@Roccandil Because a city full of tanning tubs would smell like a city full of tanning tubs and no one would want to live there.

Posts made by StormBug
RE: Tanning Tubs Are a Disaster
RE: Talents. limit of 60 points.
I like where it is now, at 60. I both solo and group and what I have works. Of course if I had another 5 or so points I would have everything I want, but then I would just be bored. This needs to remain a bit of a challenge and we have presets so you we change what we are using with just a quick nap.
RE: Sudden drop in stamina
Same thing happens to me. It happens in various locations all over the map but always seems to happen on a road. I can be solo or in a group but my group members never get hit and there is never any evidence of what bit me. I refer to whatever it is as the Invisible Biters. It happens pretty regularly too.
RE: Tanning Tubs Are a Disaster
@catraccoon Each test is a step closer to what the finished game will be. Just because something worked in one test doesn't mean it will be implemented the same in the next test. The tubs worked yes but we didn't have towns yet, so there was no way to test them in a town setting.
I would imaging that with some things it is easier to test them in steps. It would have been much harder to put those tubs in a town setting and get proper feedback on how that worked if they didn't know if the tubs worked properly to begin with.
I honestly believe that they will find a good solution for this issue.
Tanning Tubs – Solutions, an Idea or Two
I really do like the communal tanning tub idea. No one really wants tanning tubs all over their city; it would stink. With that said, here is my idea…
Each tub would require a key to unlock it. A player would stop off at the town hall and pick up their key and proceed to the tanning tub.
When the key is picked up a 24 hour counter would start. It only takes 16 hours to process leather and so 24 hours is plenty of time for a player to create their leather and retrieve it.
A key will automatically return to the town hall and become available to other players again after either the holder removes their leather from the tub, or 24 hours elapses, whichever happens first.
If after 24 hours elapse and there are items left in the tub they become “Spoiled Leather” and will have to be thrown out. It adds a bit of realism as any hide left too long to process would get ruined. This also prevents players from camping on tubs hoping someone doesn’t show up to claim their leather.
There could also be a 1 hour lockout timer on a player being able to go back and pick up the same key again. That way if there is a shortage of available tubs they can’t just pull their leather and run and grab the key because they know when it will be showing back up in the town hall.
I know @Wennid mentioned a Tanner NPC and I think that could even be combined with my idea. Use a key for the public tubs and that of course is free or players could choose to go and pay the Tanner NPC to do it for them. The difference, the NPC costs gold but has a longer time limit for picking up your leather (perhaps 48 hours instead of 24.)
You could even add on to the NPC idea with things like
- You failed to pick up on time now there is a small fine
- You are more than a week late your item is now in offsite storage pay a fine and come back in two days.
Those are my thoughts anyway.
RE: Tanning Tubs Are a Disaster
@Kirkuz I was online; I was standing right there watching the last two minutes count down. Guess what, so was someone else. When the time was up they stared grabbing my leather just as fast as I did. When I asked them if they just took my leather they said “yep” Their excuse was someone else stole theirs so they were going to take mine.
Hey, I didn’t take theirs. I didn’t take anyone’s. In fact, when I put my hides in the tub I made sure to leave room for other people to put some of their hides in as well. The thief that stole mine had 40 hides stolen. Why? Because they took up that much space at one time not caring if anyone else needed to tan their hides.
If standing there over your own hides as the last seconds tick off can’t protect them then there is a serious problem, and it isn’t with the folks putting the hides in the tanning tubs!
I set a timer. I was there to protect what was mine. It didn’t matter. This doesn’t work; plain and simple. I am very glad that some towns have honorable citizens. The hard facts though are that not all people work that way and there needs to be a reasonable solution. It is a big issue for a lot of people.
I, personally, would love to see the Powers That Be fix this issue while still maintaining the public tanning tubs. The idea that tanning your leather in the game is done in a public building is great, in my opinion.
Tanning Tubs Are a Disaster
The current situation with tanning tubs is, unfortunately, untenable. If people were kind and knew how to share it would be fine; unfortunately people are greedy and vindictive, and so what we have is a disaster.
I personally had my Dire Wolf leather stolen right in front of me, just because the person stealing it had their leather stolen by someone else. I set a timer for my leather and was there to get it right on time, but they were grabbing it as fast as I was. Their excuse was that someone had stolen the “40” hides that they had placed previously.
Do we see the problem here? First of all the person is stealing from someone who is innocent and is justifying it with the fact that someone else stole from them. Then we have the fact that the thief was also a greedy person in the first place; after all they took up 40 spaces in the tanning tubs leaving little room, if any, for anyone else.
Seriously this is not about me or what I had taken. I have heard so many people complain about their leather or hides being stolen from the city tanning tubs. Something has to change. I personally want to be able to build my own again, but if that isn’t possible we have to have a way to prevent theft. It would also be nice if folks couldn’t take up an excessive amount of the available space.
Please find a solution to this issue. I don’t do the PvP part of the game but this is enough to make me want to smite someone.
RE: What is your biggest want in this game?
More versatile housing. We could still utilize the standard blueprints but perhaps we could get ones without interior walls and doors too. Then we could choose walls (maybe even half walls,) doors and windows to place were we wish.
Then again, maybe there could be a draw your own blueprint function. Layout the exterior lines, is there a deck/patio area, where are the doors and window, then draw in the interior walls and doors. You are then given a blueprint to place in your lot that just like now shows the materials required to build your house. Perfection, your very own Fractured home!
Don’t forget home decorating. There is an entire economy surrounding that. Many people love to spend the day making their home beautiful and of course they need folks that can craft items to decorate those homes. Can you get a blueprint that includes built in bookcases or should you have a carpenter that installs them, or will we even be able to place items to make them necessary?
That reminds me, the ability to “place” items. That is always fun. I am not sure if this is an upcoming thing or not. If it is, then please forgive my dearth of knowledge. If it isn’t, well then, I want please!
I could continue on in much greater detail and with more ideas, but… Well someone did ask what we wanted, right?
Everything else is going so well and I think my other wants are going to be covered so…I do really like the boats and ocean encounters idea too!
RE: Daily Message posting
I am going to get this signature thing figured out even if it causes me to go running screaming into the night.
RE: What mounts are available? And what are the differences/distinctions?
@kueblaikhan While we don’t have mounts yet you can go to the Foundation page and see that if you reach Foundation level 35 you will receive a Feral Wolf Mount and at Foundation level 115 you will receive a Trained Wolf Mount. Of course this doesn’t happen until the game goes live, but it is a fantastic gift for hanging out a participating in something we are already having a good time with.
RE: Alpha 2 - Test 3 Postponed
@Prometheus I am in it for the long haul and will be here patiently waiting when the issues get resolved. I feel for those of you having to try to fix the problem right now. You must really feel like the hounds are at the door trying to get things fix with folks sitting here waiting on you.Just remember that most people involved in a game at this stage realize that these things happen and would rather wait a bit while you work things out then have you just shove something at us that doesn't really work.
RE: Daily Message posting
It would be a sad little post but for the fact that
it means one day closer to the next Alpha Test!