i dont like putting down my MMO or video game history down. at my age it's too many games.

Best posts made by Jetah
RE: What MMO are you coming from??
RE: Feature Spotlight #3 - The Knowledge System
I'd say make none of it known. program it so that it's different per account. The way i obtain a skill isn't going to be the same for you or anyone else.
Discord Store 90/10 Starting 2019
I do love Discord and they've recently published a thing where they intend to keep 10% of the sales and put the other 90% into the developers pocket.
I'll encourage DS, again, to consider putting Fractured on the Discord Store!
in today's (Dec 20, '18) update they added:We added early access games! Now, devs can release their games as early access and players like you can support them during their development. Help create some awesome game experiences! Yeehaw!
RE: Banks and auctions.
I wouldn't store anything in a location where i could leave the game for a few months or years and come back to nothing in my storage. but i would create my own guild on an alt to store everything.
RE: Optional wasd movement?
@frost said in Optional wasd movement?:
@jetah I kinda dislike that kinda of gameplay. The movements feels totally messed up. I mean you walk backwards exacly at the same speed as you walk forwards. That make the movements a lot unrealistic and not looking up. That's just my opinion ofc. I know a lot of people do like it that way.
it's a game not a real life simulator. If we're going with realism then we can't play a race other than Human. Best part of it being a game is the back peddle speed can be changed or not. i dont like click to move. i hate it in diablo 3 and even in PoE. one main reason is i click on something and my character pathfinds to it. if it's an object that can be attacked then i run directly on top of it then attack. I like wasd movement in isometric games but so few have it.
wasd movement would mimic more of a console style movement than PC. If a controller support was enabled for Fracture then they'd have to offer something similar to wasd movement.
I'll ask, have you tried Spiral Knights out? It's one thing to look at it but another to play it. IIRC, SK has both options if you aren't use to wasd.
I'll venture a good guess that a wasd movement player would win vs a click to move with skill being equal.
RE: Kickstarter Update - Pledge Packs
there are plenty of other games without VIP! I'll venture a guess that if marketing isn't confident in their game then they choose a sub option.
RE: Consumable Currency
i'm neutral on it. I like that the items are consume and can be traded but people will settle on 1 or 2 items as a trade currency.
I'd like to try a limited supply of resources in alpha.
RE: Question towards the devs;
@specter said in Question towards the devs;:
@phaethonas I do not know the details of the justice system. @Prometheus can answer that question or maybe a future spotlight will.
spotlight would be great.
Might as well add these to some FAQ because the Kickstarter will have people asking these questions again.
RE: Kickstarter Update - Start Date & Video Teaser #1
one of the few times i'll watch a youtube video about video games!
the video looks like a generic arpg set in the swamp to showcase music.
I'm not sure about the other video but I'd suggest you showcase some more of the 400 skills you have.
IF possible have one of the beastkin or demon in one of the videos.The swamp looks good, the attacks seemed pretty generic (i know it's pre-alpha although it's really more like internal testing) and they should get some polish at some point.
Show some of the armor too! people love looking unique.
to me what will make this game different is the beastkin and demon. If you can showcase a siege or some pvp (with both of those races) then it'll appeal to those that want to pvp.
from that video alone it looks like a poe copy.
if you can have a live stream during the kickstarter to show more, then i'd suggest you try to coordinate that. show some pve and pvp in the live stream so people understand the game is PvX (both).
RE: Player bounty boards (PVP)
@finland You've never played a joke on someone before? I've played a few million bounty on my friends in Eve Online. it doesn't hurt them though if they die someone gets a little extra.
You see the alignment as a character divide. I see beyond the game and see the person sitting at the keyboard. just because the character is good doesn't mean the person is.
@Miffi Scams happen all the time. in Eve Online scams aren't disciplined by the developers, they actually encourage scams. example: I list a blueprint copy (which has limited build amounts) in a contract. I write on the title it's a blueprint original (which has unlimited build amounts). it's up to you to inspect it to see if it's a real copy or original. that isn't an exploit, it's a scam. If I'm selling a piece of gear for 500g and i post said item on a website, someone could pm me saying they want to buy said item for 50g. I can acknowledge the incorrect price of 50 or state it's 500. Depending on how many PMs i'm getting, how busy I am or I just have 50+ items on the market, I could forget the actual price and sell it for 50. that's a scam, not an exploit.
yes, its possible to burn some bridges with contracts and being jumped but there are new players joining all the time which wont know about it. at that point you just delete the character and start over or switch to an alt or have an alt post it while you jump them on your human/demon character.
@Benseine if you turn evil you can be exiled but that's if you kill the wrong people. however merchant/trade/gold scams aren't killing people. There wouldn't be an alignment change with that. The dev's also mentioned it would take a while to get your alignment changed. Lets say it'd take a year. So you could do a whole years worth of killing before you're considered evil. Whether it's a game year or real year is unknown.
I just want everyone to understand that it shouldn't be up to the developers to stop people that scam (not exploit). Yes, exploits should be fixed and some punishment should happen. Also understand that having a bounty system only apply to 1 alignment will suck for game play not to mention there would be no penalty to scam. a person wanting to scam should have some knowledge or fear that they could have a bounty placed on them. A beastkin could be good aligned but that doesn't mean the person behind the keyboard is the same. I'm actually a good and nice person, despite how I act here. I do like to argue, discuss(?), only to point out alternative view points.
