Same Problem, the login seems not to work properly.
After some reloads at least the forum shows me, that I am logged in.
Edit: Be aware, I wrote following before I noticed, I am still not logged into the website itself, but the forum. So it might be already visible somewhere. I may sound grumpy. 
Another question to @Arcahem
Where can I find the old informations about the Foundation stuff or is this cutted out entirely?
Where are the list of our bought packages, the Foundation Points, Rewards, people who joined in reason of your referal link? Are all these informations lost?
I can't see any of this informations here on the website now, nor I have any reference to see it at the Glyphstore. More than that, I always see in the Glyph Shop, that I can buy the packages there, that are literally already included in my higher pack? Whats about the stuff I already bought here ages ago? All the Foundation, Shop, Kickstarter stuff?
How anyone can proof their already payed stuff, if here is no single reference to it anymore? (like the list in screenshot below)
I would be glad to get any confirmation, if any of our stuff from the past is still valid and we get them shown up again or if it just got silently droped.
Edit: I know the text from the support page, as @OlivePit linked it. But I am expecting some more informations about this, if you change stuff, a hint on that from official staff would be nice, to know if we have all these informations back soon.