Magic resistance?
LOL you guys are debating something that is actually under the complete control of the devs as though it's a matter of logic.
I grok that the universe we'll be entering is meant to be learnable and immersive, but assuming it obeys whichever laws of logic YOU cite is a stretch.
Yogis would say 'Tat twam asi' - "This is not that"
A Buddhist teacher would say "mu"
I say, 'learn it the way the devs make it'
@Yitra said in Magic resistance?:
@Jetah said in Magic resistance?:
in my mind that doesn't make sense. how can a cast of an element be different from a natural element? how can lightning/fire/cold/etc be different?
How is spontaneously grown love different from drinking a love potion? One is natural, one is magic.
because the love option is just a means to open and release whatever chemicals that 'love' is the result of. IE it's the same.
@asspirin said in Magic resistance?:
@Jetah It doesn´t, but it´s magic, so it doesn´t have to make sense, right ?
listen here you little....
There are different types of fire though.
Normal fire, Greek fire, Wildfire, ...
@PeachMcD Yes, this debate is no longer neccessary...but it´s fun :D.
It´s different universe, probably with laws of physics not same as on our planet and they even have magic, so anything devs say is right imo
Farlander TF#12 - PEOPLE'S HERALD Nov 13, 2019, 2:46 PM last edited by Farlander Nov 14, 2019, 2:26 PM
Actually in D&D some fire spells do not start fires. But as was said this is the universe of Fractured and the physics and metaphysics are under the control of the devs. What is possible is totally up to them lol.
@asspirin said in Magic resistance?:
@Jetah I was thinking exactly the same.
For example Bear-kin with already thick fur puts on fur coat - ready to sleep in the blizzard with comfort. Would some momentary cold damage him? Even people use Cryotherapy = -100°C for 2-4 mins without clothes. What monstrous sub zero temperature would it have to be to freeze a bear with winter clothes onEven absolute zero (−273.15°) wouldn´t do much to him if it only lasted a second. But i know, "it´s magic"
Lungs and airways will be damaged and freeze way before than -100°C, maybe about -60 to -70, so the thick fur can not help in all cases.
@Tuoni You´re right on this one ... but then dmg would come from suffocating, right? So lets say i stop breathing for 1 second the spell lasts - quite doable
But now we´re quite offtopic, the answer from devs have been given.
@Znirf thanks