you want contracts?

Best posts made by Jetah
RE: Writing books?
until you read a book and it's nothing but furry porn.
RE: What challenges should guild alliances face?
not a video but here's some comments on it; last year, answer by Prometheus
RE: Last week for pledge packs! Additional Creator and Aristocrat slots.
how do you believe 10+ people will have the same exact idea on a created thing?
best thing DS can do is say "i'm sorry but that idea is taken and you'll have to choose something else".
RE: I'm too old for this :-D (or... how a new game made me learn how to record my gaming at age 55)
what's more interesting than Fractured ?????totally misunderstood the statement >< /sigh
RE: Haven't pledged? Want to upgrade, but not sure yet? Tell us why!
@Alexian said in Haven't pledged? Want to upgrade, but not sure yet? Tell us why!:
@pushcart said in Haven't pledged? Want to upgrade, but not sure yet? Tell us why!:
Lack of communication. We didn't get any contact pills or update what's going on since alpha test 2. I personally think it's a big nono since everyone is afraid of Kickstarter game to fail or disappear. Please even update saying u guys are going to vacation or anything to keep ppl knowing what's going on. When ppl don't know wat's going on, ppl just not going to put more money in it.
I just sank $1500 into Fractured, purchasing first the Governor's pack and then the Creator's.
This is the first time I've ever "pledged' or "backed" a game prior to its full release, so I'm in uncharted territory personally.
And as someone who suffers from chronic buyer's remorse, I can't help but feel I've taken an enormous risk.
So my hope to @Prometheus, @Specter, and @Znirf is that they'll vindicate the community's faith with regular updates. Specter assured me that a content pill is coming this week.
I've sank thousands into pre-released games and only 1 has released in a timely manor. all the rest have had delays from years to almost lustrum (5 years). 2 have had full releases while the other 4 haven't.
just dont get emotional over it. just forget about it for a few months, or even a few seasons, then check in from time to time. maybe read the emails if you're in alpha 1 so you can get in and do some testing.
RE: What challenges should guild alliances face?
i also think the whole isometric view will be a problem for zergs too. Only so many people can fit on a screen, thus only so many can attack an object. then add in friendly fire with no-clip with line of sight projectiles hitting the nearest object, it'll be pretty hard to blob things.
RE: What challenges should guild alliances face?
combat will/should have a first contact, first damage. it was mentioned in the KS that a tank could intercept damage destined for other players. IF that system system is setup and the friendly fire has a limited amount of friendlies (lets just say it caps at 5 players in a party) then any other 'friendly' will get hit by said abilities.
when you bowl you can't hit the back center-pin first. you have to hit the front row first, either center or left or right. by these assumptions, it's logical that a group of 200+ can't attack a single wall or player. they'll have to attack the closest object which will be their own guild/alliance members. we may see more small group fights than zerg fights.
when i say abilities i also mean spells. i just didn't want to type it every time.
RE: Bees?
if i see anything remotely close to Tera cosmetics, i'm out.
RE: Summon Fellow Demon Players Ability
@Gothix said in Summon Fellow Demon Players Ability:
@Jetah could demon player be able to break free of control and shred human player to pieces?
always a small chance. magic isn't perfect!!!!
RE: Shop: common or not
I love how GGG does their shop with Path of Exile.
keep a core set of packs. Include seasonal pack options.
add to your cosmetic spell, gear, pet, housing.
RE: Buildable items for plots
@Gothix said in Buildable items for plots:
@Jetah said in Buildable items for plots:
i dont understand the point of putting head drops in solo content when the game is a massively multiplayer. put these cosmetics in group content.
Because people could leech the "achievement" from the fact that they are in good group. And every noob could get the head like that (which would make the "achievement" worthless in the process, not being an achievement at all). People could even pay to the good group to take them through the fight and get the head.
I don't want achievements that are available through leeching or through payment. I want achievements, that you have to prove you are good enough to get them, and that can only be done through (hard) solo challenge.
(I'm not saying that group content cosmetics shouldn't exist, they should as well. I'm saying that SOME unique cosmetics should only come through HARD solo challenges, so they can be used for bragging rights to show off that you can really play well, which is only provable if you need to show it through solo challenge, where noone can help you or carry you.)
what's wrong with people helping others in an online game? seriously, if you want single player content there are games built for that.
what's the point of having cities, whole planets dedicated to certain play styles if there's no interaction. we should be dependent on others to help achieve while typing this out, i did remember that WoW had solo challenges as well as Raid/Mythic+ content. in Legion it was the Mage Tower. you were required to do it solo as it was instanced and were rewarded a cosmetic from it. however, as the expansion progressed the challenge for it became less (as people were able to get better gear). With Fractured having tiered gear (quality differences) it too can be trivialized as better gear is obtained.
and by the way, paying for things is what money is for. you're trading your cash, which was converted from time, into time savings. people dont learn everything and do everything their self. they buy thing so they do the stuff they want to do.
RE: Buildable items for plots
@Xzait said in Buildable items for plots:
@Jetah please learn english some more... coz all you do is repeat the same thing over and over... providing useless posts in the thread because you "don't understand" what we are saying, despite us explaining it in 5 different ways... if u r just gonna spam.... go somewhere else pls. coz like @Gothix said... it is as if u r trolling at this point... the thread is for potential ideas for the devs (if they check this) for stuff they can implement for us to put on our plots of lands. (if u really r legit... here is a hint... a trophy is a momento of achieving a typically difficult task...)
you tell me to learn English yet you dont even spell words properly. I've highlighted all the errors. also the elipse isn't a proper way to end every sentence. Maybe you need to head back to elementary school to learn English yourself.
that aside, it wasn't until this post that Gothix specifically stated they wanted single and multi trophies. Until then they specifically stated they dont want someone buying trophies from groups post here. Now the first post "buying achievements" means no group trophies, which is what I commented on here. Now I can't read the minds of others, only what is written.
