Darling in the franxx anyone?
God, that Darling in the Franxx is sooo strange. I have started to watch it, but it just didn't click and I abandoned it half-way.
Right now I'm watching Tenrou: Sirius the Jaeger and I think it's quite good.
Darling in the franxx anyone?
God, that Darling in the Franxx is sooo strange. I have started to watch it, but it just didn't click and I abandoned it half-way.
Right now I'm watching Tenrou: Sirius the Jaeger and I think it's quite good.
Yes, I get it, but you mentioned that "Players that only do PvP or that only do PvE should be at disadvantage compared to players that do full PvX."
The thing: is planet travel is supposed to be hard, at least except eclipses of Tartaros and Syndesia. In which Arboreus does not take part. I think in case of Beastmen planet travel will be more of an end-game thing. So it would seem that Beastmen will be at disadvantage till very late in the game.
I agree, that people that take Beastmen as their character will do it with full knowledge what comes with it. Still, this disadvantage that you mentioned should not be a strong one.
I guess some access to skills and knowledge should be based on PVP, so if you want to master every skill, you should dabble in a lot of different activities, but it shouldn't be something that would hinder your game.
In most cases it would be enough if skills could be unlocked either way - by PvP or by PvE, or by traveling and exploring. Maybe a difference in effort that have to be put into unlocking could be varied. For example a combat skill could be easier to unlock by PvP and would require much more effort to do it by PvE only.
@evolgrinz said in ♪ What music are you listening right now?:
Right now I am listening to my Disturbed collection. OOH WAH AH AH AH.
Same thing right at this moment
@zCaos11 , a Ty na co głosujesz?
Na razie ludzie prowadzą
@gothix said in Switching Characters:
All players should be "forced to" PvX if they want to max out their possibilities.
Players that only do PvP or that only do PvE should be at disadvantage compared to players that do full PvX.
What you wanna do is your choice, but player that "does" more than you should "have" more than you (in all aspects)
Remember about Beastmen - in their case PvP will be vey small part of the world if present at all...
Witaj @Necronus !
No trochę post mylący pod kątem tych "levelków", a do tego średnio opisujący co gra chce oferować. Zostało t ospłaszczone do hack&slach w rzucie izometrycznym...
Ale ważne że kogoś ściągnął
A litter could be fine for example as a special for people who bought Aristocart bundle on KS or in future Dyna-shop
Ok, good. But ut would eiter have to be a really big raven or a flock of them that will hold your arms in their claws
I thought you meant the Warhammer 40,000 guy. He has a really cool look, but it would not fit into the game lore.
@HandsomeAJ said in Pets & Mounts:
a hog rider
Same with Kralith - you have to be more specific. Do you mean a real, live hog? Or a hog as a motorbike?
I would love to have a steam powered hog myself.
Do you mean a normal raven, The Warhammer 40,000 Primarch of Raven Guard Space Marines or the German neo-medieval music band?
@gothix said in Pets & Mounts:
Humans will likely get an option of steampunk mounts.
I really really hope so
@chrightt said in Pets & Mounts:
Honestly, I think Will'o'wisps are not out of the reach. If they made torches or something like torches for exploration then it wouldn't be a far stretch to create a will'o'wisp.
But since torches are being made in crafting, will'o'wisps should be too... Hmm.. maybe conjuration magic?
I agree with @tulukaruk and @Jairone . 30 seconds timer is enough for preventing escaping from fight or danger by logging off. And also viable for account switching. A full minute is in my opinion already too long.
The timers could be shorter or disabled when the character is in safe spot or while resting by campfire (the moment when you can change your skills). This would also prove to be good while logging off in wilderness.
And keep in mind, when doing a standard log off (not mentioning the disconnection due to power or internet problems), the player sees his/her character while the timer is counting down 30 seconds. So if anyone approaches or tries to attack you, you have a chance to react.
Having to observe your character standing still and doing nothing for 30 minutes till the counter goes down would be a horrible, horrible idea.
@Esher said in Pets & Mounts:
A human as a pet could be interesting
To be true that was the first thing that came to my mind when thinking about mounts for demon. But that kind of mount would be weak, slow and not comfortable. I think demons would find a better use for a human than a mount. Even if it is just a meal
@Comferage said in Pets & Mounts:
Lovegood's giant steam powered mechanical spider from Wild Wild West
I also hope that there will be steam machines as mounts. Maybe not as big as WWW spider, but still something cool. Starting from steam-powered carriage, through a steam bike to something really wicked, like the spider you mentioned or mini mech or ATAT.
