@Sindariya said in Marketing as important part of early development:
Marketing is a double edged sword. Done right it can give you more than you ever expected. Done wrong it can kill you.
Know your market, know your customer, know your product, know your goal. Those are the basics for every marketing strategy. If you have your strategy you need to have a good timing so all your effort is not for nothing.
I can easily agree with you with these 4 main points, but there is something with the content I disagree and I want to discuss a little bit more.
Know your product
The only thing we can sell is the idea at the moment and that will not bring in the mass.
Know your customer
Every game needs player and player want to do what? Play.
Do we have something to play? No.
What will they do? Look for something to play and forget about us.
So why should they pay for something they can't use?
Yes it can bring masses. If people have followed other MMORPGs' kickstarter campaigns and development, there is so much people already backed those games, even there is nothing more than just an idea, concept art and really early footage. Ashes of Creation, Crowfall, Starcitizen and Camelot Unchained are few examples. So we have seen how people will invest money early on even game is coming after several years. Some of the backers will for sure play something else during the development, but they will come back usually in beta state or at least for launch.
Know your goal
Yes we need player, but do we really need them now? What we need now are supporter that will test, give feedback and build up the core of the game the community. We need to create an interest in the game and build up the trust, that the game will be what it is promised.
More backed players at early state of the game means more money for development, so I guess I do not need to say more about that. 
I don't see the need for livestreams at the moment, that is something for Beta2 when we can really play 24-7. And yes there could be too much videos. Honestly when watching the ingame videos I thought, that is nothing for me. They walk, walk, walk, kill a bear, walk, walk, walk, kill 2 wolfs, walk, walk, walk, goblin camp. Finally something to see after 15min? Not good. If there is nothing really happening in the first 2min the most stop watching the video or jump forward in the video and perhaps miss the big thing.
I agree with that livestream part, there is not enough content to watch stream particularly long. And no no no.. I did not mean much videos from current A1 content.
In future with upcoming test phases you can do a good amount and different kind of videos. Check that Albion Online youtube channel, it looks like somehow what I meant.
Regarding your idea of a trailer, why should the devs do it? Let the players do it. They know why they play the game and what others will hook up. I witnessed once such a contest and was blown away what they were able to do. And those trailers are honest because they are done with actual game play.
Because devs knows what they want to include to those trailers and also in most cases the quality is simply better. However, your video contest idea is actually quite good. 
I have personally found almost every game I follow from youtube and in most cases the most attractive vids are the official ones. Those have usually best quality and most importantly 100% truthful.
I was really active tester in Albion Online when it was still under development. It was totally playable in Alpha and Beta, and many people still says that one of the test phases was better than the actual game. And I agree with that. Even we were testing Albion, we also played it like any other game already released. Therefore, if Fractured has the same amount of content in Alpha 2 or Beta 1 what Albion had, then there will be supply for really large audience. So it is important to get that marketing part in better situation what we have seen at the moment. I have critisized a lot of Albion and some of the SBI's solutions, but they did a really good job with the youtube video channel and that bringed to them a lot of new followers and players. Their problem was that they could not keep the playerbase and it crushed soon after the release.