I found enchanting good... I mean I am one of the users who made a excel sheet for it (shameless plug https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1UkAU9BUR5CEG7edgzvIhkZx35LS0h1UMAB_9TBBxYq8/edit?usp=sharing) but saying it does a poor job explaining... maybe only enchanting tiers... Tier one you need 2pt each slot, tier 2~ 5 points each slot, tier 3 ~ 10 points. Meaning the rare resources that will have 8+ points for tier 3 enchanting. a little wheel was there to display that...but could use a quick tutorial.
As for hand holding you though it by making it easier....10 mushrooms... no thanks. I'd rather go fight a hard monster for rare resources to later used for crafting or enchanting.
For bow:
Attack skills-
Poisoning Stike, Word of Power Stun, Word of power Kill
Net Trap,
Absord, Enrage, Warcry, Inspire,Protection from Fire, Mage armor,
Totem of wildfire
all skills you can use with a bow.
for crafting poison. I lived in a prime poison plant spot. I had about 20 bushes around my house to make the best poison over and over...never had a problem- just did some planning before hand.
for arrows. I just pick up rocks none-stop and pick branches. Bones were easy to supply when I fought things that gave bones.
But I got board of bow since it's really only used for kitting non-stop and with Absord and Mage Armor you just never die. so you sat there auto attacking till the enemy was dead.
What would I change? Long cooldown slows (1min cd for 4-5sec slows), Traps to give them more of a ranger feel, Track skill (would seek out anything within 300-400 meters) ~ but I would stay away from giving rangers giant or good DPS, Namely because ranger DPS vs Melee dps should never be a question. Not saying a ranger can't kill a fighter- just that a ranger should kite to get a kill...not be able to stand there for 10 secs mowing someone down.