Merry Christmas

Posts made by Nyquil44
RE: Knockdown
@Prometheus thanks again for the fix and super quick reply.
@Prometheus good morning just curious if knockdown mechanic was addressed and will be fixed as well if you get stuck and killed by mobs they endlessly kill you and aggro till you get sent home. Hopefully you guys can implement a few second barrier when you get up from knockdown where you won’t be attacked so we can get to safety. This was a huge issue thanks for your time keep up the great work.
RE: Fractured Content Pills - Week 52, 2019
@Znirf thanks for this looks amazing can’t wait to get my hands on it and do my best to kill them all however long it takes. Glad all bugs reported in last test were addressed and fixed, looking forward to making tons of new content for next upcoming test.
RE: Knowledge System Account Wide
@Jetah I think it should be when you kill a mob and it appears in knowledge tab you should be able to scroll down and see the skills that mob offers instead of ? Unknown. This way when you find a certain mob with skills your class needs you can search for that kind and farm it to gain the skill needed.
RE: Hi everyone!
@SilentMoebius welcome aboard looking forward to seeing you in game
RE: trading, weapons, furniture, features
@Noebody video link I will put below shows everything you can craft currently besides basic housing stuff.