As the title says. I won a key for A2T3 but have no need of it because #pledgepack. No contest or anything, just express interest and why you want it and I’ll choose someone at random later tonight.

Best posts made by Recoil
Who needs a key?
Alpha 2 Test 3 Day/Time Announced
I haven't seen any official announcement anywhere so I figured I'd put something here for those who want to know.
According to both the Fractured Store and this thread A2T3 will be starting Thursday, July 16th at 10am Eastern Daylight Time (EDT). Apologies if this was already mentioned somewhere but I was unable to find anything in a quick search of the forums
RE: Alpha 2 - Test 3 Postponed
It happens, would rather have to wait a bit than for the game to be riddled with crashes throughout the play testing.
RE: Suggestion: Different spells have different armor requirements
@Xzoviac said in Suggestion: Different spells have different armor requirements:
Allowing more play styles not everyone wants 3 set ways to play the game
This ^^^ is my point. Fractured prides itself on being dynamic, which is why I think it'd be cool to allow all armor classes to cast spells. In order to balance it certain costs would have to be enacted, such as increased mana cost or lower spell strength rewarding those at lower armor levels with better spellcasting while not entirely prohibiting someone with heavy or medium armor from doing so altogether.
RE: Open Question to Developers.
I personally think a sort of arena/Colosseum mechanic would be cool, where in big cities players have the opportunity to PvP in a controlled environment for riches/fame/glory.
RE: Death and what it entails
As far as what we know so far through dev communication and alpha testing, you have an endurance bar that dictates what happens when you die. If you have a solid reserve of endurance you just 'pass out' and wake back up after like 30 seconds. If your endurance bar is depleted then you die and respawn back at your home, leaving all of your items behind which can be reclaimed before X amount of time passes and your body decays.
RE: when will it drop?
This should be what you're looking for
RE: Who needs a key?
Hey all!
Held out as long as I could to allow for anyone who didn’t initially see the the thread to get a chance to throw their hat in the ring. I threw all your names in a super random generator in the interest of fairness for all. Without further ado, the winner is @JuliusCesar ! I’ll PM you the key code ASAP.
The only thing I don’t like about doing this is that I can’t give a key to everyone, I genuinely hope anyone who wants to play this game gets their opportunity at some point or other
Special shoutout to @Znick for his rendition of The Devil Went Down to Georgia. I grew up on that song man!
RE: Meridian - PvX/Syndesia - International - Diplomacy/Politics/Trade/Warfare
Hey @PeachMcD! Are you still playing with this guild?
They are, just having some computer troubles for this test I believe
Just wanted to put out a post saying I’ve been having a blast playing with you all thus far and am happy I found a friendly guild with a strong sense of community. I look forward to the adventures to come! (and can’t wait for our trip to the Shadow Vale later @Kirkuz )
RE: Interrace Trading town
Come check out Meridian, I think you might find a good opportunity to realize your vision there.
What are you looking forward to/hoping to see in A2T3?
I'm personally pretty excited for the implementation of the talent tree and looking through the different talents we get to choose from. I'm also hoping we get to see some new spells as well, particularly from the illusion and divination schools since they are empty as of the last test.
RE: Meridian - PvX/Syndesia - International - Diplomacy/Politics/Trade/Warfare
Also as I member of Meridian, I can attest to the fact that there’s room for all kind of players here. Talk to Alexian for more specifics, but I’m confident you’ll be able to find a home here
RE: Who needs a key?
Thanks for all the replies so far, I’ll put all your names in random generator to pick one later tonight to give more people an opportunity to respond
RE: Arborian or Arborean?
-ean seems to be the more grammatically correct option, though I couldn’t say for certain.
RE: Travelling is "complicated" to be mild
Frankly I believe there should be some kind system to bridge the gap between a very large map and shorter travel times.
Maybe develop a transportation system designed to get you from point A to point B at a considerably faster pace while still allowing you to appreciate the size of the map. Say you start in City A, close to the Northguard Mountains and want to get to the starter town to link up with your friend who just made their first character. By my estimate, this is probably at least a 30 minute trip without any stops or PVE encounters. Instead of getting carpal tunnel from running there yourself you could pay a small amount of in-game money to get in, let's say, a carriage that will automatically take you to the starter town in a third of the time. This still allows for an immersive experience while still cutting down on travel times (because not everyone has 3 hours to spare irl just to travel across the map to meet up with a friend, nor should that be expected).
This wouldn't negate the use of mounts either, as this system would only let you travel to major points of civilization on the map. You wouldn't be able to, say, tell the carriage to let you off at some point in the woods near a dungeon you want to raid
Feedback, anyone?
Garnering interest: The Great Free City of _______
So I've been sitting on this idea for a couple weeks now and I've finally decided to put up an interest thread. From what I've seen the town planning thread, especially with respect to non-guild towns, has been pretty dry lately. I want to get the ball rolling on a very large player settlement that upholds the the pillars on which Fractured was founded: the ability to thrive in a player-driven world where the only limit is the extent of your own creativity.
The principle is to found a free city (read about town politics here) that welcomes player characters of any creed, profession, or alignment. The town won't be aligned with any guild (though if you are a member of a guild you are still welcome to live there!), and as per the free town rules, governors will be chosen via election. Aesthetically speaking, picture something like Novigrad from the Witcher 3.
In-game, it will be a coastal hub for trade across all of Syndesia. Will you make your living in the market district as a weaponsmith, armorsmith, enchanter, or craftsman? Maybe you'll spend your time in the great harbor, a ship's captain transporting goods across the world or a fisherman selling his catch to innkeeps and citizens across the city. Additionally there will be taverns, inns, churches(of all gods), tailors, and and whatever other venues that can be created as well. It should go without mention that there will be plenty of housing plots available for purchase across the city. The idea is no matter who your character is and what they specialize in, they'll be able to make a living and/or a home here.
Obviously, this is a tall order and a lot of work and time will need to go in to making it happen. Luckily for us, there's still at least a year and a half until full release which is plenty enough time to get a group of interested folks together
. Right now I'm just seeing who's interested in making this happen, at some point we'll have a discord group made up, and in the future maybe even have some method of laying out basic city plans as the devs release more info regarding how city building will actually work.
So, if this is something you'd want to be a part of speak up below! I want to reemphasize that this is a VERY rough idea here (The city doesn't even have a name yet lol), so any and all questions/comments are welcome. Even if you're planning on living somewhere else I'd love it if you made your thoughts known!
One last thing: just because I'm coming up with this idea doesn't mean I want to the Govern the place. More than anything, I want to be a part of building something that will leave its mark on Fractured forever. I'm not saying I'd decline if elected, but that's by no means what I have in mind at the moment
The one DOT I have is the poison spell at the moment, granted I haven’t used it in a bit but last time I checked it was too weak to do any viable damage (I’m currently running a mage build at 18 int). I’ll look at it again next time I’m on but if memory serves it was only doing 10-20 damage (high ball) a tick which with how the combat system works right now is pretty inconsequential
RE: Enchanting table Guide - Basic Mechanics - How to
@PedroBillyMattos you're a legend, thanks for this
RE: wondering how a city owner would view this
I've been putting together an idea for a free, non-guild city that welcomes businesses and organizations of any kind, provided they don't cause trouble within its walls. Granted I don't have much of a desire to govern it myself but I do plan to have a pivotal role in its development and I can safely say we'd have room for a mercenary guild to make its home base there if you so desire.
Post here for questions/comments/interest