@Gothix said in Suggestion: Different spells have different armor requirements:
No. In fact my point is, warriors should not have long range "jumps", "charges", or any long range gap closers.
It completely depends how soft and hard CC will be dealt with ( it would suck for melee to get permaslowed), gap closers might be mandatory (or at least some kind of movement speed boost)
If your armor is 5kg then you jump (arbitary numbers) 20 yards, if your armor is 50kg, then you jump 3 yards, if your armor is somewhere in between, you jump appropriately as well.
it seems logical, but guys with 5kg armour (rogues) will "Blink strike" or "teleport to backstab" which is pure magic, so imo logic doesnt apply here. I get what you mean, mechanic doesn´t seem bad, but heavy armour guys unable to cast spells (so they permanently have to chase you around to land melee hits) and unable to go invisible (for better initiation / to escape anytime) are already disadvantaged.
In case heavy armor offers "better protection", and does not nerf damage potention, then movement HAS TO be nerfed.
if warrior is melee (limitation as in heavy plate - cant go invis, cant cast offensive spells) : he has nice damage, but enemy can kite him --> he needs huge damage to be competitive, because enemy doesn´t stand in place and warrior doesnt have many opportunities to deal damage - so no nerf please
if war could go invis (limitation as in medium armour - no offensive spells) : movement speed doesnt matter that much anymore because enemy wouldnt know war´s position, he could sneak to him and blink strike from short distance - nerf wouldnt have much effect
if war could cast spells (limitation like if in cloth armour) : if I could cast ranged spells, why would i move (except to evade something or to chase, but then i can CC ) - nerf useless
Other options is to not nerf anything, but make heavy armor not offer "better protection" overall, only the different kind of protection.
like each armour having better protection against one element / damage type? Or how is it ment? Only thing of is Path of exile system (heavy armour = much physical armour, medium = evasion specialist, mage armour = mana shield which shields actual health). Maybe make difference in enchanting - heavy armour = only defensive enchants, medium = both, light only offensive enchants (this would limit heavy plate users offence, but also light users defence, however mages rarely rely on their armour, they have CC and magic defence right).