@chrightt said in Pets & Mounts:
Would be interesting if something is both a pet and a mount.
Well, that would be a little confusing and a little too easy. From what I can guess pets will go wherever you go as they are cosmetic only. I think mounts will stay where you leave them. At least I do not imagine a horse with a cart being able to follow you on his own through a thick forest. Mounts can be also used to move resources, etc.
Also pets as cosmetics will not be targetable. I do not think the same goes for mounts.
@TheRippyOne said in Pets & Mounts:
The Earth Dragon, Bone Dragon, and Imperial Gryphon all look big enough - maybe doing favors for any of the 3 planet rulers will let you get an egg? (they are players, remember XD Hopefully RP'ers, given how lore heavy they'll be in those roles). Eggs wouldn't produce those pets, obviously, since they are limited, but would produce the "common" versions
Not sure if the mech spider would be just a ride, or a ride pet...but you could use the same model to do a monster octopus XD On a similar note, centaur and sphinxes could be fun. not sure the devs are up to writing all the dialogue hanging out with a sentient and verbal pet/ride would entail...
I'd like to see a chibi-sphinx pet. Think adorable kitten with a kid's face and wings. just, maximum adorable XD And a couple more Fendyr variations - those are adorable!
A small snake, or a hawk, or a dog would be nice to see. A quetzalcoatl that drapes on your shoulders, or just sort of floats around you, could be fun (and you can cash shop multiple versions for different colors XD ). A faun might be fun - just, it capers and dances around you all day. could be a nice uplifting thing, if you needed to watch something caper about.
A "light" pet - a will'o'wisp, for example, might also be fun, if they actually created light. but that implies dynamic lighting, and I'm not sure the devs are tackling that...
Earth Dragon,etc. Well, we do not know how big they will be. There was no size comparison, only concept art. I guess we will have to see it once the game launches. Keep in mind that too big pet may be more of a hindrance then anything good. It will take too much of your view. And of view of any other players. Just imagine playing in a team in which everyone has a pet bigger then the character itself.
Centaurs cannot be mounts. That is an intelligent race, it is the same as if you would want to mount a human or a dwarf.
Chibi pets could be fun, but with a twist. A chibi character that from time to time opens his mouth more than possible and shows those razor sharp teethes. You know, a chibi with something unsettling mixed in it.
@Gothix said in Pets & Mounts:
- beast kin female
- human female
- demon female
Well, that is just rude. Why would you designate only females to be mounts? Why not both genders? I think I know how you would like to mount them...
Anyway, I think this is a bad idea - on many levels. Basic one - not a single intelligent, self-aware species should be treated as a mount.
What kind of pets and mounts would you like to have in the game?
Till now we know about Feral and Trained Wolf mounts and Fendyr and Fire Fendyr pets from The Foundation. The Kickstarter campaign gave us even more.
So to sum up the announced ones:
What else would you like to have in the game? And for which planet?
I've got a 11 year dog - Tofik, a mixture of dachshund and miniature pinscher. He has got ADHD, but has calmed over the years spent with us. Still he is very active and most people mistake him for a puppy.
Well, I agree that long distance instant transport of goods would ruin this game a little.
@Jetah a solution for keeping tabs what is stored where could be a bank deposit receipt. Scroll that you carry with you (and cannot be looted from you) that is a certificate what has been stored at given place and is the document that allows you to withdraw it.
There will be a possibility to remote sell items - you give them to NPC in town and he sells them for you. But there won't be a single, common to all auction house available.
@Jetah said in Native Inventory UI?:
Does a General of an army go to the front lines to fight or do they direct underlings to do things? Is the CEO of Walmart on the cash register checking people out? No, they're behind a desk overseeing the whole operation.
Think about how it happened in medieval times. Generals were going to the front to command their troops. Maybe they didn't stand in the first row of infantry, but they were at the place of battle.
Also merchants did not have phones, e-mails, etc. All the trade was made by travelling. Even if it was a larger trade company, it's employees where traveling with the goods and notes were passed by messengers. That took days if not weeks or months.
I guess magic would solve problem of instant messaging in Fractured world, but it should not solve the instant buy/sell. That would change the concept of the game.
You could treat your guild as a merchant company, then guild members would be the travelling agents that could buy and sell items based on your decisions.
Maybe NPC would be able to transfer your goods in caravans, but that should be quite expensive, as a replacement of you doing it yourself.
That could be also a good idea for business for players, but they would have to be very trustworthy.