Id still say that even full book shouldnt give full knowledge.
You cant simply read about kung fu (regardless of how detailed book is written) and then go fight someone expecting success.
You will get destroyed
Id still say that even full book shouldnt give full knowledge.
You cant simply read about kung fu (regardless of how detailed book is written) and then go fight someone expecting success.
You will get destroyed
This poll is focused on your own desire (not on where your guild will place their houses). If you had a say where you would like to place your home, what would it be? Based on type of location.
@muker said in Controller Support?:
@skywingz Since the game is only for PC and it will interact a lot of buttons, it is unlikely to support the controller
PCs also support controllers. There exists a lots of controllers for PC, and you can bind keys to them however you want.
So even if controllers wouldn't be officially supported, players could just bind their skills to keys on keyboard, and then set up controller so he thinks his buttons are those keyboard keys.
bind Fractured skill 1 to keyboard Q
bind Fractured skill 2 to keyboard E
bind Fractured skill 3 to keyboard R
set controller button 1 to think it's keyboard Q key
set controller button 2 to think it's keyboard E key
set controller button 3 to think it's keyboard R key
And so on. This is how I set up my multi button mouse, and I have all skills on mouse buttons. Controllers can be set up in same way.
My ideal option would be a busy guild city, location near bunch of quality resource nodes, nice community, busy streets, visitors (who we deem worthy) travel to this city to trade stuff, and of course @Kralith with a Shrooffee bar.
And if anyone wants to compete us for the location, bring it on!
In short:
I'm mostly curious as to how will different spells interact with each other. Will there be a complex interactions and how deep deck theory crafting will be possible.
I'm thinking about original TSW here. How much different skills could have impacted one another was really nice.
Everything is still subject to change and further tweaking.
For now general idea is that Beast men and Demons get some racial bonuses, while humans get the more attribute points and use of technology (which will come with own bonuses) to offset for that.
Any racial transformation will come with some loss and some gain, but imho everyone should in the end be balanced, just the play style will be a bit different.
I'm strictly talking about cosmetic rewards here for some accomplishments. Nothing that gives you game play advantage.
Defend your city in 5 sieges in a row, win a special wall banners. Stuff like that.
Crafting will include simple crafting of basic gear yeah, but crafting will also be about customization - changing existing pieces of gear to get fitted for different purposes (changing stats), keeping overall same amount of stats, but different ones.
So while crafting basic gear may be simple and easy, customization of said gear may be more difficult, and require rarer materials and more effort - depending on how extensive the level of customization is.
@Tuoni remember, this is a full loot MMO, where gear will easily be lost.
This can only work if gear is easy to obtain, or people would end up running around naked all the time.
Keep in mind though that not all players like when too much complexity is involved. It's why devs need to find the right balance so crafting is not boring, but also not overly complicated.
People want to relax when playing a game, and not torture them selves.
I always disliked RNG in any aspect of MMO, except perhaps when boss drops are involved.
I much prefer when both combat and crafting are based purely on skill and your own effort. Lett the "more skilled" player win, and not the "more lucky" one...
If I wanted to play a RNG game, I'd just go buy a lottery ticket.
It's true.. when you look at it, the word "foundation" means the base. Something you start with.
We should be moving away from foundation now, reaching floor 1.
Definitely, if game can make a profit on cosmetics and convenience, while offering a balanced and challenging gameplay without p2w elements, it has a potential to become truly great.
Time will tell, as always, but our hopes are with the dev team, that they succeed in their vision that aim for exactly that.
Trojan horse.
On top there would be a gallon of @Kralith 's Shrooffee... and inside, well... a surprise party!
On a serious side:
I would like to see wall climbing, by using some accessories, and wall fights, and if invading party manages to come on other side, they have a chance to open the gate from the inside (which would be a quicker alternative then trying to destroy the gate).
Also... human catapults.... definitely human catapults!
Perhaps human and beastmen players could have some quests connected with NPC demon syndicate on Arboreus, and these quests could be connected with Babilis rep.
Human and beastmen players that are working on getting Babilis favor could use these quests as part of their journey.
@NiketNaidu So far, according to developer plans, every time you die you always drop ALL your gear, but then it's other players choice if he will wish to steal this gear from your body or not.
When other player kills you (if you were non hostile) other player is tagged as murderer, and if he steals the gear from you he is tagged as thief. Both of those tags bring consequences.
If a player kills you and leaves, leaving the gear on the ground, you can return to your body and re pick your gear from ground.
If a passing by player (that did not kill you) comes and sees your dropped gear on the ground (you still didn't return to your corpse) he can also pick it up, in that case he is not tagged as murdered (because he didn't kill you) but he will still get flagged as a thief (because he took your stuff).
I imagine the same principles will work with mobs as well. If you kill a mob, his corpse will get tagged as your property. Other nearby players (if they are faster then you) will be able to loot "your mob", but in the process get flagged as thieves.
If you want loot from that mob back, you will be able to attack those players that looted "your mob", and you will not get flagged in any way now, because they are flagged as thieves and you have the right to attack them without flagging consequence.
Your karma and flags will affect how certain NPCs will interact with you (good cities / bad cities...).
I quite like this planned system.
Hey hey! We unlocked fishing!
Hmmm I wonder how many times over can fish be stolen between players before it gets rotten and starts to stink?
Bad publisher can indeed ruin the game but...
Devs still have an option to chose which publisher they are ok with. So they can avoid publishers with bad reputation that are known to turn games into P2W, and instead go with some publisher that has a good reputation, a publisher that is liked by players.
Also contracts can be made that specify what can and what can't be done by publisher.
Problem in past MMOs was that contracts with publishers were always (usually due to demands of greedy publisher) kept classified (not reveled to players) , so players wouldn't know what publisher is allowed to change, so players would start playing and then publisher would slowly implement greedy changes to the game.
What I would love to see would be a revolutionary change of making a contract with publisher public and all details visible to players.
That, in combination with choosing a publisher with good reputation could eliminate all player doubt in game turning P2W in the future.