I do not personally expect much changes anymore because they have focus on cutting features instead of implementing them. It is a missed opportunity unfortunately.

Posts made by Tuoni
RE: Not enough
RE: Not enough
There should be progression system for all professions tbh because otherwise the game lacks goals and depth in that field. Additionally, it does not feel like a sandbox MMORPG without a possibility to progress and specialize. I am actually surprised and disapointed that there is nothing reasonable available. Crafting has some minor progression now but it is really underwhelming system. In one of the latest AMA they answered that gathering will not get any progression, therefore, most likely nothing will be seen in the profession field in general.
I think it would been great to implement at least a 3 tier system which takes into consideration abilities, gear, enchants, professions, basically everything. Creating entirety where all pieces supports each other, for example, tier 3 gear needs or benefits from tier 3 gathering, refining and crafting.
RE: Maximum number of Characters?
That takes value from the package extras tbh, if stays.
RE: Maximum number of Characters?
At some point 3 character slots / account was the thing and package extras on top of that. I am not sure what is the situation at the moment but I presume it has not changed. Three characters would also make sense so that people have at least a possibility to create one character / planet.
RE: Horse death
@OlivePit said in Horse death:
How to accommodate the trained wolf mounts and mules that some packs or achievements give?
Those could be turn to skins which can be used for ever.
RE: Patch Log - b.0.1e (Crafting Taxes, Harbor Protection & Bug Fixes)
The situation of the whole economy is a bit messy why it is hard to see that bandaids would help for that. Yeah some random gold sinks can be thrown here and there but those easily come with cost of player experience. Players play games for fun and if they feel that things are getting too grindy or some fees does not make any sense to them, they simply play something else. Players do not care how much a game needs sinks for example, they want to play a fun game with enjoyable systems. If players (like some people in this thread) do not see why they should even use crafting stations on their own plot or why to pay for crafting just to realize that items will not sell.. Is that players fault or a flaw in the design?
It is reasonable to add gold sinks, with small fees, a little bit everywhere. However, the locations should be where extra fees makes sense and can be easily agreedable by the players. Player houses could be left out of extra gold sinks but in trade you can make better quality items in city stations, for example. If gold sink fees are getting too high in general, just to get enough gold out of the game, then there is a fundamental problem with the economy and it cannot be fixed only by adding new fees and raising the current ones.
Taking a cut of profit, from an item which is sold in the market place, does not feel as bad as a cut during crafting process. Selling extra bank tabs, rerolls for talents, KPs, attributes are good places for utilizing gold sinks. Bank tabs could cost a good amount but rerolls can be much smaller because those are something what players can do over and over again. Every crafting station could cost a little in towns but the fees needs to be small enough so that players still feels their actions are benefical. Even a small fee can feel bad if the crafted items are useless or hard to sell, for example. Therefore, one important thing is to make most of the items relevant which are also easy to sell for profit. This part is not working properly atm either why in the first place even the smallest extra fees can feel bad.
I am curious to see if any improvements will happen to the whole economy in general and the next real test awaits when summer content patch is released. Until then, popcorns.
RE: Maybe the dev can introduce a command line tool for players to unstuck themselves
@GamerSeuss said in Maybe the dev can introduce a command line tool for players to unstuck themselves:
@stkmro Interesting thought, but in general, you never want to give command line access to players in a game. It can then be used to develop bots and hacks and generally launch other kinds of cyberattacks on a program...
This is why even limited command-line access will more than likely be reserved for moderators at most, but probably GMs or higher...of course, that's coming from another player/game designer/instructor, not one of the Devs.
Players having a possibility to use different kinds of /commands is common in games, and /unstuck is used as well. These are executed through the ingame chat and are not causing any security risks. I do not know what kind of access you thought but this is what @stkmro meant.
RE: Maybe the dev can introduce a command line tool for players to unstuck themselves
@stkmro /unstuck command would not only help players but also devs and GMs.
RE: A Rant on Crafting and market economy problems.
The economy has not worked at any point and I fear that it will not work in the future either. The problems are fundamental and cannot be fixed with bandaids. It is really hard to get people interested of trading when there is very little interesting gear, items and consumables available. Some resources will sell and that's it.
RE: 'Legolas Quiver'
It is subjective that does players like to have arrows or not in the game but I think that following points have affected to the decision to remove arrows from the game:
- Weight
- Resource management
- Balance
Arrows caused extra weight and extra work to just shoot with your basic attacks. Yeah it can be a nice extra feature, however, in long run it can turn more like a chore to craft thousands and thousand of arrows just to play the game as a bow user. Of course this can be balanced by dropping weight and make the crafting produce more arrows in one session, however, soon we are in a situation that why to have arrows in the first place. Moreover, this arrow management is not balanced with other playstyles because melee and magic does not need similiar extra resource management.
For example, Runescape has arrows but also runes for mages to deal with and therefore, both ranged playstyles has this balanced resource management build in the game. WoW had (back in the days) arrows and magic reagents management as well but it was removed because it did not give any value to the game, extra hassle just to play the game.
I do not have a strong opinion on this topic but I guess it is nice from a bow user pov that you can straight hop into the action and you do not need to deal with the arrows first.