Where am I saying that I wish to exclude multiplayer content?! I'm saying that in addition to multiplayer content (millions of multiplayer content), some solo difficult challenges would be nice.
You never said both. You even commented that you dont want people to buy achievements via groups. That to me implies you dont want group achievements/trophies. And I did mention that WoW had solo content separate from group content when I mentioned the Mage Tower. But again, it was never mentioned, by you, to have both solo and group.
Just because I love group content doesn't mean I hate solo or that I need to be carried.
RE: Summon Fellow Demon Players Ability
@Yitra said in Summon Fellow Demon Players Ability:
@Jetah said in Summon Fellow Demon Players Ability:
we're asking for a "summon demon" spell that lets us control or be controlled.
IE humans summon a demon (plenty of folklore and anime about this as examples) to take over the world and grant the summoner immense power. Instead of that, it's asking a Demon if they wish to be a 'slave' for a while as a gameplay option.This wouldn't give the summoned demon free reign like a teleport.
@deusex2 said in Summon Fellow Demon Players Ability:
We're talking about, for example, being a player demon, and suddenly a shiny portal spawns in front of you and you get a pop-up stating that somebody's calling you from the other side of the portal, and when you walk through you are transported from Tartaros to Syndesia, into a summoner's party and become a PC summoned demon
Even if for only a temporary.
Instead of a "harsh" NO, I think by implication he is saying that what you guys are asking for, will not be implemented.
honestly the comment by the CM just sounds like they had no idea what we were wanting. they assumed it was a teleport spell to moving demons freely between locations when what we want is a spell that allows the demon to be a slave for a period of time. sure it would look like a teleport but it isn't in that the demon being summoned wouldn't have free control over the area where they move. IE when summoned, they'd have a limited range around the summoner and would be forced teleported (just like a hunter's pet). they would only be able to attack 'hostile' enemies based on what the summoner has set (would a hunter have aggressive, defensive, passive for their pet). the summoned demon would be a player controlled pet in the grand scheme of things. only advantage the demon would get is they'd gain knowledge as though they were to use a portal. This is the incentive to be summoned. IE if one mob on the human planet was further away than 30 minutes (typical invasion timer) then you'd never get access to said mobs, however, if a human (or neutral other race) summoned you and they were grinding in that location then you'd gain knowledge. it's a win-win. the summoner gets immersion being able to 'summon a powerful demon' and the demon gets knowledge for that area, the mobs, any exploration that might happen, maybe even some knowledge on the spells or abilities the summoner was using. without any knowledge being granted to the demon, the demons have no reason to be summoned for a set time.
a limit could be placed on an account so that one account can be summoned once per 20-24 hours or a 'favorite' demon could be setup so that the summoner feels like they're summoning the same demon. Maybe some demon wants their account to be specific for summons!
you'd either get a 'new body' but your gear wouldn't ever be dropped. either a new body is created and you're given gear by the summoner or you use the gear you have equipped but it wont be arent' picking stuff up so you'd have no need for inventory. you aren't taking durability hit by using your gear either.
RE: Next test phase
we need another in depth Spotlight, which we haven't had for 14-ish months! yeah the pills are neat but they don't really give us anything to converse about.
i'm at a point where i'd like to know more details about crafting. or more details about systems.
RE: Next test phase
@Xzait said in Next test phase:
we can't blame the devs for not giving us something interesting soon enough. some devs go literally 6 months at a time, or even up to a year and a half before they bring something exciting and new to light. we are pretty lucky here to have devs here that actually chat with us as part of the community, and despite how busy they are, provide us with minor progress reports. getting something, even if only once a month or two, is better than once every 6 months or more. give the devs a bit of a break people.
half the idea of the forum is for us to come up with creative and interesting ideas for the devs after all... how many of you are showcasing your amazing ideas to the devs instead of commenting on what they are showcasing?
I've backed a few MMO developers and they all have constant information coming out. Camelot Unchained, Star Citizen, Crowfall and Fractured. Fractured is the only one that has gone multiple months without new information (talking news here not small tweets/pills of info). When I have to remind the Fractured staff to post test info on Kickstarter it tells me they haven't organized their information well enough. They may be great at programming and sales but keeping backers update isn't something they're use to and it'll bite them on the KS platform.
Rhykker Mention of "Pay for Convenience"
newest news wrap up video by Rhykker mentions the "pay to not play the game" as a catch up mechanic in Ghost Recon Breakpoint:
.Since Ghost Recon Breakpoint’s early access period went live, some players have raised questions about certain ‘time-saving’ microtransactions that appear to have been available in the game.
Now I know @Prometheus wants pay for convenience but you really should reconsider that or look at the responses on the video.
RE: Next test phase
@Farlander said in Next test phase:
Once these forums opened up I haven't tried to follow the game anywhere else. I know alot of backers often complain that devs don't continue to post on their kickstarter. I think a post on the kickstarter news that all info will be posted at X location should be sufficient to direct people where they want to go.
I've seen plenty of 1-2 paragraphs then a link to the developer forums/news for the rest of it. that's even fine.