Non Game Breaking Ideas For the Competitive Amongst Us


    I have to tag @Mr14taz cause I think he'll probably like that he inspired this post.

    I already know the devs like the idea of tracking game stats. Who kills the most of this creature, who has the highest dps, which guild was the first to do such and such, who has crafted more gear than anyone else....

    Even if we haven't seen any of what they intend to track in the game, we know they want to, somehow, and I thought it might be fun to talk about how this can be encourgaged without breaking the game for other players.

    You could even say, that a guild could encourage their ranking officers with similar options. (hence where my inspiration comes from)

    A lot of games will offer bonuses to combat. Some offer in game gold. Some offer access to areas not available to other players.

    With Fractured really seeming to step away from game levels and such, where one player has an advantage that another doesn't, a number of players have already voiced that in game advantages that aren't accessible to anyone aren't really in keeping with what they'd like to see.

    But we do already have some really great options available that I think could be incentives for players to try to hit whatever leaderboards the devs decide to implement. I'm talking about something similar to dynamite gold, but not to buy from the regular shop, but from a leaderboard shop.

    Sure the store currently only has some furniture, statues and pets available, but what if there were items in another section of the shop, that were only available to players and guilds who were listed in the top ranks? What if there was a really cool pet, or statue, or armour skin that could only be purchased with dynamite type gold earned as prizes for ranking up to those top levels?

    Extend this some, and what if the top guilds, had prizes that were able to be used collectively, but also a way of giving out dynamite gold to the leadership on their team, not by who in the team pleased the guild leader the most, but by a guild actually earning it. I know they have guild type quests planned, maybe they can include something along this line in future to amp up the competition some.

    Given that all of the prizes should be cosmetic only.... there isn't any way to say that someone not in a guild isn't on the same level as those who are. There isn't any way to say that guild officers are being unfairly rewarded in a game breaking way... (and I think that's where the complaints about rewarding them stem from in the other thread)

    As for individuals not in a guild? Of course they can compete for this dynamite gold too, that is only awarded to the top ranking players, and you only get access to the leaderboard shop for the week you're in the top rank... If you end up not buying anything that week, then you can exchange it for regular dynamite gold for the regular shop, or compete again for next time to earn more for a bigger and better prize.

    Other than skins, statues and pets, what other things would you want to compete for as "prizes" in a leaderboard, and what other incentives can you think of for guilds and their leadership to have access to, that won't unbalance things for players who aren't in the top boards, or in a leadership position?

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    I'll add to your post my non game breaking guild rank ideas

    Guild quests and bountys, outside players can put out requests to guilds like collect 100 onions, defend my local town against goblins, bring me a dragon claw, help me build a house, help me clear a dungeon.

    The quests are in tiers of difficulty the harder the quests the more guild points/rank you need to accept said request.

    Earn points by completing lesser quests the harder the quest the more points and gold you make guild titles/ranks can then be earnt.

    Secondly having a guild store with guild only items be it spare kit, recorces, potions alchemy whatever

    Players can earn guild store points by donating items or completing guild leader/officer quests

    They then can use said points to purchase guild items , be they guild only cosmetics that get returned when you leave guild, or resources you may need in your day to day be it spare kit potions alchemy reagents, recipes extra

    providing they have been gathered/donated by players the officers guild leaders can decide what amount of guild points each item is worth to the guild


    i like both ideas, as long as it only offeres cosmetic stuff or actual content i'm fine with that 🙂 (i mean with something like the collection request, a reward like a small percentage of the collected resources would be fine too i guess)


    I love the idea of a guild store! I'd even go so far as to suggest that player taxes include the accumulation of non in game currency to add to it!

    Take for example, that if you collect from enough players in your town, guided or not, for a long enough time, you also collect some currency to improve the town! You could impose such a tax on players who choose your town for trade, or those who want to settle in it, or those in your guild, for guild towns.... and add in donations for those who want to see a certain town/guild survive....

    Definitely non monetary or at least not combat advantageous... Just one more reason for people to come to such and such a town, or such and such a guild, because they have the coolest... whatever you spend it on."

