I'm a yes with caveats, much like Gothix. If the town has the infrastructure in place, let it passively feed/rest it's citizens. Or, for visitors, let them pay a small fee to stay at the inn for a game day and get the same benefits.

Best posts made by Trug
RE: No Hunger & Rest Depletion In Towns.
[Demons, US] Teufelstein
The Stone City
The stone has worn many names over the centuries. The beastmen, who catch glimpses of it only in the grip of nightmares, call it “blightrock”, and pray that the visions of hellspawn marching forth from its red-lit interior are simply dreams. Among humans, the followers of Tyros call it the Devil’s Workshop, and their priests give fiery sermons, vowing its destruction. Those who worship the dark goddess Babilis speak no name aloud, but their shrines all ape the dark majesty of the true stone itself. To demonkind, it is simply Teufelstein, one city among many scattered across the parched surface of the world.
But to you? To you, it is home.
Teufelstein is a demon guild and city of Tartaros, aimed at recruiting players who are looking for a lawful evil, PvX experience in Fractured. Our goal is to have a thriving city which provides its citizens with a stable economy for crafters, good PvP, challenging PvE, and the room to develop your character as you see fit. Whether you play a demon that is evil from horns to tail, or want to Ascend to the heavens as an angel, as long as you want to contribute to the growth and success of the city, Teufelstein has room for you.
What Do You Mean, Lawful Evil?
Put simply, we plan to play the game as intended for demons, but do it in such a way that it doesn’t result in griefing or abusive behavior. In practice, this means that if you see someone who has something you want, well… you’re a demon. Take it. Any tactics ranging from asking nicely, to bartering, to cold-blooded murder are on the table. But we do keep in mind that the player on the other end is a fellow human being, just like us, and that it is just a game. Doing things like spawn camping, killing new players just for the lulz, random acts of chaos and destruction just for the hell of it, or to ruin someone’s day are not cool. There shouldn’t be any hard feelings after the dust settles, just loot to snag and the possibility of revenge down the road to keep things interesting.
Bottom line: We’re demons, we will play hard, we can be evil, but we won’t be dicks about it. That said, next up:
Code of Conduct:
Most basic rule: Don't be a dick. Follow this, and you will have no issues in Teufelstein.
Absolutely zero tolerance for racist, sexist, homophobic, or otherwise discriminatory/hateful behavior.
No RL politics or religion, please. Let’s have fun and kill each other over video game politics and religion instead.
If someone has something we want, take it. Demons, remember?. But we will not bully, harass, grief, or otherwise ruin another player’s day without cause. Taking conflicts outside the game are definitely out of bounds. No doxxing, Facebook stalking, etc.
We will only accept members age 21 or older, or mature 18+ on a case-by-case basis. We are a group of working adults who want to play to have fun, not have to worry about teenage angst-driven drama. Only middle-aged angst is permitted.
Respect in chat/voice. We are all adults, so swearing is perfectly fine. However, if a person feels uncomfortable or is offended by a particular term, please respect that and don't use it. "Raped" as a synonym for "pwnd" is a good example of a term that probably won't fly with mixed company. See rule 1.
Roleplay is not a must, but have at it if you want to. OOC is the norm, however.
Remember that this is a game, and we're here to have a good time. Why so serious?
Quick Facts:
Industry: Mining, metalwork of all kinds, murder
Military: Hunting Parties (PvE focused), Defenders & Raiders (PvP focused)
Religion: All hail Babilis!
Ruling Body: Infernal Council
Government Structure:
The Council will oversee the day-to-day running of all aspects of the city. Council positions are as follows:
Councillor of Arms: Oversees the training, equipping and deployment of the city's armed forces with the advice of the captains of both the Hunters and the Raiders.
Councillor of Logistics: Beancounter in Chief, ensures the city has the materials it needs, and is the liason with other friendly cities to ensure that resources flow smoothly.
Councillor of Artifice: Manages the local crafters and resource gatherers. Works closely with Councillor of Logistics to make sure our production chains are solid.