RE: New Players & Tutorial Island
I skipped this time the whole tutorial but in tests before those tutorials had some issues as well if I remember correctly. Anyhow, I agree that a few extra guides would be nice if still missing. The enchant system is confusing enough (especially for new players) that it definitely needs some tutorial how it functions. Same with the mount thing because catching a horse with a net is not something that you would expect to happen.
I guess it could be nice if you would need to finnish a NPC house which still misses a few stone blocks and wood.
RE: Regarding Crowd Control
I do not know what is the situation in Fractured so I speak in general about crowd control. If a game has too much CC it can affect negatively to the gameplay and promote locking playstyle. Spending too much time locked and being unable to play is not fun from player perspective. Thus, usually games handle this by adding diminishing return effect to the CC abilities preventing stun-silence-root locking.
RE: Mage abilities and equipment needs a change
I played as a mage in this test and it was unenjoyable experience because of many reasons. It would make sense that higher tier weapons works better in general and affects to the abilities (and their damages) as well. That can be considered as a standard. On top of that there can be extra benefits like fire staff boosting fire spells. The power ups does not need to be huge but something which would have minor to mediocre impact and feels good to use.
On top of that mages suffers from mana issues even bumping all talent points to mana regeneration. In groups it is easier to handle mana because you can save it easily, however, even then it does not feel good to spam basic projectile attacks which more like tickles opponents than harm. Solo play is much more mana hungry activity and kiting feels extremely clunky because constant swap between targeting and moving.
Mages in current state are not fun to play.
RE: A Rant on Crafting and market economy problems.
I mentioned before that current durability and enchanting systems are also anti-trade... Why?
What a player can do with a gear which drops from players they killed?
If you are lucky perhaps you can use the gear... If not, perhaps your friend or guildie can use it? It has weird enchants though... But what if you would like to make money with the gear you found? Sorry, you cannot, because you can't sell any items which does not have full durability.
- Imagine if you could salvage the gear and get back some of the resources.
- Imagine if you could repair the gear and sell it.
- Imagine if enchants would be in the gems which can be taken off the gear.
Nah, it would be too fun system.
RE: A Rant on Crafting and market economy problems.
@Eldriken Of course I do not have any data but I am sure that devs have.
If the game does not have enough population to run local markets then the game does not have enough population to do any activities properly, and the game can be considered, dead. Furthermore, if there is not enough population for current setting we can argue that the game world is way too large. Turning local markets to a global market is not actually a fix, it is a bandaid, which does not fix the root cause... Too large world or too less population or both at the same time. I would say it is the last one.
I can see that global market reaches players way better. However, this removes the idea of localization and affects to certain game areas negatively, for example, resources can now travel instantly everywhere. This creates a gameplay where players needs to gather and farm next to their home city, sell goodies and buy all stuff they need from there. Local markets is a fundamental design decision by developers and changing that part will have impact to other areas as well.
RE: A Rant on Crafting and market economy problems.
@Eldriken said in A Rant on Crafting and market economy problems.:
I think the issue with the economy comes from a small player base on a huge map. The market economies are spread out everywhere. While I understand wanting to have every town have its own market, this only works if there's a population that sustains these markets.
That is somewhat true, however, some data could be collected when there still was more players and some things can be seen even with smaller sampling.
If the marketplace for each town was glued together, you'll start to see a more positive fluctuation in the economy because now people can buy what they need from any town. If there are taxes, the taxes go to the town you bought from.
That would help but ruins the local markets. No need to travel to get resources or trade and all resources and items have the same price. The base idea is that different resources can be get from different locations.
As it currently stands, the market, the value of gold, and the economy will suffer because there are not enough players to sustain multiple town economies, gold generation is very high compared to gold circulating around the game. Gold sinks are great, but you need gold circulation also. Having players with 100k gold, but no market to spread the coin around the game is not healthy.
Gold circulation is just as important as gold sinks.
Gold circulation is good point and now it has felt that trading does not happen that much. There is not much things on market in general and a lot of goods won't sell. Now you hoard resources until your storages are full and after that you start to destroy stuff.
Everything starts from need and when all or at least most of the resources and items are steadily needed for something, then also the markets and trading starts to work. That is also important to keep players interested of the game. This also helps players to progress when they can easily start to collect some gold via gathering and trading for example.
RE: A Rant on Crafting and market economy problems.
@OlivePit said in A Rant on Crafting and market economy problems.:
HEh, i totally forgot that this has been argued over before and still we have no response from devs.very sad.
Thanks for the link and reminder.
Well someone asked about economy in two AMA's ago and Jacopo answered that he is not worried about the economy. I almost choked on my coffee at that point.
I really think they should be worried because basically nothing works atm
. -
RE: A Rant on Crafting and market economy problems.
Valid rant. Economy issues are fundamental and only implementing bandaids will easily cause new expected and/or unexpected problems.
There is not enough resource, item and gold sinks in the game which are the core problems. Current durability and enchanting systems are kind of anti-trade, and there is only three tier levels (or two meaningful) on gear anyway, which all makes the situation even more challenging.
RE: Citizens, Farming, and trust.
@BECKFAST I think the need of farming and hunting for town management is nice and should stay but the system still needs some improvements. But I agree that something should be done for the refining and crafting because I have experienced it as well, ...somewhat repulsive.