    If it's between town/guild A and town/guild B which one I'm going to, the one I like best is where I want to go, and if town/guild A offers me unicorns and art and fashion and cool looking gear, but town/guild B only offers the bare minimum, I really want town/guild A

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    if there are such things like leader boards rewards. I would also like to see some rewards only being able to be used while on the leader board; that way it gives the players on the leader board the incentive to stay at the top or they will lose the ability to use the reward till they get back on it.

    IE: #1 cook Apron can only be used by the #1 cook and not by the #2. (only example. would wish for items for the top 100)


    Some interesting thoughts for sure. Thanks for posting.


    @Greenfire your post does meet the 2 most important conditions where most of the player base would agree on:

    1. It doesn't break game balance (cosmetic only)
    2. Available to everyone who contributes to the goals set

    It's up to the Devs if they would include D-gold as a possible reward, although LOTRO, for example, gives already shop gold in smaller amount by completing deeds. So it has been done before and possibly doesn't break the monetisation of the game.

    Well thought, I like it !



    that sounds like seasonal rewards but with extra steps.


    I love all cosmetic type rewards in any content. That also goes for the leader board content, as long, as many mentioned, it doesn't create physical power gap between players. 🙂

    Rewards could include, as already mentioned, cosmetic clothes, pets, but also other types of cosmetic rewards like housing furniture (trophies...), or stuff that can be added to guild towns.

    Perhaps besides only skins, even new cool building types, as long as they again don't create power gaps of any kind. For example, gain a cool sauna building where your members can relax!

    Guild store is cool idea as well. Perhaps it could add some "guild theme colored" spell particles pack. So members who contribute most for the guild, can get their spells changed to guild colors.

    Perhaps that would only be available in guild shop if someone actually buys it first from the in game shop for the guild, so dev team has something out of it as well, so the game can get better supported down the line. 🙂


    @Gothix said in Non Game Breaking Ideas For the Competitive Amongst Us:

    I love all cosmetic type rewards in any content. That also goes for the leader board content, as long, as many mentioned, it doesn't create physical power gap between players. 🙂

    Rewards could include, as already mentioned, cosmetic clothes, pets, but also other types of cosmetic rewards like housing furniture (trophies...), or stuff that can be added to guild towns.

    Perhaps besides only skins, even new cool building types, as long as they again don't create power gaps of any kind. For example, gain a cool sauna building where your members can relax!

    Guild store is cool idea as well. Perhaps it could add some "guild theme colored" spell particles pack. So members who contribute most for the guild, can get their spells changed to guild colors.

    Perhaps that would only be available in guild shop if someone actually buys it first from the in game shop for the guild, so dev team has something out of it as well, so the game can get better supported down the line. 🙂

    being able to buy guild cosmetics from dynamic to supply your guild with things to earn , could be cool for some of the more dedicated guilds


    A cosmetic reward that I've seen in some games are special titles. Kill the most orcs and become the Orc Bane.


    @Farlander said in Non Game Breaking Ideas For the Competitive Amongst Us:

    A cosmetic reward that I've seen in some games are special titles. Kill the most orcs and become the Orc Bane.

    Yea I'd like titles too, since there are already a bunch just from the Foundation it'd be fun to see more options from the game and its planets. I can't think of any game right now with custom title names except Animal Jam, yea it's just a little dress up game but I'd like their nametag customization options in a non p2w way (unlike animal jam) 04093efa-9626-4849-9be5-c2904d57d9d8-image.png

    It wouldn't be as cartoony of course but you know just like a little design. Maybe the guild leader could pick one title like that Orc Bane and then select it as the nameplate for everyone else in the guild. As well as a name color change in global chat to match the guild.
    It'd easily identify other guild members if the guild color also changed the name color in global chat, and only change it for others in the guild, like runescape how it was purple dots on the minimap for guildmates, everyone else in chat would be white while guildies could be the guild's chosen color.

    I don't see name plates being too great of a reward for competition but it doesn't break game and could give guilds something to "brag about". There's also the PoE racing rewards how it was just alternate art items in game for the top ranks, the rewards were never game breaking items either, just alternate arts for regularly attainable items in game.



    alternative art would be pretty sweet for guild rewards or leader boards in general.

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