The Council is a meritocracy. The positions will be filled by citizens in good standing who have demonstrated a knack for the role. Major decisions that are not time-sensitive will be put to a city-wide vote; day-to-day and urgent decisions will be made by the Council. However, this being a feudal society, remember that the Governor has the final say if a decision must be made immediately.
How to Apply:
You may reply to this thread, send me a PM on the forums, or send me a message on Discord, username Trug#3650. You can also join via our Foundation page here.
Teufelstein is a part of Fioralba, a larger gaming community. If you would like to join us on Discord, the link is here. Just let the moderators know that you're interested in Fractured and we can get you set up.
See you in Teufelstein!
How The Hell Is "Teufelstein" Pronounced?
RE: Pet Companions
Most of the alpha pledge packs come with enough of the cosmetic currency to get a pet anyway, so you don't really need to spend any extra cash to pick one up if you're considering alpha access.
RE: [Demons, US] Teufelstein
@Kralith Great question! There are a couple of reasons. First, I’m a bit of a language nerd, and I’ve picked up enough German to be dangerous without any real fluency.
Second, I hope that using a foreign language will add some exotic appeal for non-German speakers.
Thanks for the well-wishes!
RE: The decision for public vs citizens-only crafting stations should be made by Governors, not Dynamight
@LonelyCookie I like your approach best. It lets the governors actually govern, and keeps some semblance of peace instead of KoS all day erry day. I expect that on Tartaros, but it shouldn't be that way on Sindesia.
One point I haven't seen yet, how would this play out on the Beastman planet? The "if you don't want them there, kill them" mechanic flat out is disabled there, no? You'd be completely at the mercy of anyone who wanted to leech.
[Parcel Contest]
Not the best by a long shot, but wanted to put my little house up here. Bit limited in terms of what I could place for decorations, but I tried to fill it with stuff that looked appropriate, but not so much that I couldn't move around the place. Some mounted wolf or bear heads would have been nice though!
RE: The value of Information
@PeachMcD Some games do offer built-in VoIP, but I personally think it's cancer. Usually ends up with some knucklehead(s) blasting music, racial slurs, or 12 year olds screaming at you when you kill them in PvP, cuz swearing is super edgy.
Then you either have to just disable it, or live with the toxicity. It's not like chat where it's easy to just report someone if they start crossing the line.
TL;DR: Yes, it is possible, but brings some potential downsides. Using out of game voice chat is better, imo.
RE: [A2.4.2] Chopping Trees, some logs fall under the ground
In addition to the ones sometimes falling through the ground, I've noticed that if the pieces don't land completely flat on the ground, they sometimes won't be interactable. For example, if they are leaning up slightly against the stump.
And on a fun note, I once had a piece land on top of the stump. It sat there for a second or two, then launched up like a rocket before falling back down to the ground.
RE: Swapping worlds for PVP?
You don't really swap worlds per se, you travel to other worlds temporarily. While there, depending on your race and the planet, you will have various effects and a time limit on how long you are able to stay on the other world.
If you're a human and you engage in PvP on the human world, you will gain/lose karma depending on if you're killing good aligned players or evil.
I believe they stated that angels/liches/abominations do go back to the character creation screen once they transform, so you can edit your new appearance. So yes, it does change the way you look.
RE: Solo pvp areas
I could see the fun and added value of adding an arena building type to cities, where you could tailor it for x vs. x PvP fights. Sign up to fight in a match and have the inside be instanced or something.
But making overworld areas have weird PvP restrictions in a full-loot MMO seems like a bridge too far, imo.
RE: [FRAC-2435] Stone Stockpiles Won't Accept More if One Side is Full
@GamerSeuss To me, "coding issue" is the definition of "bug", but if there's a "coding issue" forum that this should be in instead of bug reports, I'll happily use that instead.
RE: Character Customization
I can only base this off of the system in the last open weekend and guess that it's probably not going to be terribly deep. Pick from some preset hair styles, faces, and body types then you're done.
