There we go. Let me make my account on MMORPG useful as well.
After ranking my account there up for a bit (so they know I'm not a bot) I was also able to add to the hype!
There we go. Let me make my account on MMORPG useful as well.
After ranking my account there up for a bit (so they know I'm not a bot) I was also able to add to the hype!
@tulukaruk said in Secrets in game:
i'd prefer a system that rewards you for visiting enough (secretly marked) places. ie there are 100 places in the whole world and if you visit 20 you get a reward, then for 50 then 80. There is no counter so you don't know if you visited that place - so it would be hard to tell others where to go
You'd just have to explore everything.
Or even better (so it doesn't just reward completitionist explorers) when you visit all hidden spots that belong to a certain group (for example 20 temple sites, or 20 hidden nests, etc.) you get a small mysterious HINT. If you figure it out, and do what's needed, you get to start a mystery quest (holding more puzzles) that rewards you with a cool reward at the end if you manage to solve it.
@Jetah I don't think peoples feedback will depend on how much they payed for access.
Particular person will provide feedback as he otherwise would, regardless of the package price. Someone who will provide good feedback will always provide good feedback, and vice versa.
Also, people who can afford pricier packages do not necessarily provide better feedback (or vice versa), this just does not depend on cash. This depends on how involved player is, and what kind of mindset he has.
@kralith said in Going Worldwide - Regional Servers & Localization:
To the part of splitting user think about a worldwide one, because some of us have friends all over the world and want not to get splitted.
Me per example has people at my recruits from Mexico till Russia.
I would not be happy, if i would getted split by them.
You can still all chose to play on the same server.
And if they don't want to chose to play on the same server as you... well, then maybe they weren't so good recruits as you thought.
Overal body build (tiny, muscly, overweight, high, short,...), horn style, tail style, ear style (beast kin), skin texture (i reckon armor will be designed to leave some parts uncovered), claws/paws style, hair/fur style (MMOs usually come with an option to hide helm), big tattoos that cover an area that's not covered by armor, skins for cloaks, skins for armors, skins for weapons, perhaps even a voice type.
There could be more.
@finland said in PK punishment:
People comeing here hoping for pking but I wonder why don0t go on Albion XD
I don't think devs would like very much that you are sending people off to other games.
@jetah said in About the VIP membership:
there's always 3rd party sales when it comes to games like this. either DS offers VIP directly for in game gold or those people seek it elsewhere. There was a person that spent 70k in Eve Online that was going to lose a war.
I'd prefer DS offer VIP for gold (via the cash shop UI where the buyer and seller doesn't know each other) than it be an item that's traded directly.
If VIP is available only as purchase through your account then you need RL cash to buy it, and no amount of ingame gold can help you, even through 3rd party sales.
Gear will be easily craftable (due to nature of full loot MMO), and thus will not be worth loads of ingame gold, so selling gear over 3rd party websites to get $$ will not get you a long way + you risk getting banned.
I'm curious, why are you lobbying for $$ to gold transfers (pay to win). Devs said there will be no P2W, and if it happens GL with server pop, because many people are here because this is one of very rare MMOs that's coming out without P2W. Introduce that and many (including me) are out of here, and you can enjoy playing on empty server.
@finland said in PK punishment:
@gothix if are players that may ruin the game why not ;). The point do we want a dead game with 1k players around or do we want a game with lots of players around. I suppose that there will be lots of PvP action, I just ate PKing activities.
I think it's time for you to accept that PK and full loot is in the core mechanics of the game. ^^
I don't know what else to say to you at this point.
@Jetah Devs will not allow $$ to gold transfer, and people that go around that (by using 3rd party websites or whatever else) for this purpose will get banned. As simple as that. Yes you can try it, same like you can commit crime IRL, but GL if you get caught. Devs can not prevent people sending each other cash over paypal, and trading gold, but they can certainly ban them when they catch them.
Not to mention that if you go and do that you not only risk your account getting banned, but you also risk getting screwed for your cash by other player, so GL with that.
Generating in game gold from RL cash is P2W, because, as @Target explained to you you can (besides gear, consumables, materials,...) also buy player services with ingame gold (mercenary services etc.).
Now you might be lazy or have no time to actually play to get gold, but that's (guess what) your own problem. If you want P2W game where you can convert money for ingame gold then you will need to go and play something else.
I'd also advice Prometheus to keep an eye on you (when game releases) since obviously you have such intents.
@finland said in PK punishment:
@gothix so there is no point to say that a game is for both sides right?
Well, you are the one sending people off to other games, not me.
@jetah said in Fractured Gamepedia: Let's Populate It!:
that's the problem though. Wiki's should be started and maintained by the community and not rely on the developers.
