@GamerSeuss said in Aggressive and predatory creatures chase range way too low.:
(...)or the higher PC requirements and Network load the game will require, or both(...)
No, since AI is run on the server there is increase in client sided requirements or traffic.
@GamerSeuss said in Aggressive and predatory creatures chase range way too low.:
(...)The more quests they manage or are a node of, the deeper their coding(...)
Even if Fractured would be using a behavior tree (which I doubt that it does), branching has a very, very limited effect on CPU. This is even less of an issue with a state-machine.
@GamerSeuss said in Aggressive and predatory creatures chase range way too low.:
(...)I have both been a game designer in the past, and taught game design theory and I utilize my own experiences, and those of my students and contemporaries.
You might be amazed as to what's possible for programmers concerning AI with dedication, imagination and optimization. If you have a bit of spare time, you definitely want to check out on Screeps! Hence why I was asking for the source of your information . Yes AI is definitely within the top CPU taxing topics for the server, but without details on what's available, it's difficult if not impossible to say what could be done.