It's an isometric game, so you'll just be seeing the tops of people's heads, with arms and legs swinging around. In-depth facial customization would likely be wasted effort anyway.
RE: npc cities
Player cities already disable PvP, so no real need for an NPC city to create that effect. No reason a group of evil-minded folks can't band together and create Banditopolis or whatever.
RE: Crownless Order in Spring-Alpha: Valhalla Atrium (No password required)
I signed up today as well, and some others from Teufelstein who have alpha will likely also be coming along. Appreciate you all making the city open so that smaller groups can experience the city life in this alpha!
[FRAC-2435] Stone Stockpiles Won't Accept More if One Side is Full
Steps to replicate:
- Fill one side of the stone stockpile completely
- Try to add stone to the empty side, get "the storage is full" message
- Remove one stone from full side
- Empty side now accepts stones normally
RE: The Eviction/Refugee system ( Residential area solution for city takeovers )
If you go the route that you're proposing @GamerSeuss , where players have housing security regardless of sieges you're just going to end up in a situation where housing will stagnate. Final Fantasy XIV has this problem. A large community with limited housing and no mechanic to move people out means that large numbers of people will be out of luck, and only invites opportunists like gold farming companies to step in and form a third-party market for RMT trading of stolen/hacked accounts which have housing.
Only ways around that are some mechanic to free up housing such as eviction or sieges as mentioned here, or making housing unlimited via some kind of instanced system or unending expansion of housing areas which make it far less meaningful.
RE: Crownless Order in Spring-Alpha: Valhalla Atrium (No password required)
For this test, so far it's just myself and Fakadakalaka who have signed up in the city. As more chime in, I'll add them to the list.
Feedback from Weekend Test
First, I wanted to say thanks to the devs for offering this free weekend, it was an awesome opportunity to check out the game without having to worry about money. I know several friends of mine also checked it out, and I think you've got some new backers.
Now, on to the feedback.
The Good:
Love the sheer depth of the game, even at this early stage. PvE, PvP, city building, crafting, etc. Added to the insane degree of customizability with skills and talents, it honestly surprised me.
The knowledge system does a great job of giving you a reason to explore. I'm not sure if it's technically any different than having quest givers sprinkled around the map to encourage movement, but it certainly felt more natural and less artificial to me.
Unfortunately I didn't get much chance to play around with PvP, but I really like the karma system. It was fun to be able to flag up as the evil red named one and roam around looking for fights. Looking forward to seeing how this plays out in the longer test in February.
The building system works pretty well, and I didn't feel like it was terribly onerous to build a large house. That said, it would have been nice to be able to see a preview of a finished house before you place a building blueprint down. I actually liked the look of a much smaller house better once I saw one of my neighbors build one, but there was no way to know what they would look like until they were complete.
The Not-So-Good
Mostly my bad for not reading enough ahead of time, but I had no idea that the talents existed until Saturday. Might be good to include the talents in the tutorial the same way it already walks you through skills.
Being able to rebind the action bar keys would be huge. I'm very used to using 1-10 for MMOs, and it feels really clunky to switch to the letter keys. I'm sure muscle memory would eventually catch up, but it would be a nice QoL change to just be able to set them to whatever we like.
Targeting mobs is messy. I did finally figure out that I could right click to just swing away without accidentally looting things mid-fight, but it's still hard to pick any one combatant out in a melee. Some way to cycle through targets might be a nice feature.
Not a ton of feedback, and probably not anything you haven't heard before, but I wanted to be sure to get my two cents out there. Thanks again for the opportunity to test, and looking forward to seeing more in February!
Suggestion - Load to/from Stockpile Feature
One thing that might be nice is an option in a cart while near a stockpile to be able to load or unload everything applicable into or out of the cart from the stockpile. This would make your character proceed to move each block/log/whatever back and forth without needing to click to open the inventory, click to pick it up, and click again to put it back down. It could be interrupted if you wanted to stop partway through the process.
This would be a huge QoL feature in my opinion, particularly for anyone who has injuries like carpal tunnel syndrome. Anything that makes it less click intensive is a good thing.