Developers are part of the community too.
Well, at least the good ones are. The bad ones usually separate themselves from the community and just "sit on their high horse". It's why I prefer developers that engage themselves in various "stuff".
@jetah said in About the VIP membership:
the resources spent to find that out is much more than just allowing the VIP to be traded for gold via a UI. I'm sorry but others will see the P2W regardless because anyone can sell everything via 3rd parties.
it will be possible to buy a whole town if you want to, via 3rd party. as long as trading exist there will be P2W! I'm sorry that you're too blinded by what the Dev's said to realize that. Of course DS won't sell items directly but anyone can farm to craft a weapon or armor then sell it on ebay or other sites.
Who ever is willing to risk getting banned, or to risk his cash going to waste while not getting what he payed for (due to seller screwing him up), or in worst cases getting his CC info stolen by malware-ous 3rd party sites, can be my guest and go try to "buy the whole town".
Even if some "crimes" (regardless of their magnitude, both in RL or online) are too hard to detect, that is not a reason to say "ok then, since we can't find many offenders.. lets go ahead and allow those crimes...", that's just crazy. I can't even understand that sort of thinking...
I guess not all of us think the same.
For me, even if people that will attempt "various stuff against the TOS" exist (and they do in all MMOs), it's enough that I know that they risk both their account banned and their cash too (and more, depending on who they deal with). I will play the game and occasionally read in updates how many players got banned due to this and ended up losing everything. I will feel good each time I read about a new batch of such people, and will smile when I see them cry in forums.
Have a nice day.
Problem with this is when beastmen would have it, no one could go there and take it from them due to traveling restrictions.
Even outside of safe zones, demons could stay there very short, while in opposite case, it's possible for other races to stay on demon world forever with sufficient healing / good groups (they would show up on map after a while, but never really kicked off the planet).
It wouldn't really be fair fight, unless travelling mechanics were to be changed, but I somehow doubt devs would be ready to do that.
Thank you Jacopo for setting aside the time for some updates for us, information hungry bunch here.
I'm also looking forward to all the pills I can swallow, whenever you will have the time to pass some over.
Game is not only PvP. PvP is only part of it. And even for those things that are less noticeable, it is still nice to have them. They give players a sense of uniqueness about their characters. At least during PvE and RP, but in PvP too.
Games are about feeling. People play them because they enjoy them.
@jetah said in Character Customization?:
Watch the game play video again and tell me what you can notice about the character(s) being played. I'll link the video so you don't have to search for it.
On this zoom level I would definitely notice character body build, hair style and color (if helms were hidden), skin color and texture (when wearing armors that leave part of the body uncovered by design), custom tails (with beast kin), large body tattoo (covering larger part of body, with armors that by design leave part of body uncovered). custom ears (with beast kin, if ears are of solid size, like custom cat ears for example).
I would notice this even in PvP, without zoom. In PvE or RP (and with zoom in) I would notice a lot more.
@princecorwin said in "Capture The Flag" GvG contest in Open World:
I guess youβre right. I just wouldnβt trust any pk guild as far as I could throw them.
It's why sandbox is fun. You never know who to trust. Even "good guilds" can end up screwing you over. That's why there are social consequences and people (and guilds) building up reputation (good or bad one).
It's why I prefer sandbox over theme park. Lets players be in charge of game play (as much as possible) rather then being limited by forced game mechanics.
Grats to everyone who will be part of pre-alpha experience!
@Kralith is probably already stockpiled enough coffee for everyone, and cookies await in game.
@jetah said in About the VIP membership:
P2W will happen via 3rd party sites. there's nothing around that.
Sure, but I will at least get to laugh at many people afterwards for getting banned, getting screwed for their cash (not getting what they wanted to buy) and possibly getting infected by malware and getting all their cash stolen.
@jetah said in About the VIP membership:
VIP doesn't give advantages, so far, so allowing people to play the game to get it isn't P2W.
VIP doesn't give (significant) advantages, but gold (gotten out of RL money) does. How hard is this to understand? You pay lots of RL cash, you convert it to huge amount of gold and you are king in game. You pay for mercenaries, you equip your whole army with gear, you can buy materials and consumables for sieges,... if you claim that this is OK to have, I was right, no point to discuss this with you any further.
(now I'm really out) Have fun!
PS: If players could buy the sub for gold, but directly from DS (so other players can't get access to this gold via selling sub items), that would be OK.
So if you want VIP, be ready to cash out for it.
(Also as you said, VIP doesn't give significant advantages, so you don't really need it to play. So there is no problem if part of players can't afford it, they can still play the game normally. It's luxury and they don't really need it in the first place.)