If you have a gaming-ready PC, you can lend your graphical power to fighting the COVID-19 outbreak. That's not a thing I ever thought I'd write, but it turns out 2020 is occasionally weird in good ways too.
Nvidia is putting out a call to PC gamers everywhere to download the Folding@home application and start putting their spare clock cycles toward advancing humanity's scientific knowledge of coronavirus. The program links computers into an international network that uses distributed processing power to chew through massive computing tasks - something that gaming-grade GPUs are quite good at, as it turns out. You can still turn the application off and reclaim your GPU's full power for playing games whenever you want.

Posts made by Xzoviac
how to help with Carona
RE: about that thing catching on..
@Yitra said in about that thing catching on..:
@Xzoviac said in about that thing catching on..:
@tulukaruk said in about that thing catching on..:
@Specter hopefully that's good news
and working from home is the best!
Buy lots of toilet roll that will sort you
@xermiz said in about that thing catching on..:
When you receive shipments that they buy online, clean it first with alcohol, no bacteria will survive
And then you can make things like this, while waiting for the next test of this beautiful game:
Dont forget the Kunai
RE: about that thing catching on..
@tulukaruk said in about that thing catching on..:
@Specter hopefully that's good news
and working from home is the best!
Buy lots of toilet roll that will sort you
RE: is it possible to become a hit man
@Farlander said in is it possible to become a hit man:
@Xzoviac Explain how this system would work with game mechanics. Where would this jail exist? How would you escape? What would be the obstacles to escape? When you escaped where would you end up on the map?
Since you lose everything when you die, is the prison going to reequip you? If you manage to escape is it to a set location? Wouldn't other players be camping this location to just kill you again once you escape?
Could be a Prison Island you need to get a boat to get back too the main island, only prisoners can be taken to the island players can not go to it voluntarily, to stop camping.
you wouldnt have any gear, but could steal some from the guards and if you die you would be teleported back to the prison unless you escaped. you would just be stuck till you sentence ran out,
or you escaped , sneaking away causing a riot , stealing the keys of a guard or maybe a guild member will pay your bounty so you can leave.
if you escape you will be wanted for a while, but if you can evade the bounty hunters, for say 1hour (timer stops if you log out) you will lose the bounty and be a free citizen
oviously its just my thoughts it dont have to be this way , how would you make it work?, or do you not like the idea?
RE: Followers
Due to recent events,
make sure you keep your followers at distance of at least 4-5 pixels from each other.Also it is recommended that there arent over 100 posts in the same thread, especially if they are closed.
Moving posts between threads is allowed only with special official permit.
If you find yourself to be contaminated with the event create your own post labelled #contaminated and have your resorces delivered to you by email to avoid further contamination
RE: is it possible to become a hit man
@Farlander said in is it possible to become a hit man:
Actually the way we came up with for a bounty system to work was for the killer to have to post the bounty. Our system was based upon the number of kills the murderer had translated into a set amount of bounty. When someone killed the murderer the amount of gold transferred from the hunted to the hunter's account. If the hunted did not have enough gold in their account they had a login ban for 24 hours. The amount of kills would never reset so you were basically perma red (term from UO).
PKs didn't like this system idea and cried hard and long in the forums that if such a system was enacted they would quit. Nevermind there were no penalties to pking and the devs liked it that way. Needless to say all the players I knew quit the server because you literally couldn't go anywhere without being pked.
A login ban would be bad, but a jail you get sent too if you cant pay the bounty, that you can break out of and become a fugitive or be a good prisoner and serve your time could be a alternative to login bans for pking.
RE: is it possible to become a hit man
@Jetah said in is it possible to become a hit man:
@Gothix said in is it possible to become a hit man:
You first take the job, then kill your targets and loot them, then kill your employer and loot him, then slaughter nearby village as well because, heck it was there.
witnesses! have to remove them.
Till eventually you realise the gods witnessed it,
So you become so powerful you can kill the gods -
RE: What excites you most for the upcoming test
@Jetah said in What excites you most for the upcoming test:
honestly. the current games aren't fun anymore. i'm waiting on some but they aren't released, but should have been (i understand the development process though).
i thought wolcen would hold me but it has more bugs than a pre-alpha test build.
I'm playing deep rock galactic with my friends it's a fun game
I'm looking forward to seeing lore on the gods and seeing some player created monsters from the highest packages and lesser gods
I wonder if we will be able to build temples for our chosen religion a trickster god could be fun
RE: Fractured Store & Foundation Updates
@DevilsDog said in Fractured Store & Foundation Updates:
@Gothix bro I am lvl 42 and I tried to update my title but cant find where, would you kind enough to reply me with the link.
also, missing 200 dynamite gold when I lvled to 40. does it adds up by itself?
thnx in advance.https://forum.fracturedmmo.com/user/devilsdog/edit
The earnt gold has not been given yet, only bought gold with real money can be seen or from packages, it will be added closer to release
RE: is it possible to become a hit man
@Gothix said in is it possible to become a hit man:
You can do anything you want (well besides being limited in pvp on arboreus), as long as you are willing to take the risks that come with the activity.
Im thinking about organizing anti-hitman group, traveling around hunting hitmen.
Call your group the cuddlemen
RE: Activating Newsletter
@Gothix said in Activating Newsletter:
There is no changing your mind after you vote for "letterExit".
On the serious side, inever tried to turn it off so im not sure. Im sure you can, if you checked everything and are sure there is no optionfor it, try summonimg Specter and submit your plea.
Dear specter it was a mistake to leave the eu, I mean Lettxit please send me your documents so we can join back.
Mobile version of website
The mobile version of the website only goes to quest rewards 200, it needs a update for the new quest infomation
RE: Missing blog to read.
@Jimbolini said in Missing blog to read.:
I would wager before Tuesday.
Well you where right
And the blog is still missing for me even after reading it ><
RE: Fractured Store & Foundation Updates
amazing update thank you for listening to the old backers , really love this team
looking forward to the new test , thanks for working threw the plague guys
RE: Store down for maintenance?
@Jetah they will likely make a announcement when something is worth announcing the store being down for matinence when atm the games not even live is not exactly breaking news
When it's back up we will probably get a email with what has changed, one email is enough we dont need the small dev team wasting time during development saying
Store is down update soon email all.
Store is up this is what's changed email all.The message, store is down for maintenance is plenty enough detail
People whine about DS communication all the time but they are pretty transparent and update us regularly
Yes we get dry spots and I myself get restless for news
But that's just because there is no news to give development is slow and DS has nothing to say for a few months
I think they do a great job communicating and would rather give them a pat on the back then bring them down