Fractured Kickstarter - I pledged post!
Immortal EB not sure my backer number I was the 10th Immortal. Also BAM foundry level 50.
Backer #6 (my lucky number too) Immortal EB
Its a real shame the Immortal pledge doesn't come with it's own tiers pet.
Backer 151 Patron
Backer 180 EB Recruit
Early Bird Founder, gogo!
Backer 204 Founder
Got an early Founder pack.
FYI - Backer number is in the KS confirmation email titled "You just backed".
Immortal - Early Bird Backer #94 checking in!
Uow it just reach 30k on the first day!
pledged of $116,561 goal
days to goThis project is gonna fly!!
congrats, 30K in 1 day is nice
Backer #21
Early Bird - Knight
I pledged the early knight as planned, even though I'd like go immortal, but can't right now. Grats DS for this very well presented Kickstarter, I can't see any information lacking, the presentation was really good!
Early bird Knight! Might consider to go for immortal somewhere before alpha 1 tho.
PlagueCrafter TF#2 - MESSENGER Jun 26, 2018, 9:39 AM last edited by PlagueCrafter Jun 26, 2018, 9:39 AM
Early Bird Knight as well
Founder -Early bird ^^ (I told my parent I'll get the recruit, I hope they'll never ask the question
Yep, pledged up. Figured a lifetime at that price is worth it if the game does well, and not a super-huge loss if it does not. Very cool to see somebody offering those at a price that isn't on the "Virtual property for a car" level!
#9 here... currently Founder, but might upgrade.
@jairone said in Fractured Kickstarter - I pledged post!:
Yep, pledged up. Figured a lifetime at that price is worth it if the game does well, and not a super-huge loss if it does not. Very cool to see somebody offering those at a price that isn't on the "Virtual property for a car" level!
Star Citizen?
Nothing for nme atm ... yay.
I hate KS and their creditcard only approach xD.
@greenfox They also accept Debit card, don't know what you on about for this credit card shit.