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Posts made by StormBug
RE: Engame Changer - Objectives Preview
@Meiki @Bancheis
I too hate the idea of my mount dying but I can't bring myself to think of it as equipment with durability either. I would much prefer if we were able to breed them. They would still die of old age but we would have the chance to improve stats and I am sure something can be thought up to keep rare mount breeding from ruining the rarity of the mount.@Bancheis I could live with somethin like your suggestion of a stable.
@Akarikari I agree; it would have to be tied to play time or most folks would have a dead mount every time they login.
RE: The Data Transfer Is Here!
@Cellticlink How is that not a good sign? That is the best thing to ever happen to this game!
Specter, Can We Get Him Back? Please!
@Specter, are you out there? We have returned!
@Prometheus, can you bring him back to us? Please!!!
That is all....
RE: So what build is everyone going for when the servers come back online?
I had just started playing with a bow and was realy enjoying it so I will most likey pick up a bow again and see what changes there are.
RE: Feedback on Legends
@Logain said in Feedback on Legends:
I'd like to provide an alternative suggestion and would love feedback.
Now that fits! I like the notion of tying the prestige to the legends like you suggested, very interesting. Even if they don't go that route, however, the idea of using the summoning group's alignment to determine whether the Legend is announced before arrival is fantastic.
Already Logged in the World!
For the love of all the is Fractured can someone please fix this. "LOGIN FAILED Your character with login ID #603 is already logged in the world" I am not logged in. The game booted me and that is what I got when I tried to log back in. I have rebooted twice. I do NOT want to miss these next few days. I have been a loyal player for years. Please someone fix the issue! Thanks in advance.
RE: Gathered Feedback: Viability of Leather materials
I can deal with the encumbrance and heat or cold restrictions caused by some of the different leathers but I will never wear troll leather with the 60 point drop to poison resistance. Also with Dire Wolf leather having zero bonuses there is little point to it at all.
Also, like OlivePit said, having a clear purpose for each would be very good.
RE: Races restricting freedom of play.
I can agree that character look can be a major factor for people in an MMO. With that said, I did offer a way for you and your brother to play together from the beginning that would allow the two of you too create characters that satisfied both of you.
Yes, it is a bit more time consuming then just creating a single character each, but it does allow you both to play what you wish within the framework of the game. I did not ignore (willfully or otherwise) your feedback. I was simple trying to give you a way to enjoy Fractured as it was created, at its core. The way the planets and races are split is a large part of the entire scheme of the game and is what attracted a great deal of the original backers. No one is trying to ignore or slight you or your opinion or feedback; we are simply trying to help you understand that this is a core element of the game and hopefully help you find a way to enjoy it as much as we do. No disrespect was intended.
RE: Races restricting freedom of play.
@deathfromace I personally don’t see how the game restricts play style. It may restrict your appearance if you want to travel with differently aligned characters right from character creation but it won’t restrict your play style. Also, as you can have more than one character you and your brother could each create two characters and help each other level up until you both have one character that can crossover. If you like all other aspects of the game this one thing doesn’t have to be a game breaker.
@GamerSeuss I once had a new DM that insisted on making everyone’s characters for them. I thought that this was the most heinous thing ever, at first, especially when I was handed my character sheet. I was given a character that had a trait “Stupidly Brave” I looked at that and thought for a few minutes getting very irate; then I went from anger to absolute glee evil grin It was one of the best times I ever had playing a character and every time a party member tried to question my actions I would look at our DM and say “Stupidly Brave” and bust up laughing. I worked very hard to find every way to utilize that trait because it was more fun to fully develop the character I was given then to miss out on playing. You have no idea the havoc a truly stupidly brave character can cause, LMAOROTF!
RE: Feedback on Legends
@Prometheus said in Feedback on Legends:
the main reward of legends are the Lost Tales.
You didn't name me in your question but I did want you to know that I love collecting the Lost Tales.
RE: Feedback on Legends
You are completely correct in that most of us bring enough items to do at least two summons if not three or more. This would make it reasonable to revert to the no announcement of a Legend spawn as then PvP folks would know at the death of a Legend that there is very likely a group summoning that Legend again. Another option would be to shorten the announcement time to something more reasonable like 5 minutes. The Legend would still take 10 minutes to summon but the announcement wouldn’t go out until 5 minutes had passed.
The two options above also deters PvP folks from simply sitting around waiting for PvE folks to summon a Legend for them and never gathering the required items themselves.
Please note that I am not trying to favor either side here. I am simply attempting to find a middle ground for both sides on Syndesia in regards to Legends.
RE: Feedback on Legends
So it seems that the biggest argument around Legendary Creatures is that now the summoning is announced and this puts PvP and PvE folks at odds. Understandable of course. What I don’t understand is why does it have to be totally one way or the other?
On Arboreus there will be no PvP surrounding Legendary Creatures. On Tartaros there will only be PvP surrounding Legendary Creatures. It only makes sense then to share the amount of PvP and PvE access to Legendary Creatures on Syndesia.
For example don’t announce the summoning of easy Legends, but announce the summoning of hard Legends. Then they can split the announcement of the medium level Legends. I personally don’t see any reason not to do this and it would make Syndesia a more agreeable place for both sides.
Okay I am ready to hear why this is a terrible idea. puts on best armor
RE: 5+ hours to respawn a resource node?!
@WolfOfRavens said in 5+ hours to respawn a resource node?!:
Is this a joke? What the hell?! How is anyone supposed to do anything when they can't even get these basic resources!
You would be amazed at how fast a city can be built or a house go up with the resource respawn set to 5 hours. I do admit that a random spawn of 1 or 2 stones per node would be nice, but it would be very bad for the economy, and make the game really boring if that happened to any other resource.
RE: Gathered Feedback: Viability of Cloth materials
@OlivePit While I don't play any characters that use cloth armor, I do love spider silk armor for farming. Lightweight and weather balanced it is great for harvesting.
Thanks for the great post!
RE: Fractured Online - Early Access
In regard to Seasons, will the current season end before the wipe? It would be really nice to see how this works before it is restarted. Don't make our efforts and time wasted.
RE: Gathered Feedback: Durability of walls and catapults
Does anyone know if there is some historical information about catapults against wood or stone? Is there any info out there to tell us how tough a catapult is against an onslaught of attackers? If someone could dig up a bit of historical information it might help balance things out a bit.
Also I believe that if enough folks attack a wooden gate or wall with axes that they should be able to take it down. After all no one is pouring boiling oil on them or anything like that.