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Posts made by Gothix
RE: Messenger title?
It is at this time not possible to rejoin group you left manualy by yourself. Only by help of moderator.
RE: Question about builds
I wrote about this loooong time ago. I remember it brought some heated discussions as well.
But yes, as I wrote before, i still feel that different school knowledge point gaining should not all be tied to INT, but to a particular different stat fitting for that school.
For example hunter skill learning efficiency tied to DEX.
Entire learning tied to INT does indeed benefit spellcasters more.
RE: Which race and why?
Humans, because of likely mostly populated and traversed planed, most traffic, most pvp opportunity, especially organized pvp with ability of zone control by guilds. Also technology.
RE: How Would A Demon Gain Karma?
Well demons can't gain karma on Tartaros, but they will have various tasks available to gain karma on Syndesia.
I have a feeling, demons gonna be "forced" to do PvE to gain karma, at least to neatral, at which point, and when they change god, They'll possibly gain option to kill bad guys to gain karma as well.
RE: Alpha 2.3 Key giveaway.
I'd tell you my story, but then I'd have to kill you.
So i just dropped in to phrase Oxfurd for his amazing community engagement. Well done!
RE: Flavour to Lichs/Non-demon evils
@LonelyCookie said in Flavour to Lichs/Non-demon evils:
The idea of summoning player-demons was meant in addition to the normal planet teleporting and strictly "player-player" interaction, not replacement. Except if summoned by another player, player-demon would suffer less debuffs, could stay longer, get a buff or something, while debuffing/hurting the summoner.
This ends up as likely P2W abuse. Players pay $$ for multiple accounts, and then summon themself, buffed to other world, gaining advantage, longer stay on the planet, more resources, more ingame gold, through longer stay on the planet (while also buffed).
RE: How solo friendly do you guys think this will be? I don't always have friends online, so I was curious.
The most honest answer is that this game will be solo friendly if you are playing beastkin on Arboreus.
The other 2 plannets are full loot PvP, and many groups will roam around, and if you are solo type of player, you will not be very happy when you get ganked by group and all your loot stolen.
But being protected from PvP on Arboreus, that can surely be super fun for solo player.
RE: What is your biggest want in this game?
- boats, ocean exploration and boat PvP, exploring far new lands, difficult and dangerous ocean fishing expeditions
- weather conditions and disasters, influencing city management and PvP/PvE in open world
- housing underground, secret cellars and tunnels (yeah I know this is not likely to happen, but since we are listing our desires here...
- detailed marriage system, tied with resource sharing, and resource division after divorce (hmm, a contract system)
- city (and/or guild) infiltration / spy mechanics, being able to be citizen of one city, but "fake" a citisenship of another to gain info, make subterfuge, etc. and with consequences if you are discovered
Eh OK I will not list anymore to not make Devs head hurt.
RE: Looking for Developer Feedback on current Siege Mechanics Setup
Demons can't take over cities on Syndesia themselves...
... however, since they CAN PvP there, they might be able to act as mercenaries, get payed and help a particular human guild take over an opposing human cty.
RE: Adding Fast Travel Planet to Planet... Your Opinion Matters!
Yeah, as Ostaff mentioned, there is already a plan for gates to be only temporary, resource costly, and resource cost will depend from which planet you are traveling and to where.
However, since nothing is really set in stone, and through development some things are always possible to tweak around, we can't say that this will 100% remain this way. However we can say that most likely it will.
RE: Flavour to Lichs/Non-demon evils
Yeah, as answered above, liches are by default neutral, same as humans. Then depending on their choices, they can remain neutral, or walk either way towards good or evil.
When human transforms to lich, i believe he will keep his current alignment, that he had as human. Transformation from lich back to human will not be possible (as far as we know at the moment), however, lich can still do good or evil actions, and thus modify its allignment towards any side.
To make a comparisson, Angels when transformed, will not be able to take evil actions anymore, as far as we know for now, if nothing changes, so they are bound to good allignment.
RE: Are Placing Multiple Sieges against Multiple Cities Possible..?
We don't have all the details yet, but If you ask me what I personally think would make sense, that is that guilds who have multiple governors inside (own multiple cities), can place 1 siege per city at the same time, assuming they also have the menpower and the resources to support that many simultaneous sieges.
However to combat super large guilds, I certainly hope that guild maintenance costs will scale up exponentially, the larger the guilds are. It should be extremely hard (expensive) to maintain a very large organisation.
RE: Character names
Demon - Shrooffeenator (14)
Beastkin - Shrooffurball (13)Other possibilities:
- ShrooffHoof (11)
- Shroofferstappen (16 - if you are F1 fan)
- Shrooffeenishhim (16 - for mortal kombat fans)
- Shrooffeenish (13 - for people from Finland)
- ...
RE: Alpha 2 - Test 3 Postponed
GL with fixing the issue guys! You are very capable and I'm sure you will handle it.
On the sidenote, check if someone has spilled bottle of water on the server, just in case.
RE: Character Creation: ideal build analysis, and discussion of initial attribute builds
Hmmm i haven't thought about mounts here. If they are a spell that you can cast anywhere even after you die then movement is non issue ye.
Hmmm I'm also curious if DEX will affect your mounted movement speed as well. Also the cart speed.
RE: Plans for Pets?
Check foundation rewards and you will get general idea how cosmetic pets design looks like.
There was some other really nice artwork in spotlights and content pills.
RE: Bows! Shock Staffs and more!
- Add max dex so all your other stats suffer
- Slowly add leftover stats to int
- As your int increases and you become smarter, slowly remove points from dex
- End up making a mage
RE: Character names
You can also check gods names. That also gives insight.
RE: More than 8 abilities if beastkin, still truth?
Problem is beastkin can fight while shapeshifted which, if speed increase is significant, would make it completely OP and game breaking.
This is why I am quite certain shapeshift speed increase will be minor, and not even remotely close to mount increase.
Someone mentioned ghostwolf from wow... ghostwolf was a travel form that couldnt fight.