Not to mention if bots can have bounties placed.. well i guess their bosses would claim that, nevermind.
As many have mentioned ganking, it's a pvp game. there isn't any formal, instanced, arena that we can join to have consented pvp. The whole planet is our arena. by playing the game in unprotected areas (i'm thinking outside of the zones that demons can't reach) you're consenting to pvp, that's a major point of the game.
Beastkin can very well invade the demon planet if they choose, which i'd invite them to do so. It's going to get pretty stale if it's just the demons invading the beastkin planet. Think of it as a purge of the evil that threatens your planet. make it a monthly event! if it's popular enough, DS could make it an official event.
I'll also encourage everyone to not fear pvp. it's actually a better challenge than any AI could give.
RE: Will there be a way to change your Attributes?
i don't like the idea of a cash shop item to reset attributes. choices should matter.
RE: Kickstarter Update - Video Teaser #2 - Syndesia Town Building
Gonna edit after I watch it.Watched it!
Pretty much what I thought it would be far as building a house is concerned. I noticed the floor/foundation is pre-built, will this feature stay or will we have to build it too? I'd prefer to build everything, including the floor/foundation!
- Can a homeowner offer crafters gold (or other currency) to build the house for us? In the video you had to build the columns and the walls between them. Could each section have a way to offer a reward for being built?
- Will raw wood still be the building ingredient for walls that look like planks? IE using logs for those columns but need planks for the walls.
While blueprints of houses are pre-made as of today, we’ll consider making them more customizable in the future if the community strongly requests so.
I'd prefer to keep what you have till release then add in in a "Custom Home" as part of an expansion. Alternative is to add "Custom Homes" in the Kickstarter as a stretch reward but I'd still prefer it to be added in post-release. Feature creep is a real thing and I'd rather play the game without some knowing they're coming soon. Besides you can use it as a marketing item for that expansion!
RE: The PvE vs PvP Thread
From what I've read about your play style, it seems like everything you hate about a game is present in Fractured. I just have a feeling you will not enjoy this game.
RE: Question towards the devs;
@finland said in Question towards the devs;:
@jetah said in Question towards the devs;:
12 random online players are PM'd from the court system requesting their presence. they are to serve as a jury while a GM is the judge!
Hahahaha funny Interesting suggestion. Dunno if could work ^^
jury duty!
if you miss too many then you're kicked out of the city for a week!
RE: Kickstarter Update - Video Teaser #2 - Syndesia Town Building
you mean magically added to your invisible backpack! -
RE: The PvE vs PvP Thread
You have a distaste for forced pvp, looting a player corpse, ganking, espionage, etc. All of which Fractured will have.
It's just something I've thought about while in discussions with you.
RE: The Fractured Kickstarter Campaign Is Live!
@muker said in The Fractured Kickstarter Campaign Is Live!:
@jetah Yes, it's very cool, but I think after 1 week, if we gain 80%, the demand will decrease significantly
Hopefully that will get a LOT MOREthe current 20% is just from people of this forum. It'll slow down today after we all back it. It could be at 20% already if some countries had pre-paid credit cards or if their bank card worked online.
RE: The PvE vs PvP Thread
@miffi said in The PvE vs PvP Thread:
@jetah said in The PvE vs PvP Thread:
@miffi said in The PvE vs PvP Thread:
@jetah said in The PvE vs PvP Thread:
@miffi said in The PvE vs PvP Thread:
I think the problem most pve'rs have is that you want to force pvp on them. Its your going out of your way for targeting those who want no part of it. I personally dont mind, I like pvp. No so much grieving, ganking and just being scummy but pvp im down for. But a lot of those going beastkin are doing so to avoid people like you unfortunately. The idea is this, you want to pvp? Thats fine, go ahead and do so with the others who want to also. But dont force those who dont to do so. Thats why they are condemning that playstyle because its a bully mentality.
We don't know to what extent the pvp on the beast world will be. demons could be so debuffed it would be stupid to go there.
i don't see the difference between pvp and gank. even in a battleground or arena people are going to be killed. you play this game knowing you're going to be stalked and an attempt will be made on your life. or the demons have a 500 player raid!
In an arena you have opted in for it, you queued up. Thats what you want to do. A gank is your minding your own business and someone wants to kill you when you had no intension or desire to fight. They are wildly different.
That still doesnt change what I stated as being the point. You are forcing pvp on them. Thats the problem.
In a pvp game, ganking doesn't exist. if you're a beastkin and youre in the area where demons can invade then expect to be killed. that isn't being ganked.
Of course it does. Your intension is to gank. You are going out of your way to find beastkin. If what you wanted to do was pvp yu would kill other demons. But you're not, you are actively pursuing those who dont want to. Thats my point, you are still forcing people who dont want anything to do with pvp to pvp.
pvp is pvp it doesn't matter if it's beast, human or demon. both intention is to fight against another player. why would a person play a game where they can be in a situation to pvp if they hate it? I genuinely don't understand the philosophy behind it.