I really appreciate the moderation focus. The toxic chat had gotten to the point where I'd just muted the Discord and stayed off of the game, it was that unpleasant. I was having flashbacks to Last Oasis, the last game I really liked that was totally ruined by toxic, racist trash talkers. Glad to see that Fractured is taking it seriously!

Posts made by Trug
RE: Patch Log - v.a.2.5.1b + Moderation News
RE: The Eviction/Refugee system ( Residential area solution for city takeovers )
If you go the route that you're proposing @GamerSeuss , where players have housing security regardless of sieges you're just going to end up in a situation where housing will stagnate. Final Fantasy XIV has this problem. A large community with limited housing and no mechanic to move people out means that large numbers of people will be out of luck, and only invites opportunists like gold farming companies to step in and form a third-party market for RMT trading of stolen/hacked accounts which have housing.
Only ways around that are some mechanic to free up housing such as eviction or sieges as mentioned here, or making housing unlimited via some kind of instanced system or unending expansion of housing areas which make it far less meaningful.
RE: Character Customization
I can only base this off of the system in the last open weekend and guess that it's probably not going to be terribly deep. Pick from some preset hair styles, faces, and body types then you're done.
It's an isometric game, so you'll just be seeing the tops of people's heads, with arms and legs swinging around. In-depth facial customization would likely be wasted effort anyway.
RE: Crownless Order in Spring-Alpha: Valhalla Atrium (No password required)
For this test, so far it's just myself and Fakadakalaka who have signed up in the city. As more chime in, I'll add them to the list.
RE: Crownless Order in Spring-Alpha: Valhalla Atrium (No password required)
I signed up today as well, and some others from Teufelstein who have alpha will likely also be coming along. Appreciate you all making the city open so that smaller groups can experience the city life in this alpha!
RE: [Demons, US] Teufelstein
@Zephyron Hey, thanks for the post! Glad to hear that the ideas behind Teufelstein struck a chord with you, that's awesome. Totally love to have you in the guild, we don't have much established yet as the game is a ways out from release, but if you'll be participating in the alphas we'll be there. In the meantime, please join up on our Foundation guild page, the link is in my signature block. And if you're on Discord, look me up (Trug#3650) and I can get you an invite to our gaming community server as well.
Hit me up if you have any questions in the meantime!
RE: Got a founder key! Super stoked for the next alpha test, what to do?? :)
I personally really enjoyed exploration and city building. Was fun to roam with friends and see all the different critter types that are in the world so far, and work on getting houses and crafting areas built up as a community.
RE: npc cities
Player cities already disable PvP, so no real need for an NPC city to create that effect. No reason a group of evil-minded folks can't band together and create Banditopolis or whatever.
RE: Solo pvp areas
I could see the fun and added value of adding an arena building type to cities, where you could tailor it for x vs. x PvP fights. Sign up to fight in a match and have the inside be instanced or something.
But making overworld areas have weird PvP restrictions in a full-loot MMO seems like a bridge too far, imo.
RE: Week 158 - Weekly Drawing Winners
Thanks, and grats to all the other winners!
RE: regarding alpha and beta
The game wipes between tests, you'll be starting from scratch every time. And yes, you can create multiple characters.
Welcome to the community!
RE: Swapping worlds for PVP?
You don't really swap worlds per se, you travel to other worlds temporarily. While there, depending on your race and the planet, you will have various effects and a time limit on how long you are able to stay on the other world.
If you're a human and you engage in PvP on the human world, you will gain/lose karma depending on if you're killing good aligned players or evil.
I believe they stated that angels/liches/abominations do go back to the character creation screen once they transform, so you can edit your new appearance. So yes, it does change the way you look.
RE: The decision for public vs citizens-only crafting stations should be made by Governors, not Dynamight
@LonelyCookie I like your approach best. It lets the governors actually govern, and keeps some semblance of peace instead of KoS all day erry day. I expect that on Tartaros, but it shouldn't be that way on Sindesia.
One point I haven't seen yet, how would this play out on the Beastman planet? The "if you don't want them there, kill them" mechanic flat out is disabled there, no? You'd be completely at the mercy of anyone who wanted to leech.
RE: fishing
I believe I saw that it was added as a result of a stretch goal during the KS, but I've got no details beyond that.
RE: The value of Information
@PeachMcD Some games do offer built-in VoIP, but I personally think it's cancer. Usually ends up with some knucklehead(s) blasting music, racial slurs, or 12 year olds screaming at you when you kill them in PvP, cuz swearing is super edgy.
Then you either have to just disable it, or live with the toxicity. It's not like chat where it's easy to just report someone if they start crossing the line.
TL;DR: Yes, it is possible, but brings some potential downsides. Using out of game voice chat is better, imo.
RE: saying hi
Welcome! Definitely worth a look at the various news articles and dev videos on the site to learn about the systems, if you haven't done that yet.
RE: The value of Information
@Ostaff TS is still doing fairly well, actually. For the more security minded groups, like EvE players, it provides a lot more functionality, and better audio quality. I haven't used it myself in a very long time, but apparently it hasn't lost its appeal.
RE: Week 156 - Weekly Drawing Winners
That's awesome, thank you! Grats to the other winners as well!
RE: [FRAC-2435] Stone Stockpiles Won't Accept More if One Side is Full
@GamerSeuss To me, "coding issue" is the definition of "bug", but if there's a "coding issue" forum that this should be in instead of bug reports, I'll happily use that instead.