only bought beta 2 access however so Im not checking it any soon
@asspirin lol i see, well better you have too much info then too less
@Shivashanti Nothing as "too much info"
Marksmanship only envelops skills using ranged weapon, where hunting envelops much more alongside ranged weapon skills. It also includes traps, tracking, particular skills with melee weapons appropriate for the school, etc...
Therefore I would say for a school of skills, hunting is much more appropriate name than